[Lord Starscream]'s diary

128891  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2010-05-01
Written: (5270 days ago)

I never metaphor I liked.....

128815  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-04-25
Written: (5276 days ago)

I knew this was coming. When I found it they were serious, I know this was going to happen. :/ My dad is married to his Filipino girlfriend, Grazel. and, you know, I'm happy for him, and I want the best in all. Really, I could handle the dramatic change that has occurred at his place since she came here. I could handle waking up to hearing them talking and laughing. I could. But I didn't want things that had became ritual to us to change. Nearly every weekend, I go to dads. Nearly every sunday, We have 'family dinner', with the minimum of me, mom, dad, and my sister. But, I knew when Grazel got here, that Dad would end up not going, which would usually leave just me and mom. And, of course, I was right. They've missed a few, and last week Grazel was weird about coming (first saying she'd go, then not, then giving an excuse why she didn't want to, then going anyway). Now...not this week. The first excuse was that by cousin's Volleyball games might be on Sunday, and they'd go to see those...Of course, no games today, but He had already said that "We'll probably hold off on Dinners for awhile...." meaning, it'll probably stop all together. I didn't want that to happen. And now...I just don't feel all that comfortable at dads, even though, most of the time, neither of them are there (I haven't spent a lot of time with Dad lately. Mostly by myself nowadays). :/ I didn't want either of that to happen...but it's going to.

I wish dad all the best, and want him to be happy, but....I didn't want to sacrifice those two things...I would give anything just to keep those intact....But it doesn't' look like it'll happen....

And this time....I can't just say 'oh well....'

128256  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-03-10
Written: (5323 days ago)

:3 Sometimes I love my state. Really. There are things that you'd probably never see or hear of anywhere else. Look up Romeo the Wolf (from Juneau), in google, and You'll see what I mean.

Romeo was shot awhile ago, I'm not sure when, after many, many, MANY years of living at a lake in Juneau. People took thier dogs to see them. People got Christmas Photos with him in the background. He was a resident. I was told he had a diet of rabbits, small game, etc. Never dear, or dogs. He played with dogs. He was a large, beautiful animal that hadn't hurt anyone. Ever. And he was shot, because he was a wolf.
That's why I hate people. I have nothing wrong with Hunting, but it should be dear or moose...Something that you'll use. I don't even mind killing animals like Wolves, but not just because it's there.

I dunno. Maybe I just don't know anything about hunting, maybe I'm setting a double standard. But I really don't care. Things that this, like what happened to Romeo, shouldn't happen. Even in my home town, a wolf was killed "because he was near a house and he could have killed the kids". Come on. They shot it because they wanted to shoot it and brag.

_> Enough ranting, I guess. But You really should look up Romeo the Wolf. he was a beautiful creature.

126027  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-11-04
Written: (5448 days ago)

have you ever randomly strutted yourself through an empty radio station at 10-12 at night?


You should try it sometime. It's great therapy.

125557  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-09-29
Written: (5484 days ago)

You wanna get your nails done? Get Gaye In the morning. X3

 The logged in version 

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