[Lord Starscream]'s diary

50664  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-17
Written: (6837 days ago)
Next in thread: 50665
50658  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-17
Written: (6837 days ago)

*sigh* what's wrong with the world today? One wrong move, and friends may turn on friends. That is probly one of the most scariest things in the world.


Laugh uncontrollably, it clears the mind.

50638  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-17
Written: (6837 days ago)
Next in thread: 50639

Two new descoveries!!

1-(found about a week ago)Mint icecream and cheese and sourcream chips are yum!
2-(found today)Dove chocolate and cheetos, or Original chips tastes yum!

50634  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-17
Written: (6837 days ago)

Sorry I haven't written in a while, I guess I never had time, but I always thought about it.

This is probly a good day for me, but I donno, maybe I've had better.

Tomorrow, I'm getting my hair cut.

It's the same roateen today, Go to school, came back, no mom, let dog out, let her back in, go on computer and check mail. *sigh* but oh well.

I always hear mom talking about the guys she would've had. I beleive the oldest was gunna be 16, and I forget the youngest. It's kinda sad when I heard kids talking about how much they don't like their brothers. I'd love to say, "At least you have a brother.." I do have two sisters, but their both half sisters. On is Nicky, she nice, but I barely chat with her. Katie's a ok sister. We have our fight, differences, but we still do love eachother. We haven't fought for a while, so maybe when we were younger, we never saw crap the same way. She wasn't really good with her mom, but she's a lot better with my dad. He is a really good guy.


Life is but a dream for the dead.

47221  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-23
Written: (6862 days ago)
Next in thread: 47222

Alright, guys! I gatta go! I love you all, and have a merry, merry christmas! ^____^

47040  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-22
Written: (6863 days ago)

I'm trapped between not two, but three friends. TT-TT I hate this. Now i'm worried about what will happen when I leave town! I don't want to leave if really bad crap happens in my absence.

45297  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-09
Written: (6876 days ago)

Ok, guys, this is what's up. My computer's infected and it's really messed up and my mother dearest's friend is gunna fix it. so, I can't get onto the computer much. I'm only on now because I got on at school. I'm not on EP because it wasx blocked. Damn, I hate this crap, ya know? *Angrily sighs* anyway, so, Ya. You can still message me, It'll just take me a whiole to anwser. I gatta go, before I get caught by the stupid sub catches me. I'm outty, laters.((Copied and paisted from Elf Town))

40979  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-11-04
Written: (6911 days ago)


I got out of school earily today with Kitsune to work on my costume. It was pretty cool, and It was fun. I was the Mad Hatter's door mouse, and Kitsune was the Mad Hatter. Her costume was awesome. THere wasn't much chocolate this year.


Today was normal, other then me getting mad at Andy because he didn't know what I was for Holloween, even though I told him more then once, and talked out it for a lot of the week.


I had to go to my Grandma's today. WHen I got there, I had a big lecture about giving out my # to people online because my mom heard about RAndi giving out her # to Zach. I wasn't going to give out my # and she knew it. I know she doesn't trust me, even though she says she trusts my more then any parent would their kid in this town. SHe thought Zach was a, like, 42 year old man who liked "little girls" as she puts it. I KNOW he ain't 42 years old! I bet'cha she thinks that everyone online are freaking 42 year old guys, looking for "little girls" to get perverted with.


WHen I got home, I found that the dog tore the rug A bit. WHen mom came home, she almost burst into tears becasue we were only renting the house. I got to talk to a friend whom I haven't talked to in ages. I spent about a half hour talked to him, but he had to go
40251  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-28
Written: (6918 days ago)
Next in thread: 40253

There was a fight at school today(thrisday), and I'm really ashamed of myself that I could've stopped it and didn't. I guess it was shock the held me back, because all he wanted back was his cheeze and, and he got punched about eight times in the head(not face). He ended up crying. I felt really bad, because he was a really nice guy. My second and fifth(I think) period teacher had a really deep feelling on it, because in second period, it was brought up, and he talked about his opinion for about ten minutes. Not that I got tired, but he WAS right, and NO ONE stepped in to help, that's how I started to feel really bad, knowing I could have stopped it and saved him from getting hurt more and crying.

38689  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-14
Written: (6932 days ago)

Rodrick and Chris are morons! I had let Missy out and when she started barking, I went out to see what was up. Rodrick was yelling "JESSICA! HELP!" so I walked back in the house with missy, pulled on my shoes, and ran outside. Chris was trying to run him over with a small modersicle. Of course, I told him to follow me, and he did...half way. Chris was still trying to run him down. I shouted at him more then once to jump in a ditch, so Chris couldn't get him, but he didn't liston, and Chris ran into him a little.

38107  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-07
Written: (6938 days ago)

I'm sooo HAPPY! ^__^ I had bought some stretchy string to fix my semi-Inuyasha rosary, and the dog had gotten ahold of it, so I thought I caouldn't finish it. TT_TT But! YEsterday, I found a necklace with a single bell I had made, so I used the and I finished it TODAY! ^____^

37949  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-06
Written: (6940 days ago)

I guess there was no Young womens last night. I think we waited there for awhile, I'm not sure.

37861  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-05
Written: (6941 days ago)
Next in thread: 37867

Yesterday, I was at lunch. Cournty was saying something and I thought the was going to say something else...while I was drinking my coke. A spit it out, some of it almost going out my nose. I had to go to the bathroom, because I didn't want to pee myself. It was funny, but I forgot what what she said after that.

I'm able to get on a school sometimes. After lunch, the period after lunch we use computers....well...labtops. Anyway, that's basically all of yesterday.

Oh! P.S. My guy friend is going to dress up as a girl with a pink dress and a short blonde wig!

36048  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-14
Written: (6962 days ago)

Ok, On the weekend, I had Randi over, and on monday, nothing went on at school...........Until language arts! Mr. Shwartz made Kylene laugh so hard, she got really hot and had to leave the room. She was still laughing and she fell down when she openned the door! It was really funny! She came back a feww minutes, and had to leave again! Finally, we all settled, and finished class.

Today, I was walked down the hall around 4 or 5 period, and heard Kylene talk to Misty briefly. "Next time you call me a Whore, call it to my face" she said. Misty kept walking. "I will." I had heard her say. She's a bitch! TO be honest, if I had to choose who would most likely be the whore, I would choose Misty. Kylene is the kind of person who doesn't care what you look like, she's just funny and friendly. ^^ She's really nice, though I don't hang out with her much.

35554  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-08
Written: (6968 days ago)

GRRRRRRRRR!!!!! I'm really hating life now! My mom had a moose meeting and I had to stay at my dad's! He wasn't there because his dad or someone like that was really sick, so he left today, not knowing when he'd be back. I got stuck at his house for, like, two and a half hours(Almost three)!!!! I had NOTHING to do. Then, my mom called around 8 or so, saying "I'll be there in a few minutes, I just have to go to my aunt." and crap like that......Fifteen minutes go by, nothing. Another fifteen minutes and she finally comes! I felt like screaming! GRR!! On the way home, I was biting my teeth and basically glaring at the air. I had my headphones on and was listoning to "Chop Suey" by System of a Down. I was thinking, instead of "Father" I could replace it was "Mother" since I don't really live with my dad. We were almost there when I asked if I could go on the computer. She sighed like she did when I do something wrong and said I could be on for only a couple minutes in a semi-angry tone. And grudgingly agreed. Then, she said if I took the trash out and took the trashcan to the street, I could stay on longer. I quickly walking into the house and took out the garbage. I then, got on the computer and checked everything. Now, I'm writting this Diary entry....

35542  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-08
Written: (6968 days ago)

Today I brought a box of CHocolate Pocky to school. I gave out around half of them, and when I asked to wanted the last one, every one did. Edward(Annea's Nickname((Not on here!))) stood up first, though. Anyway, I rased it up high, and they all tried to grab it. I gave it to Edward, though. She said that she ate half of it, and that the other half fell on the ground. She was going to eat it, but Gina R. stepped on it. To be honest, I think she did it on perpious.

One of my friends asked Mary([Mar-Mary]) if she wanted to be his gf. She asked me to tell him that she already had one, and I did. She thought that he was really beat up about it.

At the beginning of gym, I asked him why he wanted on so badly. He said that he wanted someone to trust. I told him that Mikey C. really REALLY trusts me, honestly! He tells me everything! Well, I didn't say that last part. Anyway, I told him that I would pretend to be his gf. I hope I took the right move...

34592  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-28
Written: (6978 days ago)
Next in thread: 34594

This weekend was really fun, expecally friday! I hung out with friends, and Sabrina made me laugh so hard, the soda that kitsune let me drink came out my nose! It was the first time I had ever done that, so I thought it was really cool!

I like a good action sences that are so well written, the image plays in my head like a movie'

We had to write five sentences about what makes a book good.

33943  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-23
Written: (6984 days ago)

I saw "war of the Worlds" again with my grandma and kitsune.... Also, my pictures were developed, but only 14 came out! TT_TT AND my scanner is being stubborn and won't get it on the computer! Stupid scanner!

33859  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-22
Written: (6985 days ago)

I was so sad, today. I was taking off my rosary to fix it and it BROKE! AND I don't have any string thin enough to remake it! :(

33573  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-18
Written: (6988 days ago)

I finished the rosary last night. It's supposed to look almost like Inuyasha's but not that much. It has a bell and no fangs, so....... Yeah....

32738  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-11
Written: (6996 days ago)

I made a wiki yesterday! I was go proud of myself! ^^

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