[No Day But Today]'s diary

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Written about Sunday 2006-01-15
Written: (6837 days ago)
Next in thread: 50612

So yeah, I just had this sudden urge to write. Which is kind of weird because I usually don’t like to write unless I either have to or unless I have a brilliant idea. And not write like a poem like I usually do, but write a paper or an essay or something. And if you know me then you know how weird this is. I honestly have no idea what I want to write about, but I want it to be meaningful (which it probably wont end up to be but oh well). Well, for now I think ill talk about vampires. If you don’t like to read about paranormal stuff like this then I wouldnt read any further because you will get bored. 

          Vampire Theory

I read this book about vampires a year ago, and I’ve read it about 10 or 15 times since the first time I read it. I found its theory about vampires very interesting and invigorating. It says that vampires were just dying diabetics. I thought that this idea was completely stupid when I first read it. But after reading the book a second or third time, the idea grew on me. It could have really happened. All the symptoms of a dying diabetic and the behavior of a vampire are completely the same. The “sweet smell” that the vampire has would have come from the glucose that was being over manufactured in the body. The long “vampire fangs” would just be the receding of gums because the body isnt getting enough oxygen. Also, people dying from diabetes have death like comas, which might seem like the person is dead. They would stay for days like this, so when the “vampire” stepped into the sun again, the sunlight would burn their eyes. Also, their skin would be white because of the lack of sun and because the pigment in the skin isnt really being made. Also, if you are a dying diabetic, you need to eat food, and you cant stop eating and drinking. A long time ago, people were poor and couldnt afford that much food, so that would lead to the ravage behavior of trying to find food and sometimes subjecting themselfs to drinking humans blood to get more food. In the end, they would end up dead. A couple of hundred years ago, they didnt know about diabetes and didnt have a cure for it, so they would have been scared of it. This is how the vampire myth came about. Well at least I think it is.

31529  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-02
Written: (7003 days ago)

bored as hell. gonna go to the patriots practice with Missy <3 gotta love that missy [Cheer Up Emo Kid!] bored as hell. IM me on AIM if u wish Iceangel12455


17036  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-15
Written: (7082 days ago)

i fuckin hate being grounded. no computer but im on anyways. hehehehe my mom thinks im looking up how the hell to use my fuckin digital camera printer cuz im soooooo technologly challenged and cant figure it out. if u are good with these kinda things please help me!! send me a message

17004  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-05-15
Written: (7082 days ago)

im in church. fun fun fun. just got confirmed. wow do i feel special. im so fuckin bored now. im using pastors computer, lets hope he doesnt yell at me like last time. well anyway my mom grounded me from the computer so i havent been on for a while and i don t think im gonna b on for a while. when i am, feel free to IM me on my SN Iceangel12455. lotz of love <3

16508  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-05-12
Written: (7085 days ago)
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AH!!!! i hate art. im in art computer lab right now in school. school sucks and so does the ppl in it. the people sitting next to me are seriously pissing me off. they keep throwing spitballs at eachother. i hope they burn in hell. School sucks but one thing gets me through the day.... Steven. i miss him so fuckin much. i havent seen him in like 2 weeks. he lives in a different state which totally sucks. damn art is over. got to go.

 The logged in version 

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