[bronze dragon]'s diary

90934  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-27
Written: (6491 days ago)

my world is faling
my heart is aching for the one I love
will she leave or will she stay

75661  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-12
Written: (6659 days ago)
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I know I havent writen in a while but the pain is comeing and some thing is wrong really wrong I feal the tears but they won't start I see my love I wan't to be with her always I can't bear to let her go why can't I let her go I wan't to hold her close the whole night throught but I can't I want to hold her for as long as posable but I can't she holds my heart and dosen't know it she has power over me that no one has had before yet she dosen't know how to use it she hurts when I have to hang up it hurts when I have to leave her I hurts when ever she is not around when I hold her the pain goes away when she is near I brightens my look on life but when she is away the pain comes back stronger and worse the before no one knows no one cares and yet the pain is almost unberable too bad she dosen't even know

69206  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-26
Written: (6706 days ago)

my pain is depper then you will ever know my heart ach is one you will never feal my death will bring me so much joy and so meny others pain that I cant cause them this pain but to you this I say Iam sorry for any wrong I have done you Iam sorry for my pain Iam sorry for your pain but now is not the time for my demise you think you know me you think that you liked me you think my world is nice you think that iam a player, but you know not what goes throught my head, the pain you caused tha ach you have re awakend, the depresion that iam falling back into. the sickness that I now have.

68634  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-05-21
Written: (6711 days ago)

shaloniar diomidir sloniavonidarlinoda
do not ask what it means

68557  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-05-20
Written: (6712 days ago)

the emotional pain one can be caused is to great for one to bare alone yet iam alone as I will and as I always have ben yet no one sees that side all the see is a happy man who has every thing to live for but what the world knows not is there are far more things to die for.

68036  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-15
Written: (6717 days ago)

the pain was gone but now it returns with more stregth then ever I know not how to recover from it this time dose anybody know how to fix this?

64743  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-20
Written: (6742 days ago)
Next in thread: 65022

I know only pain right now the happieness has left my life can any body help me?

63029  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-07
Written: (6755 days ago)

I hurt more then ever and no one to talk to at all no one that I can trust at all no one close no one to talk to the pain is too much but my brain won't let me end my life.

63027  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-07
Written: (6755 days ago)


63026  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-07
Written: (6755 days ago)

my life is over so littel to live for

56467  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-02-23
Written: (6798 days ago)

iam dead to this world and dieing in side one has forsakend me.

51356  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-01-22
Written: (6830 days ago)
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ny heart is a giant vortex of pain and misery that sends out too much love. and draws to meny twards it never realising them at all unless I forget that they exist.

49277  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-01-07
Written: (6845 days ago)

mostly dont listen to ideotic humonoid life forms those only spell trouble no mater where you are frome be leave me . oh yea i sugest you dont fall in love it bringes not but heart ache and you dont want that also enjoy life cause mischefe that almost all ways works for me besides a littel mayhame couldnt hurt any body and that also may wake you up if your not carefull. oh and no ploting to destroy the univers thats my job ok.

43781  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-28
Written: (6885 days ago)

still alive even thought i dont want to be jest want to lay back and sleep i dont relly want to see tomarrow because its not worth seeing if you alredy know exactaly what peoples reactions will be dont ask how dont ask why
only ask this if i where to meet you would i be shure its you?
if i where to meet you would you give me a hug and tell me to keep on living or spit in my face and tell me to get it over with alredy?
so bludy cold no one to warm me and no wisky to warm the bones need some one or a drink if one or bothe come i would be glad and great them with open arms i jest dont know what keeps me alive some thing inside me wont let me die it jest wont let me die why wont it let me die answer that if you can.

43494  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-11-26
Written: (6887 days ago)

somuch hate no wonder that most people just want to curl up into littel balls and disapear thats what I want to do every single day most of the time life isnt worth living.

42269  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-11-15
Written: (6898 days ago)

life be evil need to sleep for hours and hours not fun so tired. get rid of stupid people make planet quiet and sleep that would be oh so nice.

 The logged in version 

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