[Fallen Paladin]'s diary

55793  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-02-20
Written: (6801 days ago)

I went from Knight in Shining Armor to Black Knight. Now its just chivalry in a different form. I'm not evil, just not as good as I used to be. Pain has tarnished this once bright heart of mine.

33747  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-21
Written: (6985 days ago)

I don't play games they're a waste of time. Oh, and guess what, sometimes I like to rhyme. No more jokes straight down to business. If you're looking in here its either because you got a notice saying I have a new diary entry or you want to know more about me without talking to me. Well, if you're a girl please do read on. I know what I am going to say will not make you happy, but I don't give a shit! I don't like having to buy jewelry for girls because they think they deserve it. Thoughtful gifts that mean something are a hell of a lot more valuable than jewelry. I know there are girls out there that think that because my last girlfriend thought it. And I hate lies, girls that lie are a waste of fucking time! No amount of beauty in this world can make up for a shitty attitude. And women that read this will be like, 'whatever, he's like any other guy and would do anything for a fuck.' Not so, you don't know me so you have no fucking clue what I would do or think! Well, I'm finished with my tirade so you can message me if you want with any hate messages or what-not. I don't really care, you will get it straight back from me.

33746  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-21
Written: (6985 days ago)

My Time
The sun is setting my time has come
for me to once again walk the moonlit path
No light in sight only darkness abound
as I slip from shadow to shadow in night's dark embrace
To hunt once more
the sweet taste of blood to quench my thirst.

Light to Dark
I've bathed in your light long enough and its time for me to go
To let go and let the darkness inside consume me
Her dark nails rake my skin the pain oh so good
Your love a distant memory only hate is left for me to revel in
This dark nightmare is my sweetest dream as I sleep forever in my dark abyss.

You cannot see me but I am there
I am the darkness
Caressing your face with shadows
Watching you and holding you in your death-like sleep
As you dream of dark serenity and sweet nightmares

Torn and Dead Inside
And so he stood with heart in hand
And he could hear their special band
She turned away and crushed his dreams
He tried to think what it would mean
To live a life without her there
So he dropped his heart no more nightmares
And now he lives his life dead inside
Ever since her fateful lie

Dark Angel
Dark I am the angel
That fell from on high
Dark I am the angel
That tells such a sweet lie
Dark I am the angel
No more tears do I dry
Dark I am the angel
I do so wish to die
Dark I am that angel
Who scars no longer hide
Dark I am that angel
I can no longer fly

On the Wings of a Dove
I loved a girl and she loved me back
But that fateful night made it all lack
Now she hates me and I find no solace
Ne'er do I see her, no more condolence
I still loved her with my broken heart
But I guess I had played my last part
My last thought as my heart decayed
Was 'What would I do today?
If I saw her down that street
And could finally get to greet'
Tender was my heart and eager to love
But I lost it all, it flew away like a Dove

Crimson Path
Walk with me down this path
Of crimson black wrath
I will guide you through this lightless Hell
For I know this place we travel through well
Dark nights of sleepless horror
Lonely days of restless slumber
There is only pain so constantly
For it is my soul we travel you see

33741  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-21
Written: (6985 days ago)

I see that I am not yet free from the shackles of my morality as they pull me back down. Though I yearn to sever them something keeps me bound to that better half of myself that looks to the light. Why can't I cut this part from my being?

33599  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-08-19
Written: (6987 days ago)

I hate posers, and people that act all lonely and deserted, even if they have a girlfriend/boyfriend. They're not lonely, they just play a part and act like it to draw attention! No better than people that think they are better than others in my opinion!

33104  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-14
Written: (6991 days ago)

Ok, if you're looking in here you obviously want to know more about me. Right? Well let me enlighten you to the darkness that is in me.

I hate...
1.) Inuyasha
2.) Double standards (Women and men sould be treated the same/ As sex slaves)
3.) Harry Potter
4.) Jocks/Cheerleaders/Preps (They all think they are better than others/ Most)
5.) You (And everything about you/ Just kidding)
6.) Me (God I hate that bastard! Oh, wait...)

I love...
1.) Black
2.) Women
3.) Skirts
4.) Women in skirts
5.) Women in black
6.) Women in black skirts
8.) Atreyu (Fucking rock!)
9.) Sex (Who doesn't)
10.) Writing

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