[my innocent romance]'s diary

24892  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-06-25
Written: (7043 days ago)

Well tonight was just fucked up. The town had it's annual festival street dance tonight. It was ok. Sme and this girl are kinda thinking about dating but Paul thinks that he loves me. I met up with him and her at the street dance and at the begining he said he had until 12:00. Then when I held her hand he was like well ummm I gotta go. It was fucked up. God life sucks nuts so fucking bad sometimes. I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to do I can't wait till after high school is over and shit.Then I won't have to put up with all this shit.

24706  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-24
Written: (7044 days ago)

Well I come to find out that Paul thinks that he is in love with me. To bad I don't love him back. I have feelings for him I just don't see anything more than a little fling. I don't want to have feelings for him. I wish I lived somewhere else where there wasn't so much hatred against gay people. It pisses me off so damn much. Thats life though when you live in a small redneck town. I just wish I could admit to my parents that I'm gay. It would make things less complicated. They would hate me and probably crucify me right on the spot. Of course I'm not going to be able to hide it forever. I'm sure one day they will find out from someone if not from me. I go to church and shit but I know that I'm going to hell anyway. I'm not so much worried about that though. This world is so fucked anyway.

23940  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-06-21
Written: (7047 days ago)

Well it's been a while since I last wrote in my journal. My internet has been down which has sucked major monkey ass. I'm so damn glad we got it back. So Paul says that he's in love with me. The stupid bastard I will never love you. I don't know why people are so fucking stupid about shit like that. I don't want to love you! Other than that my life has been just dandy. I just need to get out of this stupid ass redneck town. I hate rednecks they piss me off so damn much. They are ass fucking bastards and I hate them all. I need a hug. I need a life to but unfortunatly a person can't have one in a town like mine. We are having some stupid fastival all week long it sucks major ass. It is the biggest thing the town does all year long. They take credit for nothing other than this stupid ass festival. Well I'm done writing about my fucked up life.

20289  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-06-01
Written: (7067 days ago)

I have another day at home. It's ok with me cause at least I don't have to go out and hunt for a job and have set hours of work that I have to do. Thats the one good thing about it. It gets really boring though but at least I have the computer or I would just die. I wonder if there is something bothering Lauren cause she doesn't seem herself around me anymore. We rarely talk anymore. I hate it when we don't talk cause I feel seperated from her. That's life I will just deal with it.

20076  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-31
Written: (7068 days ago)

So I went to a family get together today it was fun. I played horseshoes and lawndarts all day it was pretty fun I never lost. So my friend Paul called me I'm on the phone with him right now. He is pushing me really hard and it pisses me off! I should have never done that with him. I do regret doing what I did I realize now that it was wrong of me to do it. I have just led him on even more now. God I was getting so fucking pissed at him because he kept going on and on about what happened and I didn't want to hurt him so I didn't tell him to stop talking about it. He just made me so damn mad. I was so happy when he had to go. I think tomorrow when he calls I will have whoever answers the phone to tell him that I'm not here. I just don't want to talk about what happened. Though maybe I should it might be easier to get it out. He wrote a song for me it was so sweet but in it he said that he loved me. I don't love him and I will not tell him that I do or I will not tell him that I like him. I refuse to say it cause I dont feel that way about him. Maybe he will see that maybe he wont. Who knows. My sister got back from the beach today I'm so happy that she is cause I missed her so damn much. She is the coolest person ever and I can talk to her about anything and everything. I'm going to be so bored tomorrow cause I don't have a job and I dont have anything to do. I will just sit at this computer and be on this website all day long not that I mind or anything I just have to find things to do. I have a really short attention span. I do kind of miss my X-girlfriend it's so wierd to not be with her after 7 months. I had to break up with her though because all we did was argue and fight it was all bullshit. I wasn't ever happy with her. I felt really bad about having broke up with her like I did. It was kind of on our 7 month aniversary now that I think of it. I didn't know at the time but oh well it's over. She found a new boyfriend like 2 days after we broke up. I guess that goes to show that she never really did love me. I have been pretty depressed lately because of all the shit that goes on. I'm afraid to go and stay at Paul's house I'm afraid of what might could happen. I don't want to take that risk anymore than I already have but I cant avoid it all summer long. I'm so glad that I only have one year left of high school. I cant wait till I go off to college so that I dont have to see the same damn people everyday day after day. I get tired of all of the bullshit they pull. I want to go to the skatepark again I had so much fun there on Saturday that I want to do it again. Me and some friends are going to sleep at the skatepark and skate all night long can't wait to do that. It will be so fucking awesome.

19961  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (7069 days ago)

Well it's Memorial Day gotta spend it with the family. I don't mind cause most of my family is pretty cool. I actually ate breakfast today it's a miracle. I couldn't fall asleep last night I don't know why but I couldn't. I got up pretty early too just couldn't sleep anymore. I hate when that happens cause now I'm going to be tired all day long. Oh well thats life. So I dont know wether I should call Paul or not it's going to be so wierd to be around him now after Saturday night. I feel kinda guilty about doing that with him. Like what if I get a boyfriend before we start anything or what if I dont feel the same way about him or I dont know. What if something happens. I don't even know if I actually like him in that way I think it was more of a lustful thing to do. He told me that he loved me I couldn't say it back because I dont. I hate when people do that. I don't want to love anybody right now. Things get to complicated when you think that you love someone. I hope I don't hurt him. I will try not to but if I do thats life and he will get over me sooner or later. Hopefully sooner rather than later. well ta ta for now.

19903  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (7069 days ago)

I get so bored at night nowadays. There is noone to talk to on my yahoo buddy list. Most people don't tlak to me because I broke up with Magan my x girlfriend like a month ago. After I broke up with her I found out who all my real friends are. I went to the skatepark yesterday it was wicked awesome. I just started skateboarding cause I use to snowboard but anyway I finally was able to drop into the half-pipe without killing myself like the one other time before. I was so happy. I'm getting good can't to be as good as a friend of mine who was sponsored by sobe. He's awesome on the half-pipe but not to good at street, of course neither am I but I will learn eventually. I miss my sister who went to the beach this weekend I wish I could have gone. I have only been to the beach once for 5 minutes at the most. I will most likely go this summer with my family and sometime me and friends will go. As soon as we find someone with a liscence willing to take us for free. I'm so damn tired right now but I know that if I go to bed I wont be able to fall asleep any time soon. I hate it when I get like this which is usually every night. I hope I passed all of my classes this year cause I dont want to have to take any classes over my senior year. It is going to be so wicked awesome being a senior where everyone knows who you are. Of course everyone knows me anyway because of my past. My reputation of a badass has gotten so bad no one will say anything when I do say something that is really wrong. I had to take senior pictures the other day they are going to come out looking stupid as hell. I had to take pictures only because my parents were making me. Other than that I normally dont have pictures taken of me. well I am extremely tired so I'm going to go. Bye

19890  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (7069 days ago)

Well hello to everyone who is reading this message. This is the first time I have made a diary entry to this site. I have just joined and already I have fallen in love with it. So Saturday night my friend Paul stayed at my house. At about 2:30 I went into the room he was staying in because I couldn't sleep. We got intiment into it straight it was so hot. I sucked his cock for 10 minutes. I felt wierd afterwards because he was the first guy I have messed with since I moved here. I don't exactly know if I like him but he is really sweet. I was the first guy to ever do anything to him. When I left his room I brushed my teeth and went to go to bed. I was sleeping in my sisters bed that night. He came in and was really scared he thought that he did something to me to make me leave right after I did that. I held him for a little bit and told him that he didnt do anything. He was so frail and scared it was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. I dont know how to act around him anymore and I feel like a slut. He was so big though.

 The logged in version 

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