[TEDYBER]'s diary

136629  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2022-02-10
Written: (1080 days ago)


136628  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2022-02-10
Written: (1080 days ago)

Why is it that i have such feelings
Why cant I just be numb
Why cant I easily forget
Why do I feel home
Why am I not wanted
Why does no one care
Why did it happen like this
When will the pain go away

129403  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-06-23
Written: (5330 days ago)

this is part of a poem i remembered writing in 8th grade

Broken, like a window shattered after hitting the ground,
nothing but broken is the mother that bares the child that weeps
loosely she cry's from being broken by a man that cares nothing about her

thats not all of it but its what i can remember

129402  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-06-23
Written: (5330 days ago)

Sitting In A Room So Cold

I'm sitting in the cold room, iring, wanting, and loving the sun shine
Wondering when will it be my turn to enjoy the sun i have longed to be with for so long
and when they say the best things happen to those who weigh, well how long is my weigh
and until i get my sunshine all i shale be is a lonely cold faded shadow of who i want to be

129401  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2010-06-23
Written: (5330 days ago)

ya ever feel like life's little play thing?
one moment it plays with you making you happy and succorer, and the next its through you aside like you mean fucking nothing,
i mean i understand karma and i know every thing happens for a reason, then why is that i'm deeply madly in love with someone i cant enjoy, why has life yet again fucked with me,
idk my just a little irradiated with the way things are going right now............

97394  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-03-28
Written: (6513 days ago)

i fight the tears of a cold rainy night
hoping that your love will provide me the light
and if my thought are correct
the only way to get rid of theis tears of this painful night
is to spill my blood and the it'll be all right
but untill then i am sitting her with the tears of this cold rainy night

 The logged in version 

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