[♫The Awesomeless!♫]'s diary

92473  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-01-14
Written: (6473 days ago)

roses are red
viloets are bule
u make me cry inside
when i look at u
u know my i luv u
u know my plea
and just for a second i thought u luved me
i wished and i prayed
for the day u would come around
but im still waitin
here on the ground
4 u to say u luv me
and to say u that want me
but just for a second
i thought u luved me

this was written by Brandi!
but i like it!

92383  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-01-13
Written: (6474 days ago)

I want to drink away the pain!
I want to feel it no more!
i want u to kill me!
Stab me
shot me
gouge out my eyes
rip out my heart
and stomp on it!
do the torture
dont skip out on any!
cuz that pain will be
compared to the pain
I feel from u!!!

i kno it sux but urthe dummy that read it!

91053  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-12-29
Written: (6489 days ago)

I seriusly feel lyke im dyin!
ive been REALLLLLLY sick 4 a wile now!
ive puked everyday 4 the last month!
...dont let my mom find that out!
i dont want her or any1 2 worry!
i feel lykeim gonna puke right now....
oh crap....
i gotta stop writin this b-4 i

damn it!..I puked agian!
(good thing i had a garbage next 2 me!)
this is not the best winter break!!!
o well

i deserve it!


p.s. i doubt u wanted 2 kno that but o well!

91037  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-28
Written: (6490 days ago)

the dirty looks,
[the jealous stares,]
the best part is,
catch ur breath,
[pinch ur wrists,]
baby its true,
i'm the person i wanna be so
im a rude Ass bitch when i need to be,
[but im cool as fuck when ur real with me]

89212  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-05
Written: (6513 days ago)

Hey Guys!
This Is Gonna B The LAst Tyme Im ON Till MOnday!
2 c my AWEOSME bubbby! AKA [the_new_me2]
He said hes really Buff now!
were gonna b takin TONZ of pics
when we go!
so ill update u on how sexifull
he is when i get back! lol

what sux is we are leavin tomarow mornin at fricken
1 in the morning!
I guess its worth it 4 my bubby!
well i X-pect tonz of messages tellin me
how much u guyz miss me when i get back!
SO WRITE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love YA ALL!

87499  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-17
Written: (6531 days ago)

God I Hate B-in Sick!
My throat is sore,
My nose is Runny and Stuffy,
i keep coughin and hackin,
the cold medicine is makin me tierd,
and the cold is keepin my awake!



86458  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-04
Written: (6544 days ago)


People at N-Dub are so fuckin imature!
they talk about stupid shit do stupid shit and like stupid shit!

W/ Those ppl and there fuckin stupid
for example adma h. (not harrison)
had metal balls and keep talkin about ppl playin w/ them and shit
then theres Tyler and Darryl who act like the are fuckin gettin me in the ass or sumthin!
STUPID SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People sit there and talk about how
there representin!
and how fuckin ghetto they are!
but they have no fuckin clue
what the hell they are talkin about!
when u throw up an EASTSIDE sign and
yell out SOUTHSIDE ur GONNA get ur ass KILLED!
expatually if u do that shit around
WESTSIDE! DUMB FUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U get that Samantha???????
GOOD! lol

they talk about a person then
act like they are
that persons friedn!
LIKE ALLY AND ALYSSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first point they are fightin and callin each
other whores and shit!
the next they are goin trick-or-treatin together!
like best friends! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!

well thats all 4 u dumb fucks 2 read 2day!

83573  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-09-26
Written: (6583 days ago)
Next in thread: 83581, 83693


My bubby is gone!
he has left 2 Train 4 the Army!
he will be back in 6 months
I dont think i can last that long though
he just left @ 4:15pm and i already fuckin
miss the shit outta him!

he is the only guy that ive
been able 2 talk 2 about anything
and thats been there 4 me no
mattter what!
Hell hes the only person at all!


and 2 top that shit off
my best fuckin friend
is even here 4 me
she doesnt want 2 be my
friend and niether does Jackie!
so i have no one 2
fuckin talk 2!



81181  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-21
Written: (6619 days ago)

I just relized what all Ive Missed
and Im gonna miss w/out my Dad!
I can never truley be Daddy's Lil Girl!
I Can never Dance w/ my Daddy @ the
Daddy Daughter Dance!
I Wont get 2 have my Dad Walk me
Down the Isle @ my weddin
I Wont have the Father
daughter dance @ my weddin!
I dont get 2 be spolied by my dad
I dont even kno why my mom keeps me!
She didnt want me!
My dad did!
well w/e i guess ill have to spend
my life w/ out bein Daddy's Lil
Girl!...:( *tear*

80902  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-18
Written: (6622 days ago)

What are you afraid of?

[ ] the dark
[ ] staying single forever
[ ] being a parent
[ ] being myself in front of others
[ ] open spaces
[ ] closed spaces/ heights<<
[ ] cats
[ ] dogs
[ ] birds
[ ] spiders and/or other insects
[ ] driving or being in cars
[ ] flying
[ ] flowers or other plants
[ ] being touched
[ ] fire
[ ] water
[ ] the ocean
[ ] failure
[ ] success
[ ] germs
[ ] thunder/lightning
[ ] frogs/toads
[ ] mice/rats
[ ] jumping from high places
[ ] snow
[ ] rain
[ ] wind
[ ] cotton balls
[ ] cemeteries
[ ] clowns
[x] large crowds
[ ] crossing bridges
[ ] death
[ ] Heaven
[ ] being robbed
[ ] men
[ ] women
[ ] having great responsibility
[x] doctors
[ ] tornadoes
[ ] hurricanes
[x] diseases
[ ] daylight
[ ] sharks
[ ] Friday the 13th
[ ] poverty
[ ] ghosts
[ ] Halloween
[ ] school
[ ] trains or railroads
[ ] odd numbers
[ ] even numbers
[ ] being alone
[ ] being blind...
[ ] being deaf
[ ] growing up
[ ]monsters under my bed
[ ] creepy noises during the night
[ ] bee stings
[ ] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[ ] needles
[ ] blood
[ ] long words
[ ] Being kidnapped

I only got 3 man im 2 brave! lol

80899  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-18
Written: (6622 days ago)
Next in thread: 80963

I give up i cant take this shit anymore!!!! fuckk it all!

Sissy!!!!!!!!! The Bitch w/ no reason!
Missing: </b>

80854  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-18
Written: (6622 days ago)

Love Can Sometimes Be Magic But Magic Can Sometimes be an Illusion!
Love is Like a Book…If You Tear a Page, You Rip The Heart…And Have to Pay For Both!
Love is Like Honey and Lemon, Sometimes Sweet and Sometimes Sour
Love Me Now or Love me Never But If you Love Me, Love Me Forever
Diamonds Are Nice, And So Are Pearls, But Nothing Compares To u

First Time I Saw You…I Knew It Was True…I'd Love You Forever And That’s What I'll Do!
For Love I'd Do Anythign For You I'd Do More!
I Dropped A Tear In The Ocean When I Find It, Is The Day I'll Stop Loving You!
If Loving You Is Wrong I Don't Want To Be Right!
If The Only Possible Way We Can Be Together Is In My Dreams…Then I'll Sleep Forever
If You Love Me Tell Me It's True…If You Don't I'll Still Love You!
I'll Love You Forever I'll Love You For Always As Long As Im Livin My Baby You'll Be!
Im Falling For You..Please Catch Me!
One Day it Finally Came True, I Saw the One I Trully Loved and That one was you
Tell Me That You Love Me, Tell Me That You Care, Even If Your Lying, That’s All I Need To Hear!
The Face Is The Mirror Of the Mind, And Eyes Without Speaking Confess The Secrets Of The Heart                       

80852  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-18
Written: (6622 days ago)

Y Do I even try 2 pretend like my life is all nice and dandy?.....

I Guess The One Person who didnt give Up On me All the Way Just did!!!!

im so stressed its not funny!
between my brother leaving(im gonna miss him 2 death), Findin a way 2 get money, workin around the house, dealin w/ all my friendz problems, dealin w/ all my problems(if u wanna kno details ask), and tryin 2 keep everyone else happy!

I Keep pilin my stress on others and it keeps pilin up twice as much on me!

one of these times im gonna completly snap and no one will be happy!!
they'll see how i feel
I can never be happy and keep others happy
its alwayz about everyoen else!
and the thingz that i do, do that keep me a lil happy every one judges me for and yellz @ me for!

the one thing that keeps my stress down a lil bit Eric flips out about!
cant he see how unappy i am
I dont want 2 start bein stupid and goin back 2 the fuckin razor blade!
im about 2 say FUCK EVERYONE ELSE!!!!

ITS ABOUT 2 BE ABOUT ME!!! fuck every one else and how happy they wanna be!

I LIVE 4 ME!!!!

alright what ever im out!
~*~Sissy~*~AKA No Longer Ur Saint! But MINE

80751  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-17
Written: (6623 days ago)

Kissing Is A Habit
Fucking Is A Game
Guys Get All The Pleasure
Girls Get All The Pain
10 Minutes Of Pleasure
9 Months Of Pain
3 Days In The Hospital
A Baby Without A Name
The Baby Is A Bastard
The Mother Is A Whore
This Woulda Never Happend If The Rubber Hadn't Tore!!

Sex is like math
You subtract the clothes
Add the bed
Divide the legs
And Pray to god
You dont multiply

Roses are red
Grass is green
Open your legs
And I'll fill you with cream

Hickory dickory dock
This bitch was suckin my cock
The clock struck two
I dumped my goo
And dumped her to the end of the block

Sex is good
Sex is fine
Doggy Style & 69
Just for fun
Or gettin paid
Everyone likes gettin laid

Sex is evil
Sex is a sin
Sins are forgiven
So stick it in!!!

roses are nice
violets are fine.
ill be the six
if you be the nine

80700  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-17
Written: (6623 days ago)

30 things to do to piss your parents off

1. follow them around the house every where
2. moo when they say your name
3. run into walls
4. say that wearing clothes is against your religion
5. stand over them at four in the morning with a huge grin and say"good morning sunshine
6. pluck someones hair out and yell "DNA!"
7. wear a sticker that says "im retarded"
8. have 20 imaginary friends that talk to you all the time
9. in public yell out" no mom/dad i will not make out with you!"
10. do what they actually tell you to do
11. jump off a roof trying to fly
12. hold there hand and whisper "i see dead people"
13. everything they say yell "liar!"
14. try to swim on the floor
15. tap on there door all night
16. pretend to have amnesia
17. say everything backwards
18. give yourself a swirly
19. run around with a lamp shade on your head screaming "the sun! its dying!"
20. sing at the top of your lungs while running around the house...in your underwear
21. have nervous spasms at spontaneus times
22. snort loudly when you laugh then laugh harder
23. run in circles
24. recite a whole movie 3 times
25. pretend to beat yourself up
26. slither evrywhere
27. wear you pants on your head and your shirt on your waist....tell them your making a fashion statement
28. try and drink out of a glass the wrong way
29. super glue your finger to your nose
30. talk to a pen

79947  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-10
Written: (6630 days ago)

Hey Im Goin 2 Cedar Point so i wont be on till maybe saturday! so yall betta leave me tonz of mesages! ight?
i love u all tonz and tonz!

79929  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-10
Written: (6630 days ago)
Next in thread: 79939

I Want A Man So Sweet!!!

While U hold my hand, U'd play with your fingers...

[ 2.]
Tickle me & make me laugh. ..

[ 3.]
Kiss me....

[ 4.]
And not only kiss me on the lips, but kiss me on the cheek and forehead too.

[ 5.]
Hold me by the waist....

[ 6.]
Hug me while I'm behind you and rest your head on my shoulder....

[ 7.]
Whisper "I love you" in my ear

[ 8.]
Tell me Im beautiful...If Its true! (which its not)

[ 9.]
Look me in the eyes and smile when your thinking...

[ 10.]
Tell me u never want to let me go....

[ 11.]
Come visit me while I'm sick (not just visit. but never leave my side, rent endless block busters, and make me as much chicken soup as my heart desires , as well as bring me a hot rag to place on my head to make me feel better...)

[12.] If I cant sleep, hold me in your arms untill I do, and if I dont fall asleep, its just more time i get to spend with you.
79913  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-10
Written: (6630 days ago)
Next in thread: 79914

Hello All! How Are U All?....I am Okies! Bored but OKies!

79787  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-09
Written: (6631 days ago)


Im the guy who will text you every single morning and tell you good morning and every single night to tell you sweet dreams.

Im the guy who will hold you when you're crying and wipe away your tears.

Im the guy who still thinks you're beautiful with no makeup on wearing sweats and a big t-shirt.

Im the guy who won't pressure you to do things you dont want to.

Im the guy who will show up at your house with soup and a movie when you aren't feeling well.

Im the guy who kisses you on the forehead.

Im the guy who doesnt kiss and tell.

Im the guy who actually listens to you when you talk.

Im the guy who's excited all day because im looking forward to our date that night.

Im the guy who is content to just be able to hold you and wants nothing more.

I'm the guy who can't help but smile when you walk into the room.

Im the guy who's perfectly content with staying in and watching movies and cuddling.

Im the guy who won't lie to you about where he's going or where he's been or who he's been with.

Im the guy who gets butterflies when he hears your name.

I'm the guy who's not afraid to tell his friends he loves you.

Im the guy who doesnt mess with other girls when i have you

Im the guy who doesn't care about your imperfections and loves you more for them.

I'm the guy who will hold you while we watch the sunset.

79430  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-05
Written: (6635 days ago)

I Love The Way My Fingers Just Fall Into Yours I Love How Your Taste Still Lingers On My Lips After That i Special Goodnight Kiss, I Love How Whenever I Go To Call Someone I AutomaticallyDial Your Number, I Love How You Look At Me With Those Gorgeous Eyes And Then You Smile That Sweet Smile.. And I Know Right There, That You Will Always Be Mine.. I Love How You Hug Me With The Intention Of Never Letting Go.. I Love i You More Than Words Could i Ever Show

I mAy NoT gEt 2 See U As 0fTeN aS I
Like I mAy n0t GeT 2 h0Ld U iN
mY aRms aLL ThRu thE NiTe*BuT
deEp DoWn I Kn0w iTs TrU
No MaTTa WhAt
I'LL aLwAys LoVe U

And more sweet stuff that i dont kno who its for!

79429  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-05
Written: (6635 days ago)

I Loved U Once...<3
U Loved Me Not...</3
I Loved U Twice...<3
But I 4Got...<3
U Neva Loved me...</3
U Neva Will...</3
But even So...<3
I love u Still...<3
4Get the times he walked by...
4get the times he made u cry...
4get the times he spoke ur name...
Rember ur feelins arnt the same...
4get the times he held ur hand...
4get the sweet things if u can...
4get those times and dont pretend
Remmber now hes just a freind...

That is 4 sumone that i kno never really wanted 2 be w/ me! but yet he did! Im not sayin who and if u ask i wont respond.....just let it be known

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