[Lord Starscream]'s diary

38689  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-14
Written: (6932 days ago)

Rodrick and Chris are morons! I had let Missy out and when she started barking, I went out to see what was up. Rodrick was yelling "JESSICA! HELP!" so I walked back in the house with missy, pulled on my shoes, and ran outside. Chris was trying to run him over with a small modersicle. Of course, I told him to follow me, and he did...half way. Chris was still trying to run him down. I shouted at him more then once to jump in a ditch, so Chris couldn't get him, but he didn't liston, and Chris ran into him a little.

38107  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-07
Written: (6938 days ago)

I'm sooo HAPPY! ^__^ I had bought some stretchy string to fix my semi-Inuyasha rosary, and the dog had gotten ahold of it, so I thought I caouldn't finish it. TT_TT But! YEsterday, I found a necklace with a single bell I had made, so I used the and I finished it TODAY! ^____^

37949  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-06
Written: (6940 days ago)

I guess there was no Young womens last night. I think we waited there for awhile, I'm not sure.

37861  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-05
Written: (6941 days ago)
Next in thread: 37867

Yesterday, I was at lunch. Cournty was saying something and I thought the was going to say something else...while I was drinking my coke. A spit it out, some of it almost going out my nose. I had to go to the bathroom, because I didn't want to pee myself. It was funny, but I forgot what what she said after that.

I'm able to get on a school sometimes. After lunch, the period after lunch we use computers....well...labtops. Anyway, that's basically all of yesterday.

Oh! P.S. My guy friend is going to dress up as a girl with a pink dress and a short blonde wig!

36048  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-14
Written: (6962 days ago)

Ok, On the weekend, I had Randi over, and on monday, nothing went on at school...........Until language arts! Mr. Shwartz made Kylene laugh so hard, she got really hot and had to leave the room. She was still laughing and she fell down when she openned the door! It was really funny! She came back a feww minutes, and had to leave again! Finally, we all settled, and finished class.

Today, I was walked down the hall around 4 or 5 period, and heard Kylene talk to Misty briefly. "Next time you call me a Whore, call it to my face" she said. Misty kept walking. "I will." I had heard her say. She's a bitch! TO be honest, if I had to choose who would most likely be the whore, I would choose Misty. Kylene is the kind of person who doesn't care what you look like, she's just funny and friendly. ^^ She's really nice, though I don't hang out with her much.

35554  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-08
Written: (6968 days ago)

GRRRRRRRRR!!!!! I'm really hating life now! My mom had a moose meeting and I had to stay at my dad's! He wasn't there because his dad or someone like that was really sick, so he left today, not knowing when he'd be back. I got stuck at his house for, like, two and a half hours(Almost three)!!!! I had NOTHING to do. Then, my mom called around 8 or so, saying "I'll be there in a few minutes, I just have to go to my aunt." and crap like that......Fifteen minutes go by, nothing. Another fifteen minutes and she finally comes! I felt like screaming! GRR!! On the way home, I was biting my teeth and basically glaring at the air. I had my headphones on and was listoning to "Chop Suey" by System of a Down. I was thinking, instead of "Father" I could replace it was "Mother" since I don't really live with my dad. We were almost there when I asked if I could go on the computer. She sighed like she did when I do something wrong and said I could be on for only a couple minutes in a semi-angry tone. And grudgingly agreed. Then, she said if I took the trash out and took the trashcan to the street, I could stay on longer. I quickly walking into the house and took out the garbage. I then, got on the computer and checked everything. Now, I'm writting this Diary entry....

35542  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-08
Written: (6968 days ago)

Today I brought a box of CHocolate Pocky to school. I gave out around half of them, and when I asked to wanted the last one, every one did. Edward(Annea's Nickname((Not on here!))) stood up first, though. Anyway, I rased it up high, and they all tried to grab it. I gave it to Edward, though. She said that she ate half of it, and that the other half fell on the ground. She was going to eat it, but Gina R. stepped on it. To be honest, I think she did it on perpious.

One of my friends asked Mary([Mar-Mary]) if she wanted to be his gf. She asked me to tell him that she already had one, and I did. She thought that he was really beat up about it.

At the beginning of gym, I asked him why he wanted on so badly. He said that he wanted someone to trust. I told him that Mikey C. really REALLY trusts me, honestly! He tells me everything! Well, I didn't say that last part. Anyway, I told him that I would pretend to be his gf. I hope I took the right move...

34592  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-28
Written: (6978 days ago)
Next in thread: 34594

This weekend was really fun, expecally friday! I hung out with friends, and Sabrina made me laugh so hard, the soda that kitsune let me drink came out my nose! It was the first time I had ever done that, so I thought it was really cool!

I like a good action sences that are so well written, the image plays in my head like a movie'

We had to write five sentences about what makes a book good.

33943  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-23
Written: (6984 days ago)

I saw "war of the Worlds" again with my grandma and kitsune.... Also, my pictures were developed, but only 14 came out! TT_TT AND my scanner is being stubborn and won't get it on the computer! Stupid scanner!

33859  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-22
Written: (6985 days ago)

I was so sad, today. I was taking off my rosary to fix it and it BROKE! AND I don't have any string thin enough to remake it! :(

33573  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-18
Written: (6988 days ago)

I finished the rosary last night. It's supposed to look almost like Inuyasha's but not that much. It has a bell and no fangs, so....... Yeah....

32738  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-11
Written: (6996 days ago)

I made a wiki yesterday! I was go proud of myself! ^^

Random Roleplay

30904  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-29
Written: (7009 days ago)

Today I had a friend come over at noon, and when she left about 15 minutes to 3, her mom came, so she had to leave. I've told her more then once to be careful when she's leaving because the dog will run out. Well, she wasn't carful and the dog got out. Her and her mom barely helped and only gave me one dog bacon thing and two bones! Then, they left, leaving me to watch her untill my mom came home to help. All the while, I was worried that a car could hit her, or she could run into someone's private property and get shot(well, not really, 'cause I donno if there are any "private propertys, but still...) and stuff.

When my mom got there, she had my dad's dog, rosie, but when I opened the car door and my dog jumped in, so I closed the door so she couldn't get out.

30746  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-28
Written: (7010 days ago)

I quess I don't have anything to write about, now. Nothing that I should write about, but, maybe there are peope accauly reading this. If there are people who are REALY depressed, start to draw, start to write, or even liston to random peices of music or read a book, or just talk to a realy close friend. If those don't halp, write a list of what your good at.

30577  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-27
Written: (7011 days ago)

I was submitting my poem, that took me a little to think up, but that's not the point, at the Support Gay Marriage@wiki and read the last part of the peom before me. It said after the name that his ex had been a victim of homophobic bullying and ended her life in june last year. My heart goes out to people who are being bullied for their sexual atractions, and to people who bully others for this reason, for liking both sexes, for liking same sexes, my belief, that I would die for, is that those of you who bully, or hate, others who like the same or both sexes will burn in hell. That's my belief, and, like I said before, I would die for. Because it's wrong to to that to a person. Love is what you like in your partner, and not the gender of you partner. I'm sorry for those of you who have had a loved one die because of bullying. It's wrong, and is very unnessessery(Sp?). If there is ANYONE who is ageinst my belief about same sex maggaiges then please tell me why it's wrong, why it hurt you.


Look into my eyes and say,
why it's wrong to be gay,
Isn't it about love,
that's as pure as a dove,
then about opposition,
which must be the exspectation?
If you say,
that it's wrong to be gay,
then please tell me why,
that you think it's not a lie.

29806  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-07-23
Written: (7015 days ago)

I looked in the mirror this morning and told myself that my bes features were my hair and eyes. I know that I'm not the prettiest person around, but I am beautiful in my own way, and If anyone says that your ugly, then their the ones are ugly.

I found out that I was gunna be an antie, because my half-sister, Nicky, was having a baby, but last it yesterday. I'm hoping that I'll meet Nicky face-to-face someday.

29015  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-07-18
Written: (7020 days ago)

I spent the night at a friend's house on friday, we had planned an All nighter. I fell asleep around 6, 6:30(AM) and woke up around 10, 11. I was suposed to leave at 15 to 12, so I could meet my dad at the book store, so he could buy the new Harry Potter, but I sat at the book store for 45 minutes! Of course, I was mad, so I when to his house and he wasn't there, his car was, though. I went to the neighbors, she wasn't there, I went to his friend's, Lev's(Sp?), house and he said that he didn't know where he was. I started to walk back to the neighbors house and I saw Rosie in the back. When I followed her to the back and saw my dad in the shed, fixing a washer. Once he told me the reason, I wasn't really mad anymore.

28694  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (7023 days ago)

I paided for the comics, but I made a mistake. One was really ten bucks, and all together is was like 26 bucks, but I had earned 30 bucks. I had 20 bucks in fines, and I took a loan from my grandma, so I have to go in next tuesday.

Oh, P.S. We're weren't late this time.

28459  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-07-14
Written: (7024 days ago)

My dog got a hold of three comics from the library. One isn't as bad as the others, but I'm still going to pay for it. Their all worth eight bucks each. I'm working at my grandma's hair shop to pay it off. Five bucks an hour. So far I've payed for one book with a total of 15 bucks. Tomorrow I'm going to finish off the books and probly lower some of my fines. ^^

I was two hours later, though. BOth me and my mom slept in. We live out the road, so it took a few minutes for us to get there.

28293  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-07-13
Written: (7025 days ago)

I've been home all day, so the computers all mine! Hehehe... My friend [Bastet] just logged on today. ^^

Well, on another note, A few people comented on my art, that really lifted my spirits! But my question is.... HOW DO THEY FIND ME?! Hehe. ^^ Don't take it the wrong way, I just wanna know.

28210  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-07-12
Written: (7026 days ago)

I saw my step dad today. I didn't talk to him,(and I'll tell you the reason later) but I felt this tingle in the face. It felt really weird. I mangaged to keep a straight face.

Now, the reason is that he is a very ungrateful baka. We had this whole issue with him, and now he has another restraining order on us. It's mainly Vicky, his NEW girlfriend. We think it's her who's putting all this crap in his head. "Oh, Ricarda's(My mother) working for the police!" and all the crap.

I may be superly-hyper half the time, but it kinda kills part of me when I hear things like this. I really don't need the stress, and neighter does my mom. She's saving up to get my grandmother's bathroom fixed. We baringly have any extra money to get this stuff for the blackheads on my nose.

I donno why I'm writting all this, I mean, I bet barely anyone will read this, or even care! But those who do, and fell almost the same why I do, Maybe we could chat about our problems to one another. All my friends think of my as their personal Theripist, and I'm getting used to not talking about my problems.

Please don't judge me by what I write, It's really not fair. If you are thinking by now that I want people tp feel sorry for me, I really don't. Feel free to, but please don't think that's what that's I'm doing.

I'm out. If anyone does read this, thanks. You don't have to leave a comment.

 The logged in version 

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