[Lord Starscream]'s diary

119798  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-12-17
Written: (5771 days ago)


Omg, no motion tweening. if I had to do that, I swear to god I would die. @_@

119795  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-12-17
Written: (5771 days ago)



119639  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-12-08
Written: (5780 days ago)

It was a week since Sven and Duncan arrived back from the hospital. The first few days, the boy had been almost attached to Sven’s side, while Sven tried his best to get him socialized with the people in the house. Jack and Tsurara were easy enough, however, Drake, Iyashi and Kanashimi were a lot harder. Even now, the little boy was still skittish of Iyashi and Kana (having gotten over his fear of Drake after he learned he was the one who cooked). Now he played with Gregory, Christina, and Vincent (who had finally taken a human form), giving Sven and Kana a chance to sneak out without guilt.
It as on one of those occasions, when Sven and Kana went out, leaving Duncan to play with his child friends, that a plot was formed. Gregory watched as his father took down all the mixings, and Chirstina smelt it all, and both came to the same conclusion;
Drake was making cookies.

3 yay! I was inspired last night, I think. GregChristnaDuncanVincent mischeif! >D Just a prev.

119244  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-11-15
Written: (5803 days ago)
118881  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-25
Written: (5823 days ago)


118748  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-10-19
Written: (5830 days ago)

Tsuna was close to going down to IT and snapping his Vice-President’s neck himself. “Chikusa! Ken! Desist at once!”

“No can do, Tsunayoshi-sama,” floated Chikusa’s voice from the phone. “It states in the IT Department’s contract that Mukuro-san’s authority overrides yours when it comes to his employees.”

“Then why call me 'Tsunayoshi-sama' at all?”

Ken’s boisterous laughter cut off Chikusa’s explanation. “Because you still sign our paychecks, pyon!”

118624  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-11
Written: (5838 days ago)


That afternoon had been nice, so Dylan had taken Sven out to the store. Sven excitedly, and ran around to get things. Dylan sweat dropped as he watched the hyperactive 19-year-old run around, getting things on his list. Sure, it went by quicker, and tired the boy out, but… it looked somewhat ridiculous. But, a tired out Sven at home was good, especially since he was over-enthusiastic ever since Dylan came back from Heaven.

On the way home, Dylan glanced into a flower shop. In a very nice display, was a large vase was bright sunflowers. Dylan loved sunflowers, and it was very appropriate for this day, but…he sighed. He had spent all the money on food. Damn, if only they didn’t need to eat… he stopped for a moment to look at the sunflower display.

Sven looked up at his companion when he sighed. “Dylaan, what’s wrong??”

“It’s nothing, Sven.”

Sven stared into the flower shop as Dylan started to walk again. The boy saw the beautiful sunflower display and thought of Dylan. He paused (not in his walking), thinking, his finger thoughtfully at his chin. Dy was staring at sunflowers…but they spent all the money they brought on food…. That’s it! Sven knew what Dylan wanted!

It had started to rain minutes after they arrived home. “Just in time.” Dylan chuckled.

“Yeah! It got so cold.” Sven ginned, and put away the cheese and milk. He paused after closing the fridge door. “Oh, shoot! Sven forgot something!” he ran for the door.

“What? What did you forget? Sven, at least take a coat!” But Sven was gone and out of sight. Dylan sighed. What did he forget? He didn’t bring anything with him! The god of luck waited for the 19 year old to return. At first, he wasn’t all too worried. Sven was a big-boy, he could defend himself against anything. But 10 minutes passed, and blond was really getting worried. He still wasn’t back yet? What if something happened?

“What if he got lost…?” Dylan thought out loud. “What if a bounty hunter got him…!” He stood from the love seat and paced about the house. “What if he got sick!” He looked at the door. 5 more minutes later, and he was pulling his coat on. He needed to find Sven. It was pouring buckets now! And Sven had run out without a coat or umbrella. There was a major possibility that he was going to catch a cold.

But, as he opened the door, he stared into the face of the object of his worries.

Sven was soaked, and muddy, and was holding a broken vase from the flower shop, the sunflowers, dirty and pathetic looking, were ruined. One even looked like the thick glossy stem had been ran over.

“Sven! There you are!” Dylan was relieved.

“Sven brought you flowers!!” he said, lifting the vase, which was filled as much as it could. “He knows you wanted them…but…” he bit his lip. “They got…crushed on the way here…”

“God, I’m just glad your ok.” He pulled the soaking teenager into the house, grabbing a soft polar fleece blanket from the couch.

Sven set the damaged flowers and vase on the table. “Sorry Dy.” He said.

“That was very thoughtful of you.” Sven felt the warm blanket wrap around his wet shoulders, and Dylan’s arms wrapped around him with it. He smiled, and looked up at him. “Thank you.”

His smile brightened and widened at that. “Dylan is welcome.”

Dylan chuckled, and knew his mortal was happy. “And Sven is wet.”

The said mortal pouted. “The rain was not nice! Or people in the rain, either. They were so mean, one pushed Sven over, and a taxi ran over a flower!” He felt his God’s breath on his neck, and he shivered.

“Mm, do tell.”

“Dy! Sven is being serious!”

“Yes, Dy knows,” He tickled his sides. “and Dy is being playful.” Sven squealed a bit, and laughed, holding his stomach.

“Eeee! Don’t!” The boy laughed, and tried to tickle his attacker back. Dylan laughed, and stumbled backwards, falling onto the love seat. Sven sat over his laps, grinning down at him. “Heehee! Sven’s ontop!”

“Not for long!” Dylan grinned, and rolled them over. Both panted slightly from laughing and the struggling. It felt a bit hot, even though Sven was still cold from being outside. Sven felt his arms wrap around Dylan’s neck, pulling him down about. He made a pouty face. “If Sven gets sick, he’s going to make Dy sick, too.”

Not really done, I guess.

118252  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-09-21
Written: (5858 days ago)


I wanna see it!

117732  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-08-27
Written: (5883 days ago)

"LEt's assume for a moment that you are a dishonest man" -Jack Spicer

"Assume away" -Chase Young

XD Sorry, that just gets me everytime!


117551  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-08-18
Written: (5892 days ago)
 The logged in version 

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