[Lord Starscream]'s diary

101900  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-04
Written: (6303 days ago)

"Im gunna name a group of my kids after my favorite cartoon. Im gunna name a bunch of them after Transformers. (enter audience laugh) That'd be great! Oh, yeah. Just to be like, 'Optimus Prime, come here for a second, I want to talk to you. Come here, you sit next to Magatron. We're gunna have a little chitchat right here, ok? I am the Cobra comander and I-UUUUUUUUUURRH! I SAID NO COOKIES!!" -Dane Cook

XD omg.

101669  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-29
Written: (6309 days ago)

Sorry, guys, I'll probably won't be on saturday (around noon my time) because of a birthday party, and it's a sleepover,too, I'm sure...I just hope Angelica wasn't shooing lies out of her ass whens he said she had internet. -_-

101398  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-24
Written: (6313 days ago)

へ へ
の の

101397  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-24
Written: (6313 days ago)

へ へ
の の

101083  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-19
Written: (6319 days ago)

This is an RP with me and [Bastet], but in story format. THis isn't even half of what we wrote down, and this took five pages. She told me to type it up, so I did, and I stopped it here. If you'd like, read it.

Chapter 1

Kouvu Tomya was reading the weekly “Werewolf Times” newspaper on his back deck of his private cabin. It had taken him 20 years to save up for the cabin and it was well worth it. He was scanning the Major news then the smaller ones. One of the major news was that Multiple killings, all of which done in the same fashion, of which most suspected was the work of one, or more, rogue werewolves. This was considered a humus crime, for there was too many victims for even a band of ten werewolves. Any group bigger then that would have been caught.

“Hmm…” He folded up the paper and walked inside. He pulled on his shoes, and coat. A similar event happened a few weeks earlier, which had been reported in the local newspaper, though, instead of werewolves, it was blamed on rabid, rogue animals, and he was going to check it out.

He had followed the attacks, and had noticed a pattern. After an exact week of attacks, it would stop for a month, and start up again in the exact same pattern. With this in mind, he set off to the location of the first attacks, then followed the pattern, looking for more clues.

The last days of the pattern, and the victims locations and the victims themselves had no pattern. Though, most of the attacks were along traveler’s roads, some of which weren’t common. “Hmmm…” This was getting more complicated. Kouvu looked around, then headed to the closest village to ask questions, hoping for possible suspects or more useful clues.

“Yes, those attacks…” a farm hand, a dirty looking women with her orange hair tied up out of the way, thought. “There was a recent attack in this area, but, it was unusual.”

“Unusual? How so?” He questioned, interested.

“Well…There was two victims this time…..” The women contemplated on how to state this correctly. “It’s only a rumor I’ve heard, since I live so far from time, but….it’s said there was a survivor.”

“A survivor?” ‘Maybe there is hope.’ He thought. “Can I meet with Him?” Maybe the person would be able to describe what attacked Him.

“The boy’s in a nearby hospital.” She said, bending over to start on her work. “Though, I’ve heard he denies he’s been attacked, and merely fell on rocks near the area.” She stood up again. “From what I’ve heard of his wounds. From what I’ve heard, that couldn’t be possible.”

Kouvu nodded. “Thank you,” She nodded back to him, and bend down, again, to start her, now neglected, work as he walked to the town. He searched for the hospital, then, when he found it, walked in and asked if anyone was brought in for animal attacks in the past 48 hours.

The nurse at the counter tapped at her keyboard. “Second floor, room 220.” She told him. He thanked her, and headed up the stairs to the room. “Uhm, excuse, me,” He knocked on the door before walking in.

Here was only a young man in the room. He was bandaged up around his arms, head and whatever else was bandaged was hidden under his white hospital gown and white hospital sheet. He looked around his early 20s, his hair was a blonde, though a bit on the darker side. It was cleanly pulled back into a small black band. His bandaged hands in his lap, he looked over to Kouvu as he entered. “Yes?” he asked, hints of nervousness in his small voices.

“Hi. My name is Kouvu Tomya. I have started to investigate the wolf attacks that have beem japanning. I heard you were a survivor of one of them”

He lifted his hands up, and shook his head as he said, “No, no, sir. You have been misinformed.”

Kouvu looked a bit confused. “What do you mean?”

He smiled kindly, his hands moving back down to his lap. “I merely stumbled, and fell off a small ledge onto some slightly sharp rocks. It was close to the attack sight, so when I was found, I was presumed that I had also been attacked.”

He nodded. “My apologizes. Sorry for bothering you.” He turned to go.” The young man watched him leave. That was the 10th person today. He wished for night to come soon, he wanted to leave. If he did so now, he was sure he would be stopped and forced back into bed.

Kouvu felt something wasn’t right, so he hung around the town.
Soon, night fell over the small town. After the nurse checked on him, John quickly slipped from his bed and changed into his old clothes, battered old, hand-me-downs, and slipped on his old backpack. After everything was secure, he pulled his brown and dirty cloak around him, quickly fashioning it. He grabbed his cone-shaped straw hat, and walked to the window, opening it slowly, as it creaked. He looked down. Eh, the second story, it wasn’t that bad.. He, shaking a bit, stepped onto the window seal, and, closing his eyes tightly, he jumped. Even with his fear of breaking bones, he landed gracefully, like a cat. He shook his legs a bit, and quickly made it for the hospital gate.

Kouvu, who had been walking along the street, saw what happened. “Hmmm…” Not knowing who it was, he followed him. Whoever he was, he was headed out of town at a calm pace. “I see you are doing better.” he came up from behind him as he spoke.

The boy jumped slightly, and turned to meet Kouvu, who was smiling. He wiggled his fingers in greeting. The boy, himself, smiled, and hand his hand up in greeting. “I never did get your name.” Kouvu said, his walking picking up speed so he could walk along side him.

“Oh, uh, John.” John said, nervous. “John Jekyll.”

“How long have you been in this area.” he looked him up and down, scanning his clothing.

“I was here, just for today.”

“Where are you going now?”

John shrugged. “No where pacific.”

“So, you’re a wonderer?” Kouvu smiled a bit. Clouds drifted in front of an almost full moon.

“Yes.” He nodded.

“Same here.” He looked up at the moon.

Following Kouvu’s gaze, John looked up as well. He smiled, and started to walk again. Kouvu followed. “So…why did you sneak out of the hospital?” he put his hands in his pockets as he walked.

“I can’t stay in one place for too long…and I wan tired of them saying I wan a victim of those rogue animals.” he explained. He head Kouvu chuckle.

“I guess that would get pretty bothersome. Just out of curiosity, did you see anything before you fell off the cliff?”

“I saw a pack of wolves in the area, but I don’t think they did it.”

Kouvu nodded. “Neither do I, that’s why I have started to investigate.”

John looked over to Kouvu. “Who do you think did it.”

“Werewolves, or a crazy maniac.”

He nodded and continued to walk. “Who do you think is doing the attacks?” Kouvu asked.

John picked his words carefully, so he wouldn’t reveal too much. “A crazed man, or a werewolf.” he hoped that stung, but he knew it wouldn’t.

Kouvu smiled. “I see.”

John nodded, and continued to walk. He felt a pull on his chest, but ignored it, pushing down. Kouvu raised an eyebrow slightly at this. “Are you ok?” He nodded.

“Yes, just a small amount of chest pain, no harm done.” today was the last day, and he hoped he wouldn’t hurt Mr. Tomya.

“What kind of chest pain, I might be able to help.” John shook his head,

“No, no, it’s fine. It’s been in my family forever.” that was part way true.

Kouvu nodded. The light fur on the back of his neck stood on end. He shivered slightly and buttoned his coat closer.

John felt it, the pull. Fresh images, shot past his eyes. He covered his mouth with his hand, so he doesn’t vomit at how graphically gory they were. He stopped for a moment, holding it back. Kouvu saw, and touched his arm. “Are you sure your ok? You look like your going to be sick or something close.”

John nodded. “Yes, I will be-” he covered his mouth again and ran to the nearest bush, emptying the content of his stomach. He leaned on the tree for support, and fell to his knees, hunched over, shaking. When he finished, he was still shaking and holding onto the tree.

Kouvu could smell that he had vomited. He walked over, knelt down, and gently rubbed his back. A few minutes later of deep breathing to calm himself, John took a rag from inside his cloak and wiped away the, still clinging, vomit away from his mouth. “You ok?” Kouvu asked gently, leaning over his shoulder to check on him.

John nodded. “Yes.” he stood, using the tree. He was still shaking. Kouvu looped an arm around his waist, pulling one of John’s arms over his shoulder. “Take it easy, I’ve got you.” he started to walk, taking it slow for him. He let Kouvu help him, but there was two problems. One, he had no where to go and two, he was gaining more control by the minute.

Kouvu’s place was only a few hours away. He would make good time if he ran. He picked John up, bridal style, and started to run, careful no to upset him. John was a bit surprised when he picked him up and running. Though, he would admit, it was nice to be off his feet.
Kouvu made it to his cabin in 45 minutes, which, walking, would have taken a few hours. He landed on his deck, and walked inside. He set John, who looked like he was sleeping, down on the couch. John silently feared, if he were to fall asleep now, Mr. Tomya would surely be killed by his hand.

Kouvu laid John down, and covered him up with a blanket. He walked into the kitchen to get him something for his hungry/thirst. John opened an eye slightly in time to see him leave for the kitchen. He closed his eye, and waited for his chance. He waited for Kouvu to fall asleep.

After he had filled himself, Kouvu sat down in a chair across from the couch. He watched the sleeping John before dozing off. He could still hear things around him, though it didn’t reach him right away. After peeking, John saw his opportunity. He quickly, and silently, got up. He walked for the door, and slipped out. Once he was out, he started to run.

Once Kouvu heard and registered John’s escape, he got up and ran after him. Some five minutes into the chase, though, there was a scream. Hearing this, Kouvu stopped, turned, and headed for the scream. Once he got there, it was a clearing, in the middle of it, stood a bloodstained man. He was a little taller then Kouvu himself, who stood at 6’. He was holding a choking, bruised woman by the neck. Her stomach had been devoured, some of her inners had been tossed aside. How she was still alive was a miracle. The man’s hands were bloody, and some blood trailed from both corners from his mouth.

The hair on the back of Kouvu’s neck bristles again when he smelt the blood. There was a familiar scent but he wasn’t too sure. He cautiously approached the man, senses on high, ready to defend or attack if needed. The man merely licked his fingers, cleaning away the blood and bits of flesh that had gotten under his nails. His eyes bore into Kouvu’s. Kouvu locked eyes with him and didn’t look away. He stepped closer, as if testing his limits, but the man made no move, nor attempts to attack or advancement. Kouvu walked over to him. “Who are you?” he asked, not menacingly but not friendly, either.

The man thought for a few minutes, thinking of how he should tell him or if he should avoid the question. He grinned slightly. “I could ask you the same thing.” he had a slight British accent. “You are the one who interrupted me, not the other way around.”

It had been a while since he had heard a British accent. His claws grew, his canine teeth, getting sharper. His eyes turned gold, the pupils turning to slits. “I am no one important. Just a lone wolf.” he stated in his Irish accent. His blood started to boil slightly as his body pleaded to fully change.

“Then I am no one important.” He licked the blood from one side of his mouth.

“Where are yeh from? Certainly not from around here with that kind of accent.”

“Of course I’m not.” He sneered. “I take it you aren’t from around here, either?”

“Ya could say that.” He smiled a bit. The coppery smell of the blood made his head feel all fuzzy.

“I can tell.” He dropped the gasping and sobbing woman and advanced on Kouvu. “Men in this area don’t look at all like you.”

He kept his eyes connected with his. “Why do yeh say tha?” he was able to keep his heart beat down as well.

“Well…” He stopped in front of him, and cupped one on his cheeks with his bloody hand. “Men here are ugly, and most women here aren’t much better.”

Kouvu didn’t pull away or flinch but the smell of blood drove him crazy. “How flattering of you to say.” His voice was more of a growl as the beast within tried to take over. The man noticed.

“As you have a beast inside of you as well? Don’t be rude, introduce me.” Kouvu grabbed the man’s wrist.

“I don’t think that would be wise.” he growled, trying to hold onto his wits end.

The man moved forward, and whispered in his ear, “Why?”

“Because my beast within cannot be trusted by anyone.” He was panting slightly now.

“My dear boy,” A nail ran down his cheek, breaking the skin causing it to bleed. “I am not one to be trusted either.” He leaned forward and ran his tongue along the cut. “Delicious.”

Kouvu’s grip tightened on his wrist slightly. He wasn’t in pain, though he enjoyed it. “I’m warning you…..”

“I don’t care.” he lapped up another stream of blood. “I want you to taste what I taste.” his other hand moved to the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss. He let the blood stream into his mouth. Kouvu closed his eyes. A buzzing sound started in the back of his head. He pulled away, and hunched over, holding his stomach. His body shook, his bones started pop as the change took hold of him. When eh was fully changed, he stood at 6’7”. His wolf form was black fur, sleek. He stood, taller then the man now.

The man looked, as much as he hated it, up at the now changed man. “My, you’ve grown.” Kouvu leaned down to his level, and growled. He wanted blood, flesh, now. He was hungry and the man was fresh meat to him. “It seems you are very blood deprived.” Kouvu snorted, and bared his teeth at him. He grabbed him by the nape of his cloak, lifting him off the ground. The man didn’t flinch, nor was he scared. “It seems I was correct.” Kouvu bent down to take a bite of his shoulder. “Ah, ah.” he was stopped gently. “Not yet. You can’t have Desert before the main course.” Kouvu growled slightly, his teeth clicked shut, his jaw popping as it locked in place, and glared at him. The man merely smirked. Kouvu snorted slightly in his face. He let go of him, letting him fall to the ground.

He landed on his feet, of course. He stepped aside, motioning him to the woman, who was still gasping for breath and sobbing for help.

Kouvu got down on all fours, his tail swooshing slightly. He walked over to the woman, and sniffed at her. She wasn’t quite as fresh as he wanted, but it would do. The woman whimpered as he sniffed at her. He looked her in the eyes before he lunged, ripping her throat out in a single girk. The woman went limp and Kouvu started his feasting. He crunched down on bone and meat, his jaws powerful enough to splinter the bone to power and rip through the flesh like warm butter.

His only witness was the man, who stood back and watched as Kouvu devoured the, now dead, women. Kouvu finished and turned back on the man, blood dripped from his jaws, bits of flesh hung from his teeth. He licked his jaws and walked over to him. He got up on his hind legs and sniffed at him. The man didn’t back away, nor was he frightened. His eyes bore into Kouvu’s, in a slightly challenging way. Kouvu placed a paw-like hand on his chest and pinned him to a tree. His teeth gently closed down on his Shoulder. He wasn’t trying to cause harm, just testing. He still wasn’t too sure of him.

The man made no move to attack or run. “Can’t you bite harder?” He teased slightly. IT wasn’t like this was his own body. Kouvu made a noise and bit down harder, drawing blood. His tail bristled and his hold on him loosened as he went limp. He changed back to a human as he fell to the ground. There was a tranquilizer dart in his ass. The man saw three hunters start to advance on him, one fell to his knees next to the dead women. One of them was holding a tranquilizer gun. He turned, picked up Kouvu and ran from the area. The men couldn’t possibly father, for they were only worthless, pathetic humans. The man looked down at the knocked out Kouvu. “Now, what to do with you?”
100873  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-13
Written: (6324 days ago)

Old Man Mark died a few days ago. I didn't know him, I've seen him. My dad knew him. He was really sick, but I can't remember from waht. My dad told me, I know. He was showing me pictures of him and a bunch of his friends at a recent camping trip, and old man mark was there, in a wheelchair. He wasn't feeling good, dad said, but I'm sure he was glad to be out there with lots of people instead of being alone. When dad told me, he wanted to give us a ride to somewhere quick, so that he could drink beer with his buddies, to celebrate Old Man Mark's live. It's nice, to know that they'd celebrating instead of mourning. Dad doesn't know how old man mark died, but I'm sure he died in his sleep. That's one of the better ways to go.

I've alwayss wondered what it felt like to die, and waht happens to your subcouncious. What does happen? Do you roam around, unnoticed? No clue. Only one way to find out, right? Ah, but then I wouldn't be able to report it, would i? *laughs*

100716  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-06-11
Written: (6327 days ago)
Next in thread: 100727

Sorry I haven't been on, guys...there's just been some...complications with coming on the computer now, and I really don't want to be....how should I put it....I dunno....I don't want people to be mad at me...I'm sure their mad at me right now. Anyway, gotta let mom on, so I'll be on later (hopefully).

I'm out, and I'm sorry to Ed for missing him by 20 hours when I know the computer was on!

100614  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-08
Written: (6329 days ago)

•[] You go/have gone tanning.
•[] You own an iPod/mp3 player.
•[] You love Starbucks.
•[x] You have been called a brat.
•[x] You have tons of shoes.
•[] You hate buying things that are on sale.
•[x] You have a laptop.
•[x] You love shopping.
•[x] Black is one of your favorite colors.
•[] You wear chains.
•[x] you like heavy metal.
•[x] you've shopped at hot topic
•[x] You have worn black lipstick.
•[x] You have/had/or wanted piercings.
•[] You own a pair of Tripp pants
•[x] u have at least one unnaturally colored haired friend.
•[] You can skateboard.
•[x] You like plaid.
•[x] You have/love Converse.
•[] You hate mtv.
•[x] You have/had/wanted blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair.
•[X] You love mohawks
•[X] You LOVE Music.
•[X] Hate people who pretend to be something they are not
•[x] You are depressed sometimes.
•[x] You have dark colored thick-rimmed glasses.
•[x] You cry easily.
•[] You like emo music
•[x] You've kept a journal/diary.
•[] You have written a sad poem.
•[x] you have dyed your hair
•[] You're sad when you're drunk
•[x] You like rap
•[] have said "Fo Sho, Fo Shizzle, Fo Sheezy, etc."
•[] You have worn/wanted a grill.
•[] You have had a freestyling contest.
•[] You have worn your shoes with the tongue flipped out.
•[] You've said the N word to a black person and didnt get punched
•[] you know most of the lines from Boyz N Da Hood
•[] You own a huge gold chain with a giant gold pendant
•[x] You like loud music.
•[x] You love/like the Ninja Turtles.
•[x] You have slip-on shoes.
•[x] You like Norma Jean.
•[x] People have called you a freak and meant it lovingly
•[x] You love to "hardcore" dance
•[] Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
•[x] You wear jeans a lot.
•[] You LOVE/like The OC.
•[x] You had/have/want a tiny/small sized dog.
•[] Your usual outfits consist of pink.
•[x] u like buying shoes A LOT.
•[] you shop at Hollister.AE,and/or Abercrombie
•[] Getting your nails done is a fun thing.
•[] You have big sunglasses
•[] You can't go anywhere without your hair perfect.
•[x] You watch the Superbowl.
•[] You own track shoes or cleats other sports related shoes.
•[] You own jerseys.
•[] You have/ had a special shelf for trophies and awards.
•[] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.
•[x] You belong/belonged to a team.
•[] You have a specific number preferred for your jersey.
•[] You practice a sport at least 3 times a week
•[] You like putting little bows in your hair
•[] You have mini-skirts.
•[x] You have parted your hair to the side.
•[] You think polka-dots are way cute.
•[x] You have done a peace sign while you pose for a picture.
•[] You've been called scene before.
•[] You have dyed you hair a bright neon color
•[] You wear/wore long, colorful socks with your skirts
•[] Gone four wheeling.
•[] Went hunting.
•[x] Own a four/three-wheeler or dirt bike...ect.
•[x] Like to go fishing.
•[x] Eat beef jerky
•[x] Ever said GIT-R-DONE.
•[] Listened to the song Redneck Woman.
•[] Know who Bocephus is.
•[] You wear band shirts alot.
•[] If people down talk metal you down talk their favorite music.
•[] You like bands like As I Lay Dying, Lamb Of God, and All That Remains.
•[] You HATE emos.
•[] You love Black Sabbath.
•[] You have gone to Ozzfest.
•[x] You like to headbang.
•[] You don't like rap.
•[x] You have a taste for classic rock as well.

Hardcore...I guess...

100338  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-06-02
Written: (6336 days ago)
99374  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-05-14
Written: (6355 days ago)


Omg! THe first (really good) hand tutorial I've seen!

99340  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-05-13
Written: (6356 days ago)

Porcelain masks have a very annoying tendency to crack and break at nearly horrible moments.

Who out of all people reading this gets that? <img:http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/300/9/4/8D_by_LeoLeonardo.gif>

99312  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-05-12
Written: (6356 days ago)

XD Omg! Crowley you poor deprives soul.
Allen: um, Yuu...
Kanda: hmm?
Allen: your hand... =_=
Kanda: ... but you like it *smirks*
Allen: ahahaha. Stop it or I'll never *bleep* and *bleep* with you again!
Kanda: =_=;; che.
Aou: *chuuuuuuuuuuuu* mommy~ <3
Kanda: H-Hey! That brat kissed you!!!! =A=#
Allen: He's still a kid Yuu-chan
Kanda: But---!
Aou: em? Daddy want a kiss too? 8D <--- is eager
Kanda: =_= Don't you dare... ( only Allen's allowed to kiss me!! )

I really don't get the Alaska thing but ooook....They got the quote from blades of glory.

XD It's a D-gray-man SAMMICH!

<img:http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/113/9/6/D_Gray_Man_PS_Band_Camp_by_kiraito.png> XD Omg! Band Camp! Though, I wonder waht Allen's story was... I'm a freak that way! 8D

98219  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-13
Written: (6385 days ago)
Next in thread: 98231

*sigh* Fuck, I feel crappy. THis is really the first time i've wrote about it and everythign, and please don't say anything...REally, I wouldn't be writing about it if I didn't want to let it out. It just started with the bus. Walking down the isle, computer in my hand, backpack in the toher, I tripped. No, not the "trip over nothing" trip, I tripped over someone's fucking foot! I wouldn't have minded, if I didn't have my computer. I dropped it, and slid three feet away. Thankfully, it only got a few scratches, and nothing is broke(that I've found)....and Anglica said that anthony did it! Got, I was so pissed, and I was in a bad mood the most of the way home. When I got off, I suddenly got really depressed, and by the time I got to the yard, I just started to cry. I dunno why, but I haven't in awhile.....Maybe it's from stress, and frustration....

*sigh* I still feel crappy, but I'll cheer up soon, probably before anyone on my list gets on. Don't say anything, or ask any questions, ok? I might answer then if you do, but...it's not very likely.

Thanks for reading, if you did..

97615  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-02
Written: (6397 days ago)


97567  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-01
Written: (6397 days ago)

Love cannot possibly last forever For the only perminate thing in this world is death.
Why Dogs Chase Cats

Once long ago, Dog was married to Cat. They were happy together, but every night when Dog came home from work, Cat said she was too sick to make him dinner. Dog was patient with this talk for a while, but he soon got mighty tired of fixing dinner for them both after a hard day's work. After all, Cat just stayed home all day long.

One day, Dog told Cat he was going to work, but instead he hid in the cupboard and watched Cat to see if she really was sick. As soon as Cat thought Dog had left, she started playing games with Kitten. They laughed and ran about. Cat wasn't the least bit sick.

Dog jumped out of the cupboard. When Cat saw him, she stuck a marble in her cheek and told Dog she had a toothache. Dog got so mad at her he started chasing her around and around the house.

Dogs have been chasing Cats ever since.

97136  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6406 days ago)
97135  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6406 days ago)


96899  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-19
Written: (6411 days ago)


96886  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-19
Written: (6411 days ago)

God! THis is sooo retarded! My mom won't let me on the computer (I'm on right now she's not here) until I clean my room. RIght now she's starting to piss me off.

 The logged in version 

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