[MyWings]'s diary

55857  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-02-20
Written: (6801 days ago)

lille engelen min
hvorfor er du så kald?
hvorfor er huden din så hvit?
er du død?

lille engelen min
hvorfor svarer du ikke?
hvorfor beveger du deg ikke?
er du død?

lille engelen min
hva har skjedd med deg?
hvorfor er du helt stiv?
er du død?

lille engelen min
hvorfor er kjortelen din revet i stykker?
kan engler virkelig blø?
er du død?

lille engelen min
hvem gjorde dette mot deg?
hvem var ansvarlig for din smerte?
er du død?

lille engelen min
hva prøvde du å si meg tidligere?
hva hadde du sagt hvis du kunne si noe nå?
er du død?

lille engelen min
hva skal jeg gjøre nå?
hvem skal lede meg nå når jeg er uten deg?
du får ikke lov til å være død

lille engelen min
snakk til meg!
beveg deg
lev igjen!

48915  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-04
Written: (6848 days ago)

Name- Kristin
Nickname- Angel
birthdate- march 6, 1990
birthplace- skien
current location- siljan
eye color- guess that would be green
height- 166 cm
righty or lefty- righty

most overused phrase- huh??!
thoughts first waking up- don't tell me i woke up again today too?! ><
best physical feature- :S
bedtime- whenever i'm tired
most missed memory- don't want to think about it. I MISS MY FRIEND!!! (R.I.P. Geir)

soda- anything really...
fast food joint- nope
single or group dates- both
adidas or nike- nike
chocolate or vanilla- CHOCOLATE! XD
cappuccino or coffee- neither

smoke- no
cuss- no
sing- no
take a shower every day- yes
have a crush(es)- call it whatever you want
do ya think you've been in love- I know i have (are)
want to go to collage- yes
want to get marreid- yeah, but doubt it'll ever happen
believe in yourself- no
get motion sickness- depends (sort of changes alot)
think your atractive- no
get along with your parents- not my mum
like thunderstorms- ahuh
play an instrument- played piano once (for 6 years)

  In the Past Month:
drank alcohol- no
smoked- no
done a drug- no
had sex- no
made out- no
gone on a date- not really, but...
gone to the mall- yes
eaten a box of oreos- no
eaten sushi- no
been on stage- no
gone skating- no
made homemade cookies- yes
gone skinny-dipping- NOOOO!!! O.O COLD!!!
dyed your hair- no
stolen anything- no

played a game that required stripping- no
been trashed or extremely intoxcicated- sort of
been caught doing something- not really
been called a tease- no
gotten beaten up- no
shoplifted- no
changed who you are to fit in- yes

age hope to be married- whenever the guy want to
numbers of kids- not more than 2
how do you want to die- drowning
where do you want to go to collage- duno anywhere really
what do you want to be when you grow up- writer
who is your mosted loved person- Geir/Billy

  In a guy:
best eye color: doesn't matter
best hair color: any really
short or long hair: both
height: taller than me
best articles of clothing- whatever they like

number of drugs taken illegally- none
number of ppl i can trust with my life- none really
number of CD's i own- i would guess around 20, but some of them are really old
number of peircings- my ears
number of tattoos- none
number of times my name has been in the newspaper- don't know
number of scares i have on my body- can't count them, too many
number of in the past i regret- too many really

48848  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-01-04
Written: (6848 days ago)

I can't do this. i can't pretend i don't care. even if that's what i'm doing. i need help. all my memories are killing me. i don't know how long i'll hold it together anymore. they're hitting me a place i can't protect, and my tears are getting colder and colder. I don't want to be cold, but that's how i'm turning. howe can suhuting out the world make you stronger?
she didn't come. she didn't even call me back, like she said she would.
last night when i left i thought i was handeling it all. didn't take much more to tip me over again.
3 sorrows always come together, isn't that what they say?
does that mean that this was the last for now? or will they put even more to it?

i've got to get help. there's nothing more i can do. i'm not holding on anymore.

Billy, if you don't want anything more to do with me, i want you to just tell me.
Geir, i'll miss you
Grandpa, i don't know what to do.
me? i don't know what's left anymore.

 The logged in version 

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