[Lord Starscream]'s diary

93348  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-01-26
Written: (6463 days ago)

"Go to hell."
"I have a Condo there."

93283  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-01-25
Written: (6464 days ago)
93100  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-22
Written: (6467 days ago)

Link stared up at him. Dark Link. “Why?”

“Why, what, Hero? Why am I here?” Dark Link laughed, pulling away to sit beside Link. “I’m here because you need some cheering up. And I know I’m right. I always am.”

Yes, yes, he always was. Link narrowed his eyes. Dark took full advantage of the connection they had.

“Stay out of my head.”

Dark Link didn’t answer for a moment. Link pushed himself up onto his elbows and glanced towards his dark twin. “What?”

“You...” Dark looked at if completely in shock and yet completely overjoyed at the same time. “You spoke to me!”


“The Hero of Time actually said a complete sentence! And here I thought you couldn’t do that!” Dark laughed, his voice loud and clear in the chilly evening air. “I think I underestimated you...”

Link let himself fall back to the grass, remembering idly that he was naked. It felt oddly freeing, now. “That makes twice.”

“I’m so hurt. Must you constantly bring that horrid day up? I try so hard to forget!” Dark said with a broad smirk.

93099  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-22
Written: (6467 days ago)

He then walked over to the full-length mirror on the left of the balcony. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled at how pretty the dress was and he even curtsied. Though he thought he looked pretty. Something was missing. Then it hit him, he was missing a hairdo and makeup. So then Link went and sat down in front of the dresser and looked into the mirror. He then got the old fashioned curling Iron out and proceeded to curl his beautiful blonde hair. He had done this before, because sometimes he curled Zelda’s hair for her so he knew what he was doing. It took a while though to curl his own hair. In about thirty minutes or so, he was finally done. The curls made him look sooo very pretty and link smiled in the mirror and started moving his head side to side singing to the song as if her were the singer of the song.

He then stood up and got out some of Zelda’s makeup. He then leaned forward and put on some light pink lipstick, then a little pink eye shadow, and then he put on just a tad of blush. He then put on more lipstick leaning forward and shaking his booty.

What he didn’t know though by now Ganon was standing there by the bed, leaned up against one of the bed posts smiling as he watched Link Silently. Link then stood up straight and smiled at himself in the mirror and then pulled out a pair of elbow length white satin gloves and put them on then walked back to the full-length mirror and looked at himself smiling. He looked so pretty and then he done a twirl. He saw a figure out of the corner of his eye standing by the bed as he twirled and stopped mid-twirl. He was busted! Ganon, his enemy was standing by the bedpost with his arms crossed smiling at him. His heart fell to his stomach and wanted to hide but couldn’t move but could only look at Ganon wide eyed in shock.

Ganon walked over to the dresser and ever so gently he turned off the CD player and looked at Link silently.

“H..How..How long have you been standing there?” Link managed to ask with difficulty.

Ganon gave a light chuckle and walked over to Link and looked down at him. Link swallowed hard as he looked up at Ganon.

“Long enough to see you put on some makeup” He answered Link.

92768  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-01-18
Written: (6471 days ago)
Next in thread: 92770

[CHIN:] jerdssdeifas
[CHEEK:] nrzxncaz
[ELBOW:] mnrdfecdceokvc sdx
[LIPS:] jessdica
[PALM:] jeerssivcsa
[BACK OF HAND:]nhmedzz;.lkbvdxs

92694  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-01-17
Written: (6472 days ago)
Next in thread: 92773

Heya peoples! SOrry for for being on very much. Was I dead? Was I diseased? WAs my computer shut down?!\

XD nah! For my birthday (the 11th, guys) my mom and dad got me a Wii(the ULTIMATE GAMING EXPERICENCE! \,,/>.<\,,/) and then my grandparents got me LEgend of Zelda: Twilight princess. and THAT is why I haven't been one. I've been totally obbessed them the game. Even Savan thinks its weird for me not to be one. My moms even kicking me off the livingroom TV(even though she has her own in her room) at retarded times, usually around nine. *sigh**sniff* It's so exciting! ><

And I love Midna. ^_^ She's so kawaii and Demanding! I got to a part where I thought she would die. I was like OoO OMG! NO! But then Zelda Sacraficed herself, so she's still alive. ^_^ I tried to draw her, but I sucked horribly and stopped.

I have ideas for a person(possibly) fanfic(s). Just one shots(possibly). But I do submit it somewhere, it's gunna be on DA.

You know what I've noticed? I think my town is a Playstation Town. It's very Sad. They didn't have a Wii, or Wii Games, and they barely have Gamecube Games(which, I have found out(though not tested) The Wii can play Gamecube games, too! ^______________^ I've been so Happy.....



I miss my eddd! TT_TT

91572  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-01-04
Written: (6485 days ago)
91402  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-01-02
Written: (6487 days ago)
91250  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-31
Written: (6489 days ago)

It started to rain that night; the wonderfully painful night that everything when completely rotten.
It was supposed to be the end of the small war with the ones not named, and the people of Halloween. Though completely outmatched, the only ones who knew of the battle stood, waiting. The ones of no names would be along shortly. It was in their minds to not miss this chance, this change that will end everything.
Who won the battle? The enemies of the ever good ones of Halloween? No. That is not the reason for this one day to be called a wonderfully painful night. The things that took place at the very end of the battle made it so.
The Queen of Halloween stood, ready. Her brother, the prince, stood by her side, ready. Her love, a fine monkey demon, stood on her other. He reached and took her hand. She looked down at it, and smiled. “Whatever happens tonight.” He said, his face serious, but at the same time tender, “Watch your back, alright?”
She nodded. “Of course,” she said, knowingly. “This is the last battle. After this, we could live a normal live.”
He nodded too. “Good.” He smiled, and leaned down, her being shorter then himself, and pecked her forehead. She giggled slightly, her blood rushing slightly to her cheeks, making them turn red.
“Hey, guys, as much as I’d hate to stop the mushy scene,” her brother cut in, breaking the moment, “but their here.” The couple looked forward. Sure enough, a mob of Nameless, in their black, sickening glory, where marching forward.
The Queen growled, seeing her old friend, at the front, leading. Her lover put a hand on her shoulder. She stopped, and looked at her. He merely smiled to her, making her calm down.


Though the three soldiers of Halloween were clearly outnumbered, they fought strongly, and bravely. The battle was nearing its end, though none of them knew so.
The Queen, in her rage, was distracted as she fought against her old friend. ‘Why?’ she thought. ‘Why did he betray me? Why? WHY?!’ She growled.
Unknowns to her, a Nameless saw this. It saw her distraction, her rage. It ran at her, planning on striking her through the back, and ending her life for real.
Her lover saw the running Nameless, and his distracted lover. “JACK!” He ran forward, and threw himself in the way of the attack; its arm went right through his chest, just missing his heart.
Jack turned when her name was called, and saw her lovers’ fatal blow. Her eyes widened everything seemed stop for her. Everything in her path of sight disappeared. The Nameless pulled its arm from his chest. “POPO!” she caught him before he fell to the ground, tears starting to well in her eyes.
PoPo smiled weakly at her. “Hey, don’t cry…” he lifted his hand weakly, and wiped one away that had leaked. “I guess…this is the end for me.”
“No! No, don’t say that!” she cried. “You’re gunna be ok! Ima get you away, and you’re gunna recover, and then we could-,”
“Jack… You know I won’t make it from this forest.” He smiled.
“D-don’t talk like that! Y-You’re gunna be ok!” More tears fell. “W-we’re gunna be happy together! You and Me! We’re gunna-“
“Do me one last favor…”
“A-Anything! What is i-it?!”
“Be happy…” he closed his eyes, a smile still on his face. He didn’t mind dying, if it was to protect her.
“N-No! Don’t close your eyes! Don’t fall asleep! Don’t leave me! Please!” she cried out, shaking him. “Y-You can’t!”
The leader smirked, and pulled back his black soldiers. They may not have won the battle, but this was better then he had expected. They all retreated, leaving dead bodies of their allies behind.
The Queen still stayed there, crying over the corpse of her lover. Her brother walked to her, and knelt down. “Jack….we should go…” he put a hand on her shoulder.
She turned and hugged him, crying into his chest. “It isn’t fair!” she cried. “It isn’t!” he wrapped his arms around her and patted her back.
“I know, Jack, I know…”
He sat there for hours as his sister cried. He could only comfort her, and for that he felt like such a bad brother. How could he let this happen to his baby sister? After she had done so much for him?
When she had stopped crying, he helped her up. She picked up her lover, holding him close. He helped her out of the forest. He couldn’t help but cry silently, feeling some what responsible. Where was he? She had been planning for a small wedding-like ceremony after the battle, for their victory and for their love.
The years past, and she still mourned for him on that one date. Even through his ashes flowed in the wind; she mourned and wished for him back. He ever came, physically nor spiritually. She blamed herself over and over, never letting in another theory into her head. She had killed him, not that Nameless. She had. No one else.
90585  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-23
Written: (6497 days ago)

My(Simple Plan's) Christmas List

Santa is coming tonight
And I want a car and and i want a life
And I want a first class trip to Hawaii
I want a life time supply of skittles
And slurpies and eskimo pies
I want a DVD ,a big screen TV
Just bring me things that I dont need

Cause now it's Christmas
And I want everything
I just can't wait
Christmas, so don't stop spending
I want a million gifts that's right
Don't forget my Christmas list tonight
Cause now it's Christmas

Somebody take me away
Or give me a time machine to take me straight to midnight
I'll be alright
I want a girl in my bed
Who knows what to do, a Playstation 2
I want a shopping spree, in New York city
Just bring me things that I don't need

Cause now it's Christmas
And I want everything
I just can't wait
Christmas, so don't stop spending
I want a million gifts that's right
Don't forget my Christmas list tonight
Cause now it's Christmas

I wish I could take this day
And make it last forever
And no matter what I get tonight
I want more

It's christmas I want everything
I just can't wait
It's Christmas and I want everything now

And I want everything
I just can't wait
Christmas so don't stop spending
I want a million gifts that's right
And I cant wait 'til midnight
Don't forget my christmas list tonight
Cause now it's Christmas (can't wait for Christmas)

90580  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-23
Written: (6497 days ago)

omg! A deathnote movie! (Ha, i haven't even finihsed reading the manga yet...)

IT's not in anime form, either! REAL PEOPLE! >o<

Hee, L looks a lot like he does in the manga from waht I saw!

90489  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-21
Written: (6498 days ago)

I was walking up to my dads, and I stopped at a house on the way. I usually do, because they leave their dog outside. Well, it's really sad 'cause I never see them take it in, or give it food. well, it's all jumpy and being happy because I give it food whenever I can. I'm leaning over and she jumps up and hits my throat. it hurt really bad. I kept telling her to settle down then I left.

when I got to dads, I told him, and asked him if it could be considered animal cruilty to just leave you dog out without good or water, and he nodded. I would report it, but the cops won't do anything. God, I feel so bad for it. They did this to it's mom, too. She was really really skinny((I've seen dogs be taken away that's been fatter then that)) and the cops didn't to shit. -_- I hate our town cops....they're so stupid! *grumbles*

90451  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-21
Written: (6499 days ago)

“Okay, everyone, it’s time for a visit from the Easter Bunny,” Winry announced giddily.

The guests exchanged negative glances and mutterings until the bunny stepped into view. Jaws dropped all around.

He was wearing brown, fake-fur boots resembling a rabbit’s foot reaching up to the knees, matching shorts (or short-shorts) and a heavily cropped top that would fit the term “furry boob-tube” if his questionable gender didn’t interfere. Paw-like gloves covered his upper-arms, one holding a basket loaded with chocolate eggs. Completing the outfit was the bunny-eared headband holding back long, blonde hair. In that one second, seeing the determination defeating embarrassment, Envy realised he was in love with Edward Elric.

“Say hello to Bunny Ed!” Winry announced, glancing around the room with a grin. Her eyes met Envy’s for several seconds before laughter and cheers broke out.

“Go Ed!”

“C’mon and give me some chocolate, Bunny Boy!”

Ed rolled his eyes slightly, stepping forward.


“Hell no!” Ed cried. He threw eggs at several people. “Now shut up and eat your damn chocolate!”

90087  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-17
Written: (6502 days ago)
90074  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-17
Written: (6503 days ago)


It's Haku's Month!

89914  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-12-15
Written: (6505 days ago)

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I'll be good! I'm gunna kill you! I'm gunna blow your head off like rasberry jam..." -Dir En Grey's Berry

Woah! I finally get where you got that from, Savan....

There's a kinda funny story behind this, too. See, I was listening to music while reading "The Ultimate Uke Syndrome" and I had it on repeat. A bit ago, I had downloaded a bit of Dir En Grey and the beginning of it poped on! I'm like WOAH! I go to look at it and it was this song! I was like...freaky....then I thought of Savan saying it! Oo freeeeeaky! >< nighty night.

89544  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-10
Written: (6510 days ago)

Kiba winced as he remembered an incident when he was in seventh grade and had been invited to a male classmate’s house to ‘explore the wondrous world of men’. They’d all settled down in the guy’s living room sitting in front of the huge, theater screen television installed with the recent breakthrough in sonic sound. The guy’s parents had gone overseas for some errand or other and wouldn’t walk in on them, so even the timing was perfect. His classmate had popped in a tape with a bright red label and Kiba heard a woman’s high pitch moan as, in front of his eyes, jiggled a pair of biggest tits he’d ever seen. Especially on the wide screen – their sizes surpassed the basketballs Kiba practiced with.

While his male classmates writhed on the floor – all far-gone by the mind-blowing, expressive porn film flashing in front of their eyes and the sensual sounds echoing in their ears – Kiba confusedly blinked in indifference. A whole five minutes ticked by with no bodily reactions to the grade A porn. Strange. Kiba had wondered. Very strange. His mind was screaming “#(!” but his thing didn’t agree with his head.

And that’s when he realized…

After all his time with that moron Naruto, he was now goddamn IMMUNE to all pheromones! Wild sexual cravings did NOT wrack his body – even in the most extreme circumstances! He’d become the PERFECT SHOUJO BOY ROLE, his lust only triggered by FEELINGS and EMOTIONS and INNOCENT ADORATION! GAAAHH!

89396  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-12-08
Written: (6512 days ago)
Next in thread:

BEST part of my day so far (unless Ed gets on...then THAT will be the best part of my day.)

I had given my friend angelica part of my earpeice, so she could listen to music, too, on the bus. After a bit, it got to a song from legend of Zelda (Gerundo(sp?) Valley. This one kid behind me saw it, and asked about it. We talked ofr a bit about zelda(major zelda fan, I think). I ended up talking to anjelica about Soul Caliber 2, etc. SOmeone a bit behind us(I have no clue who it was, and I odn't really care. It's fucking weird, everyone in eighth grade knows who I am, and I have nooo clue who evena third of them are! >< It started like last year! It's creapy!) called out my name and told me to look at the window. I didn't, 'cause I kinda knew it was something stupid(Though I was kinda hopin' it was something Zeldaish....). Anjelica and a few otehr people looked. She erased it, and patted my head.

"Did I really wanna look?" I asked.

"IT said Fagass and was pointing at you" she replied.

"Uh. Not like I care... But I'm not a ciggeratte butt, am I?"

She just laughed at me and we chatted about how we weren't like ciggerates.

((Note: if you guys don't get it, in brittan or someplace like that, Fag means Ciggerate))

89254  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-12-06
Written: (6514 days ago)

<img:http://www.thedollpalace.com/dollmaker/img_picker.php?d=29a5a&rubish=1165378198> OoO OROCHIMARU! ><D

Made at www.thedollpalace.com

89057  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-12-04
Written: (6516 days ago)

<img:http://myspace-013.vo.llnwd.net/01509/31/00/1509770013_l.jpg> <img:http://myspace-290.vo.llnwd.net/01509/09/21/1509671290_l.jpg>

Please, people! If it snows heavily were your at, shovel your roof! It might collaspe!

88969  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-12-03
Written: (6516 days ago)


That's what happened to my grandma's snow roof. Just the middle collasped, and thankfully, it only took odwn the snowroof, and not her roof.

 The logged in version 

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