[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

101799  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-07-02
Written: (6403 days ago)

OMG PANTS!!!! *rofl's* ...*Cough*, ok, i should explain ^__^ Myself and Emmie-chan were discussing which pairings are the most canon in my current story.. Kat and Theo is pretty much destined to happen but.. yeah.. so anyway, when we pair characters together we merge their names together aswell.. So this is our conversation:

Emily: Hrrm.. What about Theo and Kat?
Me: ...That would come out as That o_O
Emily: Ok, weird... How about... Pabs and Vince?
Me: ...Pance?
Emily: Haha, when you say that out loud it sounds like pants XD
Me: OMG. Emily.
Emily: What?
Me: That's my new OTP.
Emily: What, Pants??
Me: Yes. Pants.
Emily: ROFL, go for it XD
Me: It's so canon X3
Emily: *squeebles* X3

Ok, so 'That' sounds crap so we've decided that Kat would be the man in the relationship (rofl) so it will become Kaeo X3 And now Vince and Pabs is totally canon, just because of the Pance thing X3 SO Alex was half right i suppose.. Vince is gay, but not with Theo XD ..Lol, pants...

101705  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-29
Written: (6406 days ago)

OMG!!! There has to be someone out there who finds this as hilarious as i do??


When Axel takes that catuar to the face... OMG, i seriously nearly choked to death i found it THAT funny XD XD
...There must be some Kingdom Hearts fans out there who are with me on this???

*...........Crickets chirping...............*

Oh come ON! Someone else must find this funny! Someone?? Anyone?!?!



101618  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-28
Written: (6407 days ago)


101617  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-28
Written: (6407 days ago)

GAH! It's my gran and grandad's anniversary today.. So i'm drawing their beloved dog for them.. IT'S THE HARDEST THING I'VE EVER HAD TO DO?!?! Have you ever tried doing a realism of a WHITE dog on a WHITE background?!?! FFS, the photo i'm using for reference is pretty over-exposed so i'm having to make up most of the shading >.< I hate drawing things with white hair.. Grrr... I hereby make a vow that everything i draw in the future will be brunette (if it has hair of course) because brown hair is the easiest.. not to light, not to dark... Grrr... *chucks pencil across the room* And i lost sharpy, which is depressing, because it was the best pencil sharpener i've had in ages... I'm a tortured artist XD XD

101573  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-27
Written: (6408 days ago)

OH. EM. GEEEEE!!!! I am currently in HEAVEN. Seriously. I have white hot chocolate, and (FINALLY) Pop tarts!!!! I could not be happier.. I was just gonna say we need to take pop tarts to bloodstock... however... We can't really take a toaster XD Although they only need to be heated, so in theory we could heat them over the stove... Yes. We're taking pop tarts. And noodles, so we can have beer noodles like we did at download. Aaaah, BOA's gonna kick some serious bum X3

101541  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-27
Written: (6408 days ago)

ARGH! What do i do?? *panics and runs in a circle* Tom just texted me, i wasn't expecting to ever hear from him again but noooo he goes and texts me like everything is just fine and dandy-o asking me what happened to my bloody tea-cosy!!!!!! >.< Ack, i don't want to reply, i dont even remember him that well o_O all i remember is that [Lexxi Scuzz] spent 20 minutes fondling his stomach (which was insanely funny. Seriously) ACK what now... *flings phone across the room* there we go. Now it's far away over there where i don't have to deal with it. Hahahaha, i have a new phone now, so i can just laugh at him as he texts my old phone. BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! ¬__¬

Well that settles that problem then. On to talking about something else. Going into Mold today with Ruth and possibly Alex, i'm not sure O_O But i have her £70 anyway incase she does turn up... If not... It's going to take all my willpower not to spend it (j/k i actually want to go to Bloodstock xD) Feh, i have a killer headache... I had a migrane yesterday when i got back from Chester, tunnel vision and everything.. And it hasn't completely gone away today, which is a pain in the bum 'oley. No tunnel vision though, so with a bit of ibuprofen i should be fine... I also have a really sore throat, which is my own fault for eating pickles at 2am this morning XD For those who don't know me very well, i'm allergic to vinegar.. Malt vinegar is the worst, i can't go near that, but white vinegar i'm sort of ok with... Unless i have to much of it then my throat swells up and gets really sore... But i love pickles!!! >w< So i went and had too many pickles.. and my throat swelled up.. and now it's sore as hell >.< damn why do i have to be allergic to something nice?!?! BAH!! Oh well, i'm not allergic to Daims *munches* so i'm happy ^_____^

What else did i want to say?? Oh yes, i had a very pleasent surprise yesterday. Up on ET i have the same pictures that i have on here, or i did yesterday anyway XD And someone messaged me offering to colour Vince for me on illustrator! I was like grhoageiphrowieafjrewoaijcraegr!!!!! O______O because i wasn't expecting it.. It was pretty cool ^_________^

Yeah that's all i have to say, i'm off to get ready to loiter in mold like two short loitering things on loitering tablets.

101490  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-26
Written: (6409 days ago)

Dear God,
It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I have a few complaints.
It's 2am and i'm wide awake. Please stop messing about with my body-clock, it's not doing anything good for my mental stability. 2 hours sleep a night is just not good enough.
And stop giving me stupid cravings. Like last night. 4am, i should have been asleep, but noooo, i was downstairs in the kitchen because i REALLY wanted to eat a pickle. I mean WTF. Right now i want some noodles. Like WOAH. Seriously, i'm twitching. That's not right.
You can quit it with the stapler too, that's just not funny. I don't know what made you decide that my brain should associate the stapler with that song, but it's not funny. Stop it.
That is all. Otherwise i'm quite satisfied with life at the moment. Although i really think you should make it stop raining now. What kind of summer do you call this?! The weather is gorgeous throughout my GCSE's, but the minute i'm free you turn on the waterworks. That's cruel. What have i done? You're punishing me for something aren't you? Is this because i laughed at the flying bread roll? It is, isn't it? You bastard.
Oh, one more thing. Can you please make sure that when i'm drunk i still keep my good taste in boys? This will avoid any awkward "Are you serious? A Chav???" moments. Thank you.
Your loyal whatsit.

(EDIT:: Umm... No i'm not sure why i just did that... Seemed like a good idea at the time XD Christian people, please don't hate me XD I don't mean any offence by it, really...)

101387  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-24
Written: (6411 days ago)

Hahahahahahahah XD XD

Emily: "Dei's ALIVE?! Well poke me in the eye with a shit stick..."

She never fails to amuse me XD XD

101168  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-20
Written: (6415 days ago)

...Only in Wales...


....What a headline...
101091  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-06-19
Written: (6416 days ago)

Haha, [Lexxi Scuzz] always inspires me to draw stupid things...


That's all i have to say...

101020  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-17
Written: (6418 days ago)

And in THIS diary, i will do a brief film review on The Hills Have Eyes (as apposed to the essay i wrote in my ET diary XD)
The Hills Have Eyes = Scary at the start, then so traditional-horror-movie-stylee that it's laughable. I like the Voldemort in the bowler hat character. 5/10 for laughability.

There, now wouldn't that have just been so much easier?? XD XD Yeah, and i still can't remember the important thing i wanted to say...

100986  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-06-15
Written: (6420 days ago)

Beki's little piece of wisdomosity for the day:

If ever the urge strikes you to leap off a cliff into the jaws of death.............. Do it, you probably deserve it anyway.

Thank you, goodnight.

100867  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-13
Written: (6422 days ago)

You know, apart from the fact that i'm a diary whore, i think these exams are making me lose my mind. My train of thought this last five minutes has been incredibly warped. This is basically it:

"It's fucking raining outside... It's so heavy... WTF, the car alarms are going off, what is their problem? You fucking cars, you're getting wet, get over it. Haha, wet cars... Aah shit my tea went cold... I was enjoying that too... What's this? (at this point i found a smily face sticker thing) Looks like acid... Haha, acid... I wonder what it's like being on acid? I've seen people on acid, it always looks pretty weird... Maybe i should try? No, that's stupid.. But it's not addictive.. But it's a class A drug, you'll get 7 years if you're caught... WTF, why am i even considering it, all i need to do is breathe in and i'm high as a kite... Let's go fly a kite, up to the highest hight... Hmm hmm hmmmmm... Woo Apocalyptica in December.. Aww man i can't wait for it, it's gonna rock so hard... Fuck, what was that?... Car... I wish i lived in my head... Wait i do, what a stupid fucking thing to say... Why am i cold? Oh it's raining outside... It's so heavy... WTF, the car alarms are going off, what is their problem?..."

And so on and so forth.. As you can see, my brain is stuck in a sort of loop at the moment. Don't expect me to make much sense tonight...

100866  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-06-13
Written: (6422 days ago)

*sigh* Nathie is my fig roll X3

No, i have no idea either.

But i like fig rolls.

So we'll run with it shall we?


100709  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-06-10
Written: (6425 days ago)

Hmm... Ok, i've just noticed that wherever i go on the internet, there is always SOMETHING to do with Naruto floating about... When i go on DA 90% of the time there is a Naruto-related picture on the front page, usually in the 'Popular' section... On LJ, Gaia, EP, ET... Just all over the web, Naruto is popping up everywhere... I don't think there's a kid alive today who doesn't know what Naruto is, or at least wouldn't recognise one of the main characters if they saw a picture of them.. I know people who can reel off a list of 50 characters in a row without hesitation, come up with random character quotes off the bullet, and write a three page essay about why <insert character here> and <insert character here> are the perfect couple, or OTP, or canon couple, or whatever of the manga/anime. Naruto is beginning to take over people's lives... I'm not against Naruto fans, infact i happen to be a massive Narutard myself, but when people actually claim to be in love with the characters and talk about them as if they are real people... That's slightly worrying.. And when i say 'people' i don't mean 8 year old kids, it's ok for them to have crushes on cartoon characters.. I'm talking about teenagers, 15 16 17 and onwards and upwards, thinkig they're in love with a few lines on a piece of paper O_O isn't that just slightly disturbing?
Sure, me and my friends mess around saying stupid things like "HOMG, DEIDARA IS TEH SMEXX X3 X3" and all that silly buggers.. But i've come across a few people recently who generally seem to think that the character are real and that they are in love with them. Worrying much??
Ok, this wasn't meant to turn into a long rant, i just feel that it had to be said! Some people are taking fangirl/fanboy-ism waaaaaaaaay to far... Naruto is becoming an obsession XD
Whatever, i'm going to bed now :p

100218  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-05-31
Written: (6435 days ago)

ROFL i'm having a moment... I've been listening to alot of Danny Elfman music.. Themes from Tim Burton movies especially.. And the Willy Wonka theme just came on, and it's so... retarded. It had me in absolute fits of the giggles XD XD
That is all.

100164  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-05-30
Written: (6436 days ago)

Ok, i'm being a diary whore... I'm doing it on ET aswell, but i only have one thing to say really... Conversation i can hear at the moment coming from my mum's room?

Ethan: Do you want my feet? Here, FEET! Or fists, yeaaaah
Mum: Do you want to put dream cream on them?
Ethan: No, no, i'll be fine.
Mum: No i think you should.
Ethan: Venus flytrap plus chocolate equals Zetsu.
Mum: That's nice. Why are you doing the same one as me you dingbat?
Ethan: I think i've got a phobia of bouncy beds *runs off round the house naked wrapped in a big blue sheet*
Mum: No, Ethan, come back there's too much wet paint for all this malarky.

And then they both dissapeared... i found that very funny indeed XD My family is a bunch of lunatics, they really are...

Ethan is my younger brother by the way. No, he's not a toddler, he's 8 years old o_O bloody nutter... 

100162  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-05-30
Written: (6436 days ago)

I'd just like to say that i love all my friends to pieces. They're a bunch of nutters.

Me: Yeah, so i've basically decided to start over and do things my way instead of doing things to spite her...
Emily: Well done, that's the spirit. As they say, it's time to turn over a new leaf!
Me: ...They?
Emily: Yes. The wise people of wisdomosity. Who know stuff. Like Buddah.
Emily: Do not ROFL. You are making my wisdomosity a cataclysm of a sham!
Me: o_O What wisdomosity?
Emily: I am an owl you know.
Me: You are?
Emily: Yes, the quiz said so. Owls are very wise.
Me: Say something wise then.
Emily: ...Look, see this leaf?? *turns it over* HA!

Yeah, it wasn't really that funny but i found it amazingly funny (mainly because i've been cooped up in my room for the last 24 hours thinking about what a bummerish situation i've got myself in XD) As Emily puts it: "Life is a tragedy of a sham. You might aswell make the most of it because biting the Donkey's bum is only going to give you grief in the end." ...No, i have no idea what she's talking about either, but it made me laugh XD

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