now about them pancakes...
can a cup become attracted to a bathtub after 6 hours of exposure to MTV? i know you are...i think. i shoot penguins.
today is one of those days where you want to shit in someones mailbox. i miss my GF. penguins keep stealing my bike & my hemmorage wont leave me alone. and for the last time, i dont want any needles!
i am a seal.
i wish is was a seal.
what does cereal mean?
cheese doesnt do that! it plays violin with its buddy, tom hanks!
run forest! run!
wait! how can a forest run?
wont the trees trip it?
drunk people dont flush the toilet.
down with the fucking government!!!! they burnt my popcorn again!!!!!!!
why do goths act like goths but bitch when people call them goths? FUCKFUCKFUCKFU
srry, was mad fer a while. & no i do not label.
i just call them things that arent true! or wait...
down down down & the flames were higher...becau
why does the ring of fire look like a cyllinder?
i never knew that taxi cabs were cars!
i thought they were CATTAPILLERS!!
i typed it wrong.
fuck me............