[chickenfajita]'s diary

31835  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-04
Written: (7002 days ago)

12-15-04 (later that night)
not to worry. my sins have not gone unpunished. ive been marked. he made me do. well, maybe not made me. i came willingly this time. i ve only marked the surface of my palm,to signify where i ve placed my feelings, on the surface. but i cant tell if this is really me. god how i ve fucked my life up. the angels too. sometimes i wonder if would ve been better off without my dark influences. i hate me so bad. sometimes i wonder what i deserve. life maybe? not likely. sometimes i kill myself in my head everyones there, watching me but they dont know. huh, it makes laugh on the inside, yet for some reason it hurts..........

31834  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-04
Written: (7002 days ago)

I am ____. i feel too too much. ifeel hate. but towards myself not others. i took an angel and changed her life. i brought her to hell, with me. but it wasnt always this way. i lived in heaven for a time. ive sinned tho. ive been condemned. and no im not a retard, i know how to type, but my feelings and thoughts run to fast for my fingers. no time for formality, right? anyways. i know how to be myself , and maybe be welcomed back,to that once blissful place where i lived. content yet i still fucked it up. i can be this person deserving of my angel but i have a demon in my head. he makes me hurt people. i dont want to but he makes me think i do. i think i need meds. ill know soon enough.  he hurts me. my arms. my hands. i wear one glove. black. it covers my pain. and the marks left by him. oh how i still love that one angel..................

31832  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-04
Written: (7002 days ago)

i fell so far down, ill never be up,
while drinking of the devils cup,
and drink i did for it was fine,
tho' i shall pay in due time,

 The logged in version 

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