[Wes Foxx]'s diary

31776  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-03
Written: (7002 days ago)

great... more good news... monday after next, the 16th, i get to go into oral surgery to get my wisdom teeth removed. Yeah, at 16. I must really be wise. *rimshot* at least i get a light sedation instead of just a local. That would be hell. Still, less chance of me never waking up than a full-blown general anesthetic. joy, now i get to spend the next 13 days contemplating one of the things i fear the most.

31697  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-02
Written: (7003 days ago)

yay more irl drama. Now my laptop won't work as if plugged in, so even though it should be charging, its not. The batteries probably dead by now. bro and his gf katie are taking up the basement so i cant game or watch tv. And since my bro uses this computer, i cant use yahoo or bnet either. Oh joy. and also, this is the family computer and dad needs to work, so ive gotta go about 5 minutes ago. I'll be back... soon I hope.

31477  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-02
Written: (7004 days ago)

vV Great. My laptop doesn't have enough power, but craploads of memory. Our regular computer has the power, but hardly any leftover memory. $80 and 90 days subscription, totally waisted.

*sigh* Just another day in my life.

31468  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-02
Written: (7004 days ago)

Curse laptops for having so little RAM. It takes a freaking eternity to do anything, and I still havent been able to get as far as creating my character x.o that and the relative suckitude of my wireless net, but even next to the router, I'm still waiting. *sigh* if I have to get it put on the regular computer, then we go back to the old brotherly rivalry of who gets the computer for how long. joy, some more irl drama. And in addition to all that, i've got a crapload of appointments, schedulings and all that crap this and next week, so between that and WoW, I'm going to be on very rarely =( *sigh* see ya around.

31445  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-01
Written: (7004 days ago)

I just got WoW early for my birthday ^^ Time for me to delve deeeeep into it for the next few days before school starts.

31252  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-31
Written: (7005 days ago)

Gah T_T Where is everyone today?!?

31243  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-31
Written: (7005 days ago)

Love to hate, hate to love. Six words that describe us all.

31221  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-07-31
Written: (7005 days ago)

merf... Another boring day, but at least I got to see Kara earlier this morning ^^

31144  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-30
Written: (7006 days ago)

"Jess really just doesn't seem to care about anyone but herself right now. *sighs* She was asking me to stay tied to her to be her backup relationship, not seeing anyone just so I could be her plan-b. She's obviously messed up."

~Me to [Miya] when she asked me to tell her honestly if jess was still tied to her, after jess had told me that, and that she honestly didn't know if she'd even be staying with her. And wow, dejavu. Kat will most definitly agree with me on that.

31140  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-30
Written: (7006 days ago)

I was tempted to write another few lines of my "drama whore" poem but I decided not to.

Well, it was a break from the boredom. Too bad flashbacks are the only thing that emotionally hurt me anymore. That was a Charley and the Chocolate Factory reference to those who haven't seen it.

31068  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-29
Written: (7007 days ago)

Ah smoof.
First I miss kara having to leave cuz of dinner, and now I find out tonight is movie night, so I'll be forced to watch either Marx Bros or Disney T_x as if my bro and his girlfriend werent having me sit through enough, and that also means its unlikely I'll be left alone to do what I want namely on the gamecube and laptop. Ah smoof indeed.

31005  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-29
Written: (7007 days ago)

T_T I tried leaving then coming back to get her to show up and it worked, but now it looks like she didn't wait around long enough to see me come back X.x Can't I ever win?

30994  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-29
Written: (7007 days ago)

I just fell asleap for an hour x.x now I need breakfast and teh gawdess will probably come on now. If you stay on kara, I'll give you a... a waffle! o_O *huggles* also time to take my medication so hopefully I won't be too loopy.

30955  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-29
Written: (7007 days ago)

Dah... I need to find something to keep me awake... I can feel myself going sleepy... x.x *sigh* just a dozen or so sets of 20 minutes left x_x

30953  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-29
Written: (7007 days ago)


Merf... 'Tis 5 AM here, but I'm still up. Watching Case Closed makes me wish I did it more often. Anyhow, I'm also staying up to make sure I get to talk to teh gawdess since both of us are really getting ticked that we don't get to talk anymore. So if I go quiet and/or pass out randomly, thats why. Hopefully I'll come to in 3-6 hours x.o

30681  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-27
Written: (7009 days ago)

damn, today just like yesterday is boring as heck. Its almost enough to make me appreciate the drama.

Yeah right :P

30539  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-27
Written: (7010 days ago)

Is it just me or does everyone have a thorn in their ass when it comes to Kara? Why must you all hate her? I've had as much (if not more) reason as anyone else to be upset with her, but I'm not. Or maybe thats just because you're all sick of the two of us? Ahh, thats what it is.

We're the healers and fixers, but when everything's going fine for you, we get shoved to the side. Like I told Kara last night when she was ready to break from all the drama shot towards her:

  We're the ones who fix their hearts. They just keep breaking them the same way, again and again and again. Then they come to us and we fix their hearts breaking our own in the process. We heal their hearts with pieces of our own.

30532  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-26
Written: (7010 days ago)

[12:20:51 AM] <WesFoxx> Why? cuz I want that target? ;) :P
[12:21:50 AM] <WesFoxx> i want kusu's bullzeye :P
[12:22:02 AM] <WesFoxx> arrow and all.
[12:22:10 AM] <WesFoxx> that tiny little arrow :0

But I do >> << >> :P

Ah, I love being the guy for teh laughter. I'm teh gawd of self-deprecating humor around here.

For example. A quote from school I'm still harangued about.

"Why would you want to let loose a bunch of animals in the school, while you were still stuck inside it? Especially when they're all, like, snakes and crap like that. How is it funny when you're suffering from your own prank? Its like... prank suicide or something."

Ah. good ol' prank suicide. Every single freakin' day I got someone from that stupid chemistry class making fun of me for wording things that way.

In other news, I've been bored as hell, what with the power outage or two, the last one lasting 3 or 4 hours.
30350  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-26
Written: (7011 days ago)

'As [Ayame Whitepaws] once said to her new love, "My heart is forever entwined with hers"'

Wow. Never heard her say that to anyone. Except to me. And to anyone else she's ever loved. I think we need to teach the meanings between "entwined" "twisted" and "entangled." *sigh* anyhow, I've already unwound my heart from hers, so hopefully jess is done tying new hearts with hers.
30258  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-25
Written: (7011 days ago)

I think I shall compose a poem on our lives now, totally improvising.

Chaos, heartbreak, have some more
threaten suicide, drama whore.

I love you, you love me
and yet its never ment to be.

You love him, she loves her,
Crashing down in painful blur.

Kusu, Kara, Jess, Hayden
Andy, Mia, Wes, Kitten

Anna, Zero, Kori, Kodo
People come and people go

Every day another twist
Another backstab, another tryst.

We've lived our lives
Some lived by knives
Some lived a lie
Some smile, some cry.

And still...
We're all alive.

(Not bad for 3 minutes of making stuff up.)
 The logged in version 

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