[lcs!]'s diary

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Written about Wednesday 2006-04-05
Written: (6757 days ago)

right, i'm an ex cutter and yeah there's moments of total fustration and desperation when there's nothing i want to do more than to cut & shit. but tbh what is the point? yr lives aren't so hard. i know plenty of people who's lives are worse, and they just take it in their stride. and joining a wiki like this isn't help, it could be classed as attention seeking. if you wanted help you would have gone onto www.recoveryourlife.com or something. i hate to see people mutilating themselves, because it'll keep them in with the in crowd. why doesn't anyone just take a step back and look at the big scheme of things. the little things don't matter.
in a couple of yrs, or months, however long it takes for you to mature beyond this. you'll look back and think.. wtf did i do that for.

comments i posted on cutters.
i'm sick to death of people doing it now.
i'm not making excuses, but when i did it i thought it was the only thing TO do, and now i know different.
the physical scars will stay there for life, but so will the mental scars.
so will the second looks you get off people you know when yr in cookery, and you have to use a sharp knife to cut vegetables.
so will the flashbacks come when you have to use a razor to shave yr legs.
it's not like i did it to try and get in with anyone, in fact it does completely the opposite, and people rip the piss out of you mercilessly.
but it's a coping mechanicism.
not the best, nor easiest.

my next door neighbour is in yr 7, and three people she knows in her yr cut.
they have everything they could possibly want.
why the hell are they doing that to themselves?
it beggars belief, one of them hasn't even turned 12 yet.

 The logged in version 

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