[chickenfajita]'s diary

31834  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-04
Written: (7002 days ago)

I am ____. i feel too too much. ifeel hate. but towards myself not others. i took an angel and changed her life. i brought her to hell, with me. but it wasnt always this way. i lived in heaven for a time. ive sinned tho. ive been condemned. and no im not a retard, i know how to type, but my feelings and thoughts run to fast for my fingers. no time for formality, right? anyways. i know how to be myself , and maybe be welcomed back,to that once blissful place where i lived. content yet i still fucked it up. i can be this person deserving of my angel but i have a demon in my head. he makes me hurt people. i dont want to but he makes me think i do. i think i need meds. ill know soon enough.  he hurts me. my arms. my hands. i wear one glove. black. it covers my pain. and the marks left by him. oh how i still love that one angel..................

31832  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-04
Written: (7002 days ago)

i fell so far down, ill never be up,
while drinking of the devils cup,
and drink i did for it was fine,
tho' i shall pay in due time,

 The logged in version 

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