[Lord Starscream]'s diary

63182  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-04-08
Written: (6756 days ago)

"Don't ask me to surrender"
Her voice fell tired and spent
"My hopes and dreams, a silent heart
I carry here within"
her outstretched wings, left tattered
A sail aged with rust
"a breath in time, that's yours and mine...
it belongs to only us"

And I will write her name and cast it to the sky
silhouettes recede into a mother's tearful eyes
a host of angels clamor to her side
a light dissolves to kiss the wind
release the dragonfly

See the rose within the field of white
She's searching for the grail
but the rain descends to snatch the light
from distant dying suns
a faint resounding in the night
calls angels wings to beat
singing silent lip-sewn songs
but the distance is too deep ..

The Cruxshadows, Dragonfly


“My Lord has need of these flowerets gay.”
The Reaper said, and smiled
“Dear tokens of the Earth are they
Where he was once a child

“They shall all bloom in fields of light
Transplanted by my care
And saints, upon their garments white
These sacred blossoms wear.”

And the mother gave, in tears and pain
The flowers she most did love
She knew she should find
In the fields of light above

O, not in cruelty, not in wrath
The Reaper came that day
‘Twas an Angel visited the green Earth
And took the flowers away...

Vas, The Reaper & the Flowers

"Love is not blind; it is retarded."
"Cupid sure can't shoot for shit."
"Love is just a trick that our DNA plays on us so that it can duplicate itself."

63022  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-07
Written: (6757 days ago)





61856  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-30
Written: (6765 days ago)

The peace of Leaf Country was shattered more than a decade ago by the appearance of a nine-tailed demon fox. Much destruction and many deaths ensued under its rampage until the people finally assembled the shinobi. However, only with the great sacrifice of the Fourth Hokage was Nine-Tails finally stopped. As he died performing the seal to contain the demon, he asked that the people hold Naruto as a hero for his great service; but this was not to be.

As the years passed, the villagers only showered Naruto with contempt and scorn. Thus growing up without the love of parents or the companionship and camaraderie provided by friends, Naruto grew to be an unruly and mischievous child, but one with a great dream, to surpass all previous Hokages and have everyone recognize not only his strength, but also his very existence. This is where the story of Uzumaki Naruto, the receptacle of Nine-Tails. It is a journey to grow and become stronger, to create and sever bonds, and to brave the unknown future that awaits us all....

60665  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-23
Written: (6772 days ago)
60641  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-22
Written: (6772 days ago)
60402  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-21
Written: (6774 days ago)
58389  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-10
Written: (6785 days ago)

Jack: *Talking to her Boyfreind, PoPo* Will you remember me in a second?
PoPo: Yes.
Jack: Will you remember me in a minute?
PoPo: Yes.
Jack: Will you remember me in a day?
PoPo: Yes.
Jack: Will you remember me in a month?
PoPo: Yes.
Jack: ...Knock Knock...
PoPo: Who's there?

56486  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-24
Written: (6799 days ago)

TOday, when I was waiting form my mom to get out of Emi's, I went to the swing set behind the housings and saw two kids. I went to put Missy in the car, and pulled them on the swings. Soon, one(girl) had to go, and the other (boy) walked her home, then came back. I tried to teach him out to swing by himself, then I pushed him on the swing. Then, later, I had to go. He didn't want to walk home by himself(even though he lived across the street) So I walked him across the street. He was reallyc ute. He turned out ot be Nickolus, Courtney's little brother. He was really cute.

This made me think, what would have happened if I had those two brothers? Yeah, a lot of kids wish that they were an only kid, but there are a lot of kids who don't want to be an only kid. I mean, I would love to have a older brother to talk to when I have no one. I want to teach a younger brother stuff, like swinging, riding a bike, talking, and stuff...

In my eye, Kids who aren't an only child are lucky. Even though they might fight(like me and my sister((But I don;t live with her, and I can't really talk to her aobut crap))) they're still there.

THat's what I think.

55113  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-02-16
Written: (6807 days ago)

Great, it's THAT time of the month, My moodswings are acting up, in school I overflowned and had to change into my gym sweats, After work, I had to watch my grandpa(not that I didn't mind) and stayed there untill fucking 9-910, and I didn't have my Fearless book, so I could do anything really, and my mom made me get off the computer at 630, even thought I got off at 700...got, I fucking at this time of the month...I get really depressed if I can't talk to anyone. Maybe tomorrow will be better...afte school anyway. I'm finally gunna have a day with Sabrina. We haven't had one in a long time, 'cause she's usually so busy. ANd She can never spend the night because of work...I hope tomorrow is better then today....................................

54141  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-02-09
Written: (6814 days ago)

Diary entery 22 hidden, due to certian words, and content. Do not reply to this message.

52711  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-01-30
Written: (6824 days ago)
52393  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-01-28
Written: (6826 days ago)

Well, there was a activity night tonight, but it was so lame(and since my dad was alseep) I snuck out. See, you're supposed to take off with a parent with you, but I had no one to pick me up, and my sister told me to just sneek out, so I did.

But, my dad got back today and brought goodies. My grandma is here and doing ok. She got me a book, and my dad got me a big pack of batteries and a drawing kit, to help with my drawing. It's AWESOME!!!!!

50943  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-19
Written: (6835 days ago)

SOmeone please kill kris....he was throwing snowballs at the house....[further info, ask me.]


Laugh uncontrollably, it clears the mind.

50768  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-18
Written: (6836 days ago)

I got my hair cut today. It look a little while to brush it out, before I at to her it cut. My hair was soooo unhealthy, it wasn't funny. Anyway, I got it cut, and It looks healthy, and nice now. ^_^ So I'm happy now.


Laugh uncontrollably, it clears the mind.

50664  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-17
Written: (6837 days ago)
Next in thread: 50665
50658  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-17
Written: (6837 days ago)

*sigh* what's wrong with the world today? One wrong move, and friends may turn on friends. That is probly one of the most scariest things in the world.


Laugh uncontrollably, it clears the mind.

50638  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-17
Written: (6837 days ago)
Next in thread: 50639

Two new descoveries!!

1-(found about a week ago)Mint icecream and cheese and sourcream chips are yum!
2-(found today)Dove chocolate and cheetos, or Original chips tastes yum!

50634  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-17
Written: (6837 days ago)

Sorry I haven't written in a while, I guess I never had time, but I always thought about it.

This is probly a good day for me, but I donno, maybe I've had better.

Tomorrow, I'm getting my hair cut.

It's the same roateen today, Go to school, came back, no mom, let dog out, let her back in, go on computer and check mail. *sigh* but oh well.

I always hear mom talking about the guys she would've had. I beleive the oldest was gunna be 16, and I forget the youngest. It's kinda sad when I heard kids talking about how much they don't like their brothers. I'd love to say, "At least you have a brother.." I do have two sisters, but their both half sisters. On is Nicky, she nice, but I barely chat with her. Katie's a ok sister. We have our fight, differences, but we still do love eachother. We haven't fought for a while, so maybe when we were younger, we never saw crap the same way. She wasn't really good with her mom, but she's a lot better with my dad. He is a really good guy.


Life is but a dream for the dead.

47221  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-23
Written: (6862 days ago)
Next in thread: 47222

Alright, guys! I gatta go! I love you all, and have a merry, merry christmas! ^____^

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