[Lord Starscream]'s diary

117349  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-08-07
Written: (5903 days ago)

From the "Kanda Yuu Owners Manual":

Problem: He’s being nice, it’s freaking you out.
Solution: There’s definitely something wrong with him, send him back.

117205  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-07-31
Written: (5910 days ago)
Next in thread: 117218

"People are like slinkies. Basically useless and yet it's so amusing to watch them fall down the stairs."

117200  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-07-30
Written: (5911 days ago)


117090  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-07-26
Written: (5916 days ago)
117048  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-07-23
Written: (5918 days ago)


Omg, I found, like, one of THEEE best Anime around. I've heard such great stuff awhile ago about it...and it's all true! :D It's really great anime. It's called.

*drama music*

The Slayers!

I know it's been around for awhile(Well, long enough to get remastered. It's classic, too, right?)...but i just found it in the library awhile ago and got hooked. Seriously, this anime is so good, I'm looking up hetero couples on fanfic.net. And i'm...totally a hard-core yaoi fan, and I haven't read a major Hetero pairing, delibrately in a long long time. Usually, it's, like, a side pairing or something.

To tell the truth, the reason I wanted to find the anime (which was nameless to me for a really long time, was this guy >>> <img:http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs8/i/2005/274/f/3/Zelgadis_XD_by_yoshitaka.jpg> Zelgadiss! :D Seriously, I saw him almost everywhere and wanted to know him. But I'm so glad I did, because, when I saw him on a Slayers advertisement on a BLack Cat Disk, I knew what to look for...


HOOKED! I'm sure I'm TOTALLy over reacting, because I usually do, but I still say it's a great anime. Unlike other plots, this one...it isn't continuous! and it's not so damn serious all the time. And it doesn't seem the same. Take, for instance, (the anime plot that annoys me the most) InuYasha. The main focus (Becuase there really isn't a plot..) is to get the shards together, right? Sure, it could last for a few seasons, but that's ALL IT WAS! And the fillers weren't even that great, and didn't even contribute A LITTLE to the main plot.

However, in Slayers, the fillers, or what seem like it to me, are hilerious, and do tend to mold into the plot at least a little. And the main character isn't all "OMG, SAVE ME" or osme shit like that. She lets the guys do the work, sure, but she can save herself. and she's not stupid, either...

Anyway, totally hooked, like I said. So, if you get a chance, Slayers is the anime to look up! :D Oh, you know the guy who played Brock in Pokemon? (Yeah, don't deny it! You ALLLLL know what I'm talking about.) well, voiced him? yeah, he voices him >> <img:http://p-userpic.livejournal.com/77147089/7302185> Gourry! :D I love big stupid blond guys who totally get pawned! (He remind me of Stahn, from Tales of Destiny(PS Game) too! :D

...that depresses me, I can't finish that game. *kicks stupid PS2* START WORKING, DAMNIT! TT_TT
115142  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-05-28
Written: (5974 days ago)
114823  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-05-19
Written: (5984 days ago)

Shower daily?:: Every sunday, and the occational extra shower
Sing in the shower?:: sometimes
Like to sing?:: yeah
Like to dance?:: when i'm with friends
Smoke?:: nah
Drink?:: ...nah...
Cuss?:: like a sailor (Thanks Savan)
Talk to yourself?::of course. Every sane (wo)man should
Believe in yourself?::kinda
Play an instrument?:: YES D<
Go to school?:: yes
Go to college?:: planning on it
Have a job?::Yes! :D
Like your job?:: of course
Want to get married?:: maybe
Want to have kids?:: adopt, most likely
Get along with your parents?::yes.
Get along with your siblings?:: *nods* I guess.
Drive?:: yes! just with a permit, though.l
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: yes
Think your funny?:: I try.
Ever toilet papered someones house?::no! well....no, not someone's house...
Gone garbage can tipping?::nope
What are your parents names?:: Ricarda Owens and Andy Edfelt
Siblings names?:: Katie edfelt
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: so, so
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: 1
Collect anything?:: MANGA MANGA
Ever been in love?:: Yes
In love right now?:: Yes yes i am.
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: black
How does your hair look?:: longish, blond roots, dark brown ends.
Ever had your heartbroken?:: not yet...
Ever broken the law?:: nope
Been arrested?:: nope
Been out of the country?:: nope
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: I've tried!
When was the last time you got drunk?::NEVA!
Do you do drugs?:: No Sir
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: No sir
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: depends, usually off
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: NOOO>....maybe...
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: Yes
Ever had a bloody nose?:: yes
Have you ever caught a fish?:: yes
What was the last thing you ate?:: FRENCH FRIES! :D
What time do you go to bed?:: ...I dunno.
What's your favorite color?:: CRIMSON AND BLACK, BABY!
Do you like to give or recieve?:: ...both?
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: YES! D.GRAY-MAN!
Do you live alone?:: NO! 7 PEOPLE! ><
Do you own a blender?:: Yeah, a crappy one
Do you like the snow?:: Yeah, as long as it isn't too much...
Ever been up a mountain?:: Uhh....YEah.
Ever been rootin'?:: Rootin'? O.o what?
Do you like surprises?:: YES! :D As long as it isn't repeated

114609  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-05-12
Written: (5990 days ago)

Ok, so, I'm not going to say "RIP" or anything, because I didn't know him that well. I'm not even going to say hsi name, because I knwo no one will know who he is. I'm not goign to tell you his (short) past, because I know no one will care.

A boy in my grade got shot in the head on sunday (on accident, I guess it went off). It was just...surprising to me. I hear everyone talk about this kind of stuff, but I always think "Eh, I'm in a small town. It's not going to happen here." But, well, even though I didn't know him well (he was just an aquantence), it is a loss. A very sad one. Personally, I don't think I'll miss anythign. we didn't have anything in common. we never chatted, and we never saw eachother. that same old thing. But, now that I think about it, I am sad. I guess it's just because he isn't going to come back. My mom keeps saying that there was always a safety button on the gun. And taht he should've have had it anyway.

It's very depressing.

113419  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-04-08
Written: (6024 days ago)

For all of those who really care, me and [Bastet] aren't going to be on for about a week. Then, if we do get on, we'll leave the next day or so for another week! Just letting you all know.

112344  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-03-03
Written: (6060 days ago)


112204  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-02-26
Written: (6067 days ago)
 The logged in version 

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