[Lord Starscream]'s diary

99340  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-05-13
Written: (6356 days ago)

Porcelain masks have a very annoying tendency to crack and break at nearly horrible moments.

Who out of all people reading this gets that? <img:http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs12/i/2006/300/9/4/8D_by_LeoLeonardo.gif>

99312  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-05-12
Written: (6356 days ago)

XD Omg! Crowley you poor deprives soul.
Allen: um, Yuu...
Kanda: hmm?
Allen: your hand... =_=
Kanda: ... but you like it *smirks*
Allen: ahahaha. Stop it or I'll never *bleep* and *bleep* with you again!
Kanda: =_=;; che.
Aou: *chuuuuuuuuuuuu* mommy~ <3
Kanda: H-Hey! That brat kissed you!!!! =A=#
Allen: He's still a kid Yuu-chan
Kanda: But---!
Aou: em? Daddy want a kiss too? 8D <--- is eager
Kanda: =_= Don't you dare... ( only Allen's allowed to kiss me!! )

I really don't get the Alaska thing but ooook....They got the quote from blades of glory.

XD It's a D-gray-man SAMMICH!

<img:http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/113/9/6/D_Gray_Man_PS_Band_Camp_by_kiraito.png> XD Omg! Band Camp! Though, I wonder waht Allen's story was... I'm a freak that way! 8D

98219  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-13
Written: (6385 days ago)
Next in thread: 98231

*sigh* Fuck, I feel crappy. THis is really the first time i've wrote about it and everythign, and please don't say anything...REally, I wouldn't be writing about it if I didn't want to let it out. It just started with the bus. Walking down the isle, computer in my hand, backpack in the toher, I tripped. No, not the "trip over nothing" trip, I tripped over someone's fucking foot! I wouldn't have minded, if I didn't have my computer. I dropped it, and slid three feet away. Thankfully, it only got a few scratches, and nothing is broke(that I've found)....and Anglica said that anthony did it! Got, I was so pissed, and I was in a bad mood the most of the way home. When I got off, I suddenly got really depressed, and by the time I got to the yard, I just started to cry. I dunno why, but I haven't in awhile.....Maybe it's from stress, and frustration....

*sigh* I still feel crappy, but I'll cheer up soon, probably before anyone on my list gets on. Don't say anything, or ask any questions, ok? I might answer then if you do, but...it's not very likely.

Thanks for reading, if you did..

97615  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-04-02
Written: (6397 days ago)


97567  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-04-01
Written: (6397 days ago)

Love cannot possibly last forever For the only perminate thing in this world is death.
Why Dogs Chase Cats

Once long ago, Dog was married to Cat. They were happy together, but every night when Dog came home from work, Cat said she was too sick to make him dinner. Dog was patient with this talk for a while, but he soon got mighty tired of fixing dinner for them both after a hard day's work. After all, Cat just stayed home all day long.

One day, Dog told Cat he was going to work, but instead he hid in the cupboard and watched Cat to see if she really was sick. As soon as Cat thought Dog had left, she started playing games with Kitten. They laughed and ran about. Cat wasn't the least bit sick.

Dog jumped out of the cupboard. When Cat saw him, she stuck a marble in her cheek and told Dog she had a toothache. Dog got so mad at her he started chasing her around and around the house.

Dogs have been chasing Cats ever since.

97136  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6406 days ago)
97135  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6406 days ago)


96899  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-19
Written: (6411 days ago)


96886  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-03-19
Written: (6411 days ago)

God! THis is sooo retarded! My mom won't let me on the computer (I'm on right now she's not here) until I clean my room. RIght now she's starting to piss me off.

95005  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-19
Written: (6438 days ago)
Next in thread: 95006

Dr. Henry Jekyll: Science will control our shapes, our intelligence. Even create new breeds of men. Violent men to fight our wars. Docile men to do our work. Hell on Earth. And I... I want no part of it.

Dr. Henry Jekyll: Evil is not a scientific word.

Mr. Hyde: I am saving my neck. From the gallows.

95004  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-02-19
Written: (6438 days ago)


94451  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-02-13
Written: (6444 days ago)

Read about the 'ideous murder,
Profane, religious murder!

The poor old bishop,
What a shock!

Seen walkin' wiv 'is daughter,
A moment prior to slaughter!

The shepherd tendin' to 'is flock!

'E died in a London slum -
A slave to martyrdom -
'E died without complaint! -
'E should be made a saint! -

'E's gone back 'ome to God! -
It all seems very odd! -
Why should it be,
This mystery? -

Murder, murder -
In the night air!
Murder, murder -
It's a nightmare!
Murder, murder -
It's a right scare,
Bloody murder
In the night!

Murder, murder -
Makes your heart thump!
Murder, murder -
Makes your nerves jump!
Murder, murder -
Makes your blood pump,
Bloody murder
In the night!

Dona Eis, Requiem

Sweet death has taken
This brave man from us!

Requiem Aeternam

Friends, take what comfort
That you can from us!

Dona Eis, Domine...

General Glossop, I'm happy to inform you that you are relieved of your duties, sir. All of them!

Look at this, another murder,
Just like the other murder!
That's poor old General Glossop, dead!

Last week the bishop copped it!
The bloke what done it 'opped it!
That feller must be off 'is 'ead!

That's two in the last four days!
This killer has fancy ways!

To kill outside St. Paul's
Requires a lotta balls!

He hates the upper class!

He must be on 'is arse!

Who could he be?

Don't look at me!

"Bloody murder
In the night!"

Murder, murder -
Doin' folks in -
Murder, murder -
Is the worst sin!
Murder, murder -
Has me screamin'
"Bloody murder
In the night!"

Murder, murder -
Makes me blood thin!
Murder, murder -
Makes me 'ead spin!
Murder, murder -
Starts me drinkin'!
Bloody murder
In the night!"
In the night!"

Bessie, my love... You really should be more careful...wearing your real diamonds out on the street. You never know whom you might encounter!

London has a killer on the loose!
Could be a gang!
Gotta get 'is 'ead inside a noose!
The man must hang!

Maybe his nerve will fail him! -
They've gotta try to nail him! -
They've gotta trail an' jail him,

No matter who we're blamin'
Till they pull wot's-'is-name in,
There's gonna be one flamin'

Murder, murder -
It's a curse, man!
Murder, murder -
It's perverse, man!
Murder, murder -
Nothing's worse than
Bloody murder
In the night!

Bad news from God, Teddy!

Read about the worst two murders - !

Much worse than the first two murders!

That makes it murders three and four!
They've murdered dear old Bessie! -
I hear it extremely messy! -
And poor old Archie is no more! -

They say a lot of blood and gore!

That's four in the last eight days!
It's London's latest craze!

this time 'e was in Perk Lane!
An' 'e may come back again!

Until the killers found,
There's danger all around!

What can we do?
What can we do?
What can we do?
We wish we knew!

Catchin' such a madman could be hard! -
He'll kill! -
At will! -
Cos they're all so thick at Scotland Yard! -
No brains! -
No skill! -

He'll kill us, if we let him!
They'd better go and get him!

I know a way to net him! -

No matter who we're blamin'
Till they pull wot's-'is-name in,
There's gonna be
There's gonna be
There's gonna be a flamin'

Murder, murder -
Or our doorstep!
Murder, murder -
So watch your step!
Murder, murder -
Take one more step,
You'll be murdered
In the night!

Murder, murder -
Once there's one done -
Murder, murder -
Can't be undone!
Murder, murder -
Lives in London! -
Bloody murder
In the night!
In the night!

94036  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-02-07
Written: (6451 days ago)
93568  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-01-31
Written: (6458 days ago)
93484  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-29
Written: (6460 days ago)

Link had disappeared to take advantage of the hot bath that came with the room after ordering me to stay in here and not cause trouble. Hmph. I never caused trouble; I just took advantage of every little bit I found. Speaking of which... if Link wasn’t here, I didn’t have to share my chocolate with him...
I opened the bag and reached inside --
“Hey! My balls melted!”
“...I do believe that is why being hot-headed is a bad thing,” Link said sagely, walking into the room with a perfectly straight face.
I hated when he did that. I couldn’t figure out if he meant for that to sound like I took it or if he was too naive to notice. What was I saying? Link wasn’t half as innocent as everyone back in Hyrule thought. That was the one thing he always beat me at; I could be as crude as I wanted to be, but he could be crude and polite.
He needed to teach me that trick, oh yes, he did. But right now I had more important things, like the squishy and sticky substance that enveloped my hand. Why had I taken my gloves off? My chocolate felt like mud, only worse. I pulled my hand out of the bag and scowled. It looked like mud, too.
I raised my chocolate-covered hand and gave it a lick. Well, it still tasted like chocolate, at least.
“Link, how do I get this off?”
“I believe I said that I shall let you handle the mess, did I not?” He wasn’t even looking my way, instead facing the window with a towel draped across his shoulders.
I licked my hand again, debating whether or not to walk over there and smear chocolate on him. No, then he’d disappear back to the bath and leave me to clean off my hand. Hmm, I could always put it on his... no. I’d never get his breeches off, and even if I did, he’d probably wriggle out of my grip... and the struggle would get chocolate everywhere except where I’d want it...
To do that, I’d have to plan ahead... ambush him when he was half-asleep or something... Yeah, that’d work. I grinned and licked my hand. In the meantime, I had a Hero to harass.

93390  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-01-27
Written: (6462 days ago)
93348  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-01-26
Written: (6462 days ago)

"Go to hell."
"I have a Condo there."

93283  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-01-25
Written: (6464 days ago)
93100  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-22
Written: (6466 days ago)

Link stared up at him. Dark Link. “Why?”

“Why, what, Hero? Why am I here?” Dark Link laughed, pulling away to sit beside Link. “I’m here because you need some cheering up. And I know I’m right. I always am.”

Yes, yes, he always was. Link narrowed his eyes. Dark took full advantage of the connection they had.

“Stay out of my head.”

Dark Link didn’t answer for a moment. Link pushed himself up onto his elbows and glanced towards his dark twin. “What?”

“You...” Dark looked at if completely in shock and yet completely overjoyed at the same time. “You spoke to me!”


“The Hero of Time actually said a complete sentence! And here I thought you couldn’t do that!” Dark laughed, his voice loud and clear in the chilly evening air. “I think I underestimated you...”

Link let himself fall back to the grass, remembering idly that he was naked. It felt oddly freeing, now. “That makes twice.”

“I’m so hurt. Must you constantly bring that horrid day up? I try so hard to forget!” Dark said with a broad smirk.

93099  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-01-22
Written: (6467 days ago)

He then walked over to the full-length mirror on the left of the balcony. He looked at himself in the mirror and smiled at how pretty the dress was and he even curtsied. Though he thought he looked pretty. Something was missing. Then it hit him, he was missing a hairdo and makeup. So then Link went and sat down in front of the dresser and looked into the mirror. He then got the old fashioned curling Iron out and proceeded to curl his beautiful blonde hair. He had done this before, because sometimes he curled Zelda’s hair for her so he knew what he was doing. It took a while though to curl his own hair. In about thirty minutes or so, he was finally done. The curls made him look sooo very pretty and link smiled in the mirror and started moving his head side to side singing to the song as if her were the singer of the song.

He then stood up and got out some of Zelda’s makeup. He then leaned forward and put on some light pink lipstick, then a little pink eye shadow, and then he put on just a tad of blush. He then put on more lipstick leaning forward and shaking his booty.

What he didn’t know though by now Ganon was standing there by the bed, leaned up against one of the bed posts smiling as he watched Link Silently. Link then stood up straight and smiled at himself in the mirror and then pulled out a pair of elbow length white satin gloves and put them on then walked back to the full-length mirror and looked at himself smiling. He looked so pretty and then he done a twirl. He saw a figure out of the corner of his eye standing by the bed as he twirled and stopped mid-twirl. He was busted! Ganon, his enemy was standing by the bedpost with his arms crossed smiling at him. His heart fell to his stomach and wanted to hide but couldn’t move but could only look at Ganon wide eyed in shock.

Ganon walked over to the dresser and ever so gently he turned off the CD player and looked at Link silently.

“H..How..How long have you been standing there?” Link managed to ask with difficulty.

Ganon gave a light chuckle and walked over to Link and looked down at him. Link swallowed hard as he looked up at Ganon.

“Long enough to see you put on some makeup” He answered Link.

 The logged in version 

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