[Lord Starscream]'s diary

124375  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-08-06
Written: (5539 days ago)
124359  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-08-05
Written: (5540 days ago)

"If at first you don't succeed, redefine what you did as success." (quote taken from a friend's Personal Message thing on MSN)


I love my friends.
124358  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-08-05
Written: (5540 days ago)



mm, It finally happened. It took, like, err....3 tries? but, yes, it's finally happened.

I'm addicted to Radio.

Finally. ;3 I'm sooo happy. It's, like, THE most awesome volenteer job, EVER. :D I wish I woulda found out sooner. Really, it makes me happeh. :P

and, so, that's what I did for nearly 2 hours. ;D And that's what I WILL be doing for at least nearly two hours every tuesday. :3

I'm soo happy. It makes me smile. I get jittery, and shakey.
124327  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-08-03
Written: (5542 days ago)

Novis was, really, at his wits end. In his long ‘career’ of being a genie, he had to put up with a lot of very…incompliant masters, but, he managed through all that annoyance by using loopholes in their wishes, and undermining his masters at every turn. Of course, there had been a few good masters who didn’t annoy the genie, but, they had been few and far between. However, Novis had never met a master he couldn’t handle. He had always pulled through until their last wish, somehow, so, once the three wishes were over, Novis was on his merry way and regretted nothing more then time lost.

However, this new Master was making him question his decision of becoming a genie. This man, much too scrawny and oily for his tastes, seemed to think every with thoroughly, and Novis was irritated beyond belief. He could find no loophole. If that wasn’t enough, the man had the nerve to wish for more wishes. Now, contrary to what Genie’s say, it was not impossible to wish for more wishes. But, really, what Genie would want to admit to a master (that they, presumably, didn’t like) that he could simply wish for more wishes. And, worse of all, he had started to undermine Novis when he started to show his annoyance and disobedience. Easily, the man tricked the genie into more freebees then he could count. Novis had never been so aggravated in his long life, and that was an understatement.

Currently, the man was lounging on his new, leather couch that he had wished for, in his spacious and expensively modern living room Novis had been tricked into conjuring up, watching the large screen T.V. on an obnoxiously annoying channel that made Novis cringe visibly. At the moment, Novis was trying to relax by lying back in air and floating, as he often did in his free time. Blocking the insufferable noise the T.V. show made, Novis focused on his thoughts of torturing his master. He, however, couldn’t find a way to crush the man. He was not married, didn’t have any kids, and any girlfriend he had meant nothing to him at all. He was beginning to think that he would be under this man’s control until his death… Unfortunately, as Novis was bound to the man’s soul. If it were to depart, well, Novis would have to follow. So, not even then would he be free.

Novis was brought out of his musings, however, when his master called him. “Genie,” He growled. Novis rolled his eyes, knowing that, whatever the man wanted was going to be trivial.

However, Novis said nothing on that fact and straightened, landing with a soft ‘click’ of his shoes on brilliant hardwood floors (that Novis, himself, and hand picked). “Yes, Master?” He said through his teeth, trying to sound like the Loyal and obedient genie he wasn’t.

“I’m Hungry.” The man had the nerve to state. “Make me something to eat.” Damn this man! What nerve he had!

Pushing distaste aside, Novis asked. “What would you wish for me to make?” At least, try to get rid of another wish. Even if the man could simply wish for more, Novis knew he might at least gain some of his dignity back if could trick the man into using one of his many wishes.

However, Novis was disappointed. “I orderyou make me something healthy.” The man sneered. “Something that I’ll enjoy eating.” Novis, angered slightly at literally being ordered around, replied with a short “yes, master,” and turned on his heel as he headed for the fabulous kitchen. As he started on his task, he managed to ignore the T.V. by pretending that all the vegetables he cut were his current master’s head. As he cooked the chicken, he imagined the man screaming in agony as the oil burned his skin, unable to get out of the frying pan, as Novis simply pushed him back to the middle, and flattened him with the blue rubber spatula. The genie smirked evilly down at the chicken in the pan, greatly enjoying the imaginary pain of the vision of his master.

As he imagined flipping his master over so he was face down in the burning oil, the real man called sharply from the living room, “I’ve changed my mind!” Novis stopped. What? Dammit. Stopping his cooking with an aggravated snap of his fingers, Novis walked back to his master, and asked, “What do you wish for now, master?”

“I order you to get me some fast food.” The man grumbled as he turned the channel. “Something fried.”

“As you-“ Novis started, however, he was cut off by his master, who continued, “I want something on the other side of town. Do be a good boy and take the car there? I wouldn’t want the world knowing I had a genie at my command.”

‘Lord knows you have an incompetent genie.’ Novis mentally growled. “Yes, Master. I will be sure to be careful, as to not let the world know you have a genie at your fingers.”

“Good. Now, go. And don’t dent the car.” Novis rolled his eyes at this. Like the man would know if he damaged any one of his expensive cars. However, he replied mechanically “yes, master” and turned to leave.

The man ordered nothing else as Novis exited out through the doors and made his way to his personal Favorite car, a beautiful red 2002 Chevrolet Camaro. He ran his fingers over the hood as he slid around the front end, loving the feel of the smooth, shining car. As he slid in and checked himself in the mirror, he got an idea. The man was new to this city. He had only wished this be his home a few weeks ago, and Novis was positive he hadn’t made friends yet.

So, smirking to himself, he gently ‘Tsk’ed and snapped his fingers. His features turned more feminine, and he stared at the brilliant shiner he now had in his right eye. He may not be able to do damage to the man himself, but he was sure he could round up a few people to take the man down. Then, he was sure, he could force his master into a deal.

Grinning at his new plan, Novis looked in the mirror closely, running his right index finger over his lips. As if he was applying makeup, his lips changed to light silver. He ran the same finger around his eye, and made it look like he had quickly tried to cover it up. Once everything was tip top, Novis turned on the car, and went on his way happily.

His visage worked perfectly. He gathered some looks for his poorly covered eye as he walked up to the counter and ordered. To his delight, the woman behind the register asked if anything was wrong. Novis simply replied, acting like an abused wife in denial, “Oh, no, no, not at all,” and waited for the food to be done. Once it was, he left.

The way this was going, it was going to work perfectly.

124213  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-07-28
Written: (5548 days ago)

IS it strange that I want to be burried to "When Water Comes to Life" by Cloud Cult? (No worries, I'm not implying anything.) I just fell in love with that song a few weeks ago, and I can just imagine it as being part of a funeral. It's just so...peaceful and calm. really.

I may be an idiot...but I can just see it playing at my funeral. A long, long time from now. At a normal Church cerimony, then at the dock when the burning boat is pushed out (wouldn't that be cool? A Viking Burrial, I think. Fitting, I guess.)

124157  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-07-26
Written: (5550 days ago)

So.... :3 I'm a driver now. As of today. I no longer need an adult to drive around (alone, anyway ;3). And I had 10 points to spare! :3 I just need ta look out the back window more.

Anyways, Hangover was flippin AWESOME. Oh yeah. :D

Let's just hope this day gets better. If not, well, I wouldn't regret anything I did today. :3

124139  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-07-25
Written: (5551 days ago)


124109  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-07-24
Written: (5552 days ago)
124108  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-07-24
Written: (5552 days ago)
124107  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-07-24
Written: (5552 days ago)
123996  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-07-21
Written: (5555 days ago)
Next in thread: 124027

So, Uhm, I was offered to do the country show at our Radio station (Since, I guess, Susan wants to continue to train me), and, of course, I accepted. But, one problem (and Susan knows, too,)

I'm not a big country Fan, so, I don't really KNOW any country. And i want some GOOD country. Not something shitty.

So...any ideas? help?

123897  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2009-07-19
Written: (5557 days ago)

Check this out >>


Andrew Sister English/Yiddish Verson:
Original Yiddish Verson:

Lol, it almost seemed like a fairy tale to me, honestly, when I was reading the article. It was amazing!
123802  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-07-17
Written: (5559 days ago)

Ok, ok, I SHOULD have put this up awhile ago.. >_> But, the other, other day, me and mom were driving around and saw a truck that had been spray painted White with black patches. So, I was totally like, AWESOME! Cow print truck! ;D I thought it rocked.

But, a few days ago, my mom said she talked to the guy. Apparently, NO, it wasn't a cow print truck ("damn!"). It was actually....

(And, really, only in Alaska...)

Snow camoflauge. >_> WHAAAAT? Not White and Black, dammit, Either White, or White and Light blue, dammit!

lol. I had to share that. :3

 The logged in version 

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