[PoIsOn_SuGaR]'s diary

51182  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-01-21
Written: (6741 days ago)

If you REALLY LIKE SOMEONE right now AND MISS THEM and can't get them out of your head then re-post this within 1 mintute and whoever you are missing will surprise you.

37284  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-28
Written: (6855 days ago)

ok toooddaaaaaay......ummm... nothing happened. some friends suggested i should write in this to practice writing things over 15 pages since i am just a short short story person and i'd love to start a writing project...
eeep! it's SOOO bor-ing
what else? oh oh oh i stole some men's boxers from my guy friend (of course i let him know i stoled em.....) and theY ARE REALLY comfy. and cool looking.....the sentence today i really had to laugh about is when sami said: I LIKE TO DANCE IN ODD PLACES....guess what sami? ME TOO. we rock

37113  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-26
Written: (6857 days ago)

well well well my luvs. meglynn (nickname of megan) and i were talking about the likes the someone will come to school dressed as a french maid again this year and i must say it was hil-arious to imagine some of these girls in that tiny hot topic costume. it may sound mean but really, ya gotta try it sometime. yesh yesh anyhow then megs asked me if IIII would do such a thing and i said possibly if we didn't have that idiotic dress code to go by. not that anyone follows it, tho some should cause of the body mass. *gets back on track* well megs had to go and ask some guys how they would like it if i came to school as that french maid. it was suprising how many said it would turn them on. i mean really SCARY.

28664  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6931 days ago)


28662  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6931 days ago)

A guy and girl were speeding over 100 mph on a road…

Girl:"Slow down. I’m scared."

Guy:"No, this is fun."

Girl:"No, its not. Please, its too scary."

Guy:"Then tell me you love me."

Girl:"Fine, I love you. Slow down!"

Guy:"Now give me a BIG hug."

*Girl hugs him*

Guy: "Can you take my helmet off and put it on? Its bugging me."

Paper the next day: motorcycle crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people riding. Only one survived.

The truth:
Halfway down the road, the guy realized the brakes went out, and he didn’t want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug him one last time, then had her put on his helmet. So that she would live, even though it meant that he would die.

28655  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6931 days ago)

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.................. .....,’’ ¯’’~--~’’’ .¯’---,,,,--‘’
........................ ‘’~-,,-~VICTORY WILL B MINE!!!~

28647  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6931 days ago)

o and anyone that feels obligated to say that my pictures that i'm gonna upload, suck, will also be hunted down, i have no patience with those ppl, freaks (jk)

28646  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-07-15
Written: (6931 days ago)

i'm trying to find some ppl on here and it's not working this sux. anyway, gonna try to get some pics up soon, k? don't try to stalk me or cyber me i swear i will hunt you down and kill you with a kitchen knife. I'm serious.

 The logged in version 

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