[youth of the born one]'s diary

112708  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-03-18
Written: (6158 days ago)

Update on Rodney:

The doctors are starting to make headway with him, and so far most of the leakage in his skull has been drained... his brain is still really, really damaged, and he has a lot of trama to his body... he is still in really bad danger, because though his heart rate is steady, it's really hard for him to get the blood flowing.

Right now were really worried that he won't make it out of the coma without being paralyzed. His spine has been partially severed, (which I just learned yesterday), and the tear is near his neck. 

As for his friend Alex,... he died yesterday at 9:37pm. 

112663  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-03-16
Written: (6159 days ago)

People of the elfpack...

if any of you know the user [POP goes the cork screw],

or are friends with him, something really bad has happened.

Right now, he's in the hospital.

Rodney was in the car with his friend, on their way to their friends house to go to a party.

I know drugs and beer were involved, because the doctors told my parents Rodney was drinking, and he tested positive for pot. 

Now he's in an endused Coma, and Alex is dying because his lungs are collapsed, and his whole chest cavity is smashed. the rest of his body is completely crushed... and he was the driver.

Rodney was in the passenger seat, (duhhh why would he sit in the back) and Alex went off the road, and the front end of the car hit the dip of the ditch, and flipped, then rolled twice. Rodney's legs are both broken in both of his knees, his ankles, and his shins, and his right arm is completely smashed.

His skull is fractured in two places where he hit the windshield, and smashed into the side window.

From the fracture in his skull there is blood leakage inside his sull cavity... and there isn't much the doctors can do. Right now he's in a complete body cast...

and for all of you supposedly ''rebels'' out there,...

where your fucking seat belt.
That's the only thing besides the airbag, (which broke rodney's nose) that stopped him from being ejected from the car.

I hope you don't end up like my only brother.
There is a real good chance
that he could die.

so do me a favor...

and don't drink and drive. Don't smoke pot and drive. don't get in the car with people that do.

I haven't had a drink since this has happened...

and it's been hard... but I know that nothing good can come out of this accident.


I've driven drunk many times...
and out of freakish luck I haven't gotten into a wreck yet...

but I won't even toy with the issue anymore
now I see what can happen.

thanks for you time.
-John Pederson

106859  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-10-13
Written: (6314 days ago)

Hey Rodney you can cheer your face off now because I broke up with shin-shin! XD fucking cheer your head off, because if you don't I will for you.

here is the one thing I will miss about her:

she always had something mean to do to Rodney

that's it, the other qualities besides sex SUCKED

and my god ... she needs to get over things. Her life was based off of me, and her fucking ferret Kinston. When I broke up with her... seriously guys, she was hanging on me like a tramp. okay ... im quite sick of complaining now, so I'm going to cheer

 The logged in version 

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