[Xx.Baybee Choice.xX]'s diary

90460  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-21
Written: (6497 days ago)

Good Times We Had Have Returned To Haunt Me

90298  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-19
Written: (6499 days ago)

Little ........ is 14 years old
She's steady trying to figure why the world is so cold
So she pops x to get rid of all the pain
'Cause she's having sex with a boy who's sixteen
Emotions run deep and she thinks she's in love
So there's no protection he's using no glove
Never thinking 'bout the consequences of her actions
Living for today and not tomorrow's satisfaction
The days go by and her belly gets big
The father bails out he ain't ready for a kid
Knowing her mama will blow it all outta proportion
Plus she lives poor so no money for abortion


90284  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-19
Written: (6499 days ago)

Im stuck up in the world on My own
Forced to think that hell is a place called home
Nothing else to do but get some clothes and pack
I Really Wanna run away and never come back.

88251  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-25
Written: (6523 days ago)

liking dis boy yeh..but i really dnt wna tell him..lool..and i probs neva will but oh well..i cnt be fucked at the moment...im
all ovah the place with feelings n emtions...so...?? i dno XX

88022  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-23
Written: (6525 days ago)

Xx.nuff luff hunii.xX

87071  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-11
Written: (6537 days ago)

Holding onto sumone thats nt really there..luvin sum1 that dusnt kno...holding onto smething that you cnt let go of..thinkin about it makes u cry..and hurts you inside..Wishing that you could go back and change the years..but you cant..N Everyday uve been thinkin about that person..wishing theyd tlk to you..wondering if theyre thinking about you..EveryGurl is da same..So tell that person who u miss or who you luv that theyre da one for you x x

86037  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-10-28
Written: (6551 days ago)


° °§wêët £îkê Hèåvëñ~ ~Hðt £îkê H룣~ ~Î'm ThÊ §wêëtë§t Gü®£~ ~Å$
¥øÙ ©ãñ T룣° °

ïm å °pwïn¢ëss° n' ïvë göt ¢låss. gïvë më shïët ï'll kï¢k ur åss. sö åll ü
höës whö fïnk ür këwl fïnk ågën b¢öz °I° rülë

¤° 10% angel + 10% hottie + 10% diva + 20% goddess + 20% perfect + 30%
princess + 100% me °¤

86036  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-10-28
Written: (6551 days ago)

· ·¤(HoRnY LiL DeViL)¤· ·

(¯`·._.·[K®åZÿ ßiT©h]·._.·´¯)

[ D u D e . . . S w E e T  ]

°¤°GüMMy ßeAR LøVëR°¤°

(¯`·._.·f r e a k - m e - b a b y·._.·´¯)

LiVe F®ëÊ.. DiE Þ®øûÐ.. HaVe FúÑ).. PlAy LõÚd

¸¸·´¯ It'S ELeCTriC ¯`·¸¸


iM nOt ShY..i JuSt DoNt LiKe YoU


crOwd pleaser-bOy teaser 

¦¦°º¤<«..ArE YoU TrYiN To bLiNd mE WiT Ur bLiNg bLiNg ..





Ï DôÑt Dö ÇûTë  


RoSeS r ReD aSh Is black gO 2 HeLl AnD nEvA come BaCk


GiRl @ pL@Y 

»¤ Í m WïÇkÊd_ WïZè wÊñ ï† ©Ûm§ ² Gû¥§ ¤«

..:. The Girls Are Talkin .:.

··¤(¯`×(`¤ hUnNy ¤´)×´¯)¤-



(¯`·._.·[ §høp ølî¢ ]·._.·´¯)

§¿~ F L I R T ~¿§

«…:¤¨¨¤:…M¥§të®iøu§ Åñgël…:¤¨¨¤:…»

)S.L.U.T- sweet little unforgettable thing )

)B.I.T.C.H- Beautiful Induvidual That Causes Hardons )



× ×  I av a confession I mst confess I was told I was da absolute
best  × ×

»¤ ¤° (s)Héåvëñ Mü§t Bê MÌs§iñg Àñ Äñgé£ Çüz Ï Ãm Héré(s) °¤ 

Í'm å §£åvè 4 Ü,Î çâññôt hø£Ð ît, Í çâññôt çöñt®õ£ ìt,Í'm å §£åvè 4 Ü,Î wôñt
Ðëñý ît,î'm ñòt t®ýìñg tô hïÐë Ít

¤ .¸¸.·´¤ÅñG룤fåÇè¤`·.¸¸. ¤

85027  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-10-15
Written: (6564 days ago)

every gurl has sum1 they really like..But They dont always tell peple.they keep it a secret..and watch them,talk to them,see dem in school or other places..But sumtimes if you dont tell that person how you feel about them,you will go through that horrible pain of seeing them with other gurls,and then u think to ureself dem gurls are so lucky...
The worst thing to see is the boy u really like with another gurl..If you like sum1 then tell them!

79841  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-09
Written: (6631 days ago)
Next in thread: 79944

?? iz FIT AS FUCK...woah..i dnt care wot anyone else tinks bout him...i think he fine..and if u read this hopefully u will kno who u are?

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