[DS0000]'s diary

105597  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-09-15
Written: (6229 days ago)
Next in thread: 105768

Wow, well things have not been going right for me latley.
Everything seems to be going badly, and its really starting to get to me. I really need to vent so I figured why not do it on here? Okay where do i start.

Problem 1.
My super good friend, Erin, hates me, and i didnt do anything to deserve it. Okay well Erin and this guy named Parker have been going out for years. Well he is like my best guy friend. And I'm his best chick friend. Last year we kinda started to like eachother. We never did anything, just liked each other (and it wasn't like we wanted to like eachother because we didnt want to hurt Erin.) She found out that we liked eachother and she hated me, I deserved that though. But she tried everything to get him to like her and stuff. She spred rumors about me and was just flat out rude. We eventually made up and were friends again. But she constantly kept bringing up the Parker thing, which hurt really bad. Well then near the end of this summer we got our class scedules. I told her that Parker and I had algebra together. She freaked out and started yelling at me. Its not like I chose to have classes with him. So Parker and I have been talking alot more latley and we are just really good friends (nothing more). I can tell him everything. Okay so then about a week later Erin apologized for yelling at me and getting mad. But Since then she's hasnt really been talking to me much or anything. Well Thursday (9/13) I went to this meeting thing after school and she went too. She walked right past me and most of her friends and sat my Jade. She used to tell me how she doesnt really like Jade that much and stuff. She didn't even look at me. So thats when it hit me that she was mad at me. Well later that day I went to the football game at school. Parker showed up so we hung out. But there was a bunch of our other friends with us, so it wasnt like it was just him and I. Erin called him and he said he was at the game so the next thing we know she shows up. I said hi to her. and she said hey without even looking at me. She follows us around everywhere we go. And Parker is talking to her because she keeps crying and stuff. She gets mad at parker because he wont kiss her (they have been broken up for a few weeks, but they break up all the time.) She calls me a skank face or somthing like that. Parker tells me that she said that so I got really mad. So I said, "Hey. I'm a skank face huh?" and shes like i believe i said skank bitch. I didn't anything to deserve that. I was just hanging out with my friends.

Problem 2.
Homecoming is in a few weeks. All my friends have dates. And nobody seems remotly interested in going with me. Which isn't that big of a deal, it just doesnt make me feel good.

Problem 3.
I'm having surgery two days after the homcoming dance. I'm going to have to miss two or three weeks of school. So I'm scared that I'm going to get way behind in my work and fail all my classes. I'm not that scared about the surgery because I already had this surgery on my other leg. But I am scared about when I go back to school because the school is so big (its brand new this year.) And I don't want one of the upper classman to trip me on my crutches or anything because I'm still going to be in alot of pain.

There is also just a bunch of little things that go on every now and then. Like fretting about home work or something.

Well if you actually read this than, thanks. It means alot to me.

60904  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-03-24
Written: (6769 days ago)

this has been the longest week ever!!!! nick has been grounded all week! i cannot wait till he becomes ungrounded!!!!!!! <3 danielle

59241  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-03-15
Written: (6778 days ago)

Dear Diary, my teen angst has a body count

 The logged in version 

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