[Lord Starscream]'s diary

69810  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-05-31
Written: (6702 days ago)
69214  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-26
Written: (6708 days ago)

God! THat was soo boring.... I had to play at a concert for graduation and stay there the whole time. The only one speak I really listened to was our old princable's Ms. Barr. I liked her, but I don't like our new one, Mr. Morris... Anyway, I was thinking that one day I'll be waiting to graduate, and the band playing for us will be completely bored out of their minds! (I got a ride home from my dad, and he said the same thing)

The thing the really itches me is that Shikamaru(Savan's new nickname. She's so lazy, I call her that now! She agrees, it fits her.) left early. She was in choir, and they only played one song(lucky temes...)... Anyway, I went to her house and got the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Death Note books from her! ^0^ OMG I LOVE IT!!! Ryuk is like, sooooo cooly awesome man!! XD

There's a picture of him (By the way, I've got claims on him!!!)


There isn't many pictures of him, though.

68821  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-23
Written: (6711 days ago)
68551  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-19
Written: (6714 days ago)

In the end, the golden angel fell into the depths of hell in the embrace of a crimson demon and the demon found salvation in the angel that was his and his alone. Some call it fate, some call it destiny... Itachi calls it people being stupid enough to leave their bedroom windows open in the middle of the night. Naruto just rolls his eyes and smiles.

66894  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-05-06
Written: (6728 days ago)
66497  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-04
Written: (6730 days ago)


 The rain fell really hard that night. It was close to midnight. It pounded on the roofs. For some people, it was a calming noise that lulled them into sleep. The people sleeping deeply in their rooms, even the mouse were asleep in there little mouse holes, each and every one contently plump from fallen bread crumbs, and stolen cheese from their ‘landlords’’ fridge. They were all completely unaware of the struggle outside their every own homes, in the streets.

 A 5-year-old Uzumaki Naruto and the infamous Uchiha Itachi ran to the gates, Naruto held the Uchiha’s hand as they ran. They were so close; Naruto knew that they would be there within seconds. There were about Two Anbu and three jounin behind them. Unforchently for our little Naruto, he tripped at the edge of a puddle. Now, that won’t have been a bit problem, if it hadn’t been for the rain that made it so hard for him to hold Itachi’s hand. His grasp on his loving protector slipped, and he fell.

 The two ANBU jumped Naruto (the three jounin still running for murderering Uchiha), as Itachi continued running. Naruto held out his hand for him. “ITACHI!!!” the Uchiha stopped, and turned to look. He didn’t say anything, and turned to run off again. Naruto struggled, even though he knew he couldn’t get away. Though he didn’t say anything, Naruto knew he would come back when it was least suspected. It was in his eyes. “Hey, Lemme go! Get off!!” He growled, still struggling. “ITA-”

 “-CHI!!!” Naruto shot up from his bed, sweat rolling down his forehead. His big blue eyes looked at the blarring alarm clock. 5:33 am He sighed. He hadn’t had that dream for a very long time. 8 years to be exact.

66469  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-04
Written: (6730 days ago)
65128  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-04-24
Written: (6740 days ago)

Omg, I feel soooo lucky. I was scared that Ed didn't like liek me the way I did him, but He did, ^____^ I'm sooo happy, now. He told me I beleive last night. Omg, He is soooooo sweet. HE's so cute, too. He understands me a lot, and I love him. Who could not like him? Seriosuly. ^0^ <3

64980  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-23
Written: (6741 days ago)

Yes, I am THIS obsessed with naruto!! I found the episodes that have Naruto vs Kiba and Lee vs Gaara in the Chuunin Exaims, There's AWESOME fights.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsDpRfxGXGk&search=Naruto%20vs%20Kiba Uzumaki Naruto VS Inuzuka Kiba

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnV8YrTBTvk&search=Lee%20vs%20Gaara Gaara VS Rock Lee

64670  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-20
Written: (6744 days ago)
64305  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-16
Written: (6747 days ago)


63935  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-13
Written: (6751 days ago)



<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L8404oEeSI&search=naruto%20chronic%20future%20and%20time%20again%20music%20video%20anime%20uzamaki Time and time Again (Inuyasha)












63323  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-04-09
Written: (6754 days ago)

Omg, I'm sorry for not getting on at all...My dad's internet wasn't working.

Anyway, i had funn. ^_^ I spent the night at savan's(upstairs). It was fun, dude! SHe accually did sleep, and she said she hadn't for three days(was it? Oo).

Amyway, that morning, I had to go to a girl scouts thing. I did go. I wrote down my questions, helped serve food before the guests arrived. When they did arrive, we ate, chatted, then talked. I had to go first, since everyone was too chicken to go. ^_^ It was quiet interesting.

I was really sleepy afterward, though. I went home, and took a nap(after trying to get into Saven's house, it failed...) Randi called my to see if I was comin over, and I told her I was taking a nap, because I was dead tired. I took the nap for a few hours, then headed over to Savan's. I got in, and went upstairs. We talked a lot, and I got to see really funny Naruto pictures. ^_^ I even got them onto my labtop! ^_^

Then we started to talk about random things, then me and Randi had to leave...funny, it took longer for us to leave. ^_^ I wish that we could've stayed the night again, it would've been fun. I'm sue the subject of 'life and death' and our religious beleives would've came up amd stuff.

63182  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-04-08
Written: (6756 days ago)

"Don't ask me to surrender"
Her voice fell tired and spent
"My hopes and dreams, a silent heart
I carry here within"
her outstretched wings, left tattered
A sail aged with rust
"a breath in time, that's yours and mine...
it belongs to only us"

And I will write her name and cast it to the sky
silhouettes recede into a mother's tearful eyes
a host of angels clamor to her side
a light dissolves to kiss the wind
release the dragonfly

See the rose within the field of white
She's searching for the grail
but the rain descends to snatch the light
from distant dying suns
a faint resounding in the night
calls angels wings to beat
singing silent lip-sewn songs
but the distance is too deep ..

The Cruxshadows, Dragonfly


“My Lord has need of these flowerets gay.”
The Reaper said, and smiled
“Dear tokens of the Earth are they
Where he was once a child

“They shall all bloom in fields of light
Transplanted by my care
And saints, upon their garments white
These sacred blossoms wear.”

And the mother gave, in tears and pain
The flowers she most did love
She knew she should find
In the fields of light above

O, not in cruelty, not in wrath
The Reaper came that day
‘Twas an Angel visited the green Earth
And took the flowers away...

Vas, The Reaper & the Flowers

"Love is not blind; it is retarded."
"Cupid sure can't shoot for shit."
"Love is just a trick that our DNA plays on us so that it can duplicate itself."

63022  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-04-07
Written: (6757 days ago)





61856  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-30
Written: (6765 days ago)

The peace of Leaf Country was shattered more than a decade ago by the appearance of a nine-tailed demon fox. Much destruction and many deaths ensued under its rampage until the people finally assembled the shinobi. However, only with the great sacrifice of the Fourth Hokage was Nine-Tails finally stopped. As he died performing the seal to contain the demon, he asked that the people hold Naruto as a hero for his great service; but this was not to be.

As the years passed, the villagers only showered Naruto with contempt and scorn. Thus growing up without the love of parents or the companionship and camaraderie provided by friends, Naruto grew to be an unruly and mischievous child, but one with a great dream, to surpass all previous Hokages and have everyone recognize not only his strength, but also his very existence. This is where the story of Uzumaki Naruto, the receptacle of Nine-Tails. It is a journey to grow and become stronger, to create and sever bonds, and to brave the unknown future that awaits us all....

60665  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-03-23
Written: (6772 days ago)
60641  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-22
Written: (6772 days ago)
60402  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-03-21
Written: (6774 days ago)
 The logged in version 

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