[stranger2you]'s diary

85424  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-10-20
Written: (6560 days ago)

You decieved me,
You lied to me,
yet you still want to remain friends.
How am I capable of such tolerance?
How am I to swallow the hurt?
You were my missing piece to my puzzle.
You completed me.
But that puzzle crumbled once more.
So much for a completion of me...

84494  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-10-09
Written: (6570 days ago)

God life has been living HELL lately. Everyone and everything that I love, I loose somehow, someway. What have I done wrong? It's like I'm totally disant from everybody else like I'm not like them...well of course I'm not but still. I make promises that I tend to keep, but so much shit happens I can't do the thing s I promised right then and there or when I said I would. I am expected to do so much and love so much...but after your heart is broken over and over again...you finally loose that capability to love like you once did. I have tried so hard to please everyone else around me that I don't bother to take care of myself. What am I suppose to do?????? Where do I go from here?????? What is my path????

 The logged in version 

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