[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

113341  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-05
Written: (6125 days ago)
Next in thread: 113350

I didn't go to bed last night XD got hooked on FF8 and ended up sitting up till 5am. It's now 11:40am and i only just got up. I'm so freaking tired it's unreal, i'll be going to bed at a reasonable time tonight so i'm not exhausted when i go back to school.

Anyway. I had two really bizarre dreams last night o.O one of which woke me up because it was freaky as hell, and the other i just found odd because it was about school, cake and bumble bees... You get the idea... I have weird dreams XD Something that always makes me laugh is that if i ever dream about myself in a normal every day situation (like school or going down the pub) i'm almost always wearing my trilby XD no idea why...

Soooooooo... I've got quite alot to do today, aside from trying to wake myself up, so i probably won't be on all that much. On and off i suppose, cuz i'll be doing most of my work in here (here being my computer room). Yes. So. That's all i had to say really...

Apart from. WTF at Elftown D: it's not allowed to be down in the easter holidays when i spend most of my time on there! Plus one of my forums is down so no RPing! Depressed much! XD

That is all.


113330  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-05
Written: (6125 days ago)

ARJRESPIRFHESGTSGT O____O ...I swear i just had a minor heart attack. CLIFFHANGER WTF!!!! >.< *hates Kishi* GAH!

In other news i'm excruciatingly tired. Me and Amz have been doing this sleep deprovation thing, and i have never been so exhausted in my life. I also keep seeing red lights out of the corner of my eye, which probably isn't a good thing.

I can't type either, it's taking about 15 attempts to write each word... Bah...

ET is still not working ¬____¬ anyone on here from ET and EP know why?? Cuz i'm at a loss...

I really, REALLY need to get some sleep. This is my third sleepless night and it's too much for me now >____< I used to be able to do this without a problem, couple of summers ago when i'd sit up for days on end playing RS none stop, only pausing for breath when i needed to eat or something like that. Then i'd finally collapse from exhaustion when i couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, sleep for a couple of days, and then be straight back on RS when i'd regained some wakefulness. Pitiful really. But i just can't seem to stay awake now, i'm exhausted, i'm seeing things, and my eyes feel like they're twice their normal size.

Plus it's going to take me about 4 years to get over this =______=

So i think i'm off to bed for an 'early' night (1:45am, early?)

That is all.


113319  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-04-04
Written: (6125 days ago)

ELFTOWN IS GONE!!! *depressed*

XD XD XD in other news, i'm happy as a sack of spuds on spud day!! Erm... Yeah >.> ...Had a long chat with Carl, then an even longer chat with Rachie-roo, then an even LONGER chat with my mum, AND I FEEL LIKE I HAVE REFORMED MYSELF!!!

In other news i'm happy, and i'm totally in love with Carl's overprotective-ancient-sage-type-person side XD XD That's just what he sounded like to me when he was giving me advice. I was like 'How old are you? 20 or 200??' XD XD aww man i love my friends <3 <3 <3

So yeah, Beki is back bitchez, and she's fooking alliterating her diary entries!!!

And talking in third person!!!

Oh dear!!!

That is all.


113297  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-04-04
Written: (6126 days ago)
Next in thread: 113305

Oooooh, Squeenix contest on DA... Might have to enter that, after all, they did make Kingdom Hearts, bringer of ridiculously senseless crack pairings. And everyone loves those. FTW.

Haven't slept yet. My eyes feel awfully big o.O Sleep deprovation thing going well, if you like feeling like a corpse.

That is all.


113294  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-04-04
Written: (6126 days ago)
Next in thread: 113295

Anyone reading this, i don't care who you are, i need your help. I'm a horror movie junkie. I love to be scared, but i'm running out of decent movies. Everything i've watched recently has been shite, nothing scares me and it's no fun. Reccomend a good horror movie for me. If it reaches 8 or above on my scare-scale, i will love you forever. That is all.

111046  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-01-28
Written: (6193 days ago)
Next in thread: 111056


OK D00DZ!!!! I have just this second established something. These last couple of years i have been obsessively trying to improve my drawing ability, drawing constantly, and as a result i think it's safe to say i have made a massive improvement in my ability to draw people... HOWEVER. My ability to draw ANIMALS is... lacking slightly... SO. Here is a proposition to all you friends (or anyone else) out there who may be reading this. Give me an animal, any animal, and i'll try and draw it in my style. You can choose colours and markings and a name if you wish, or you can just yell something like 'ZEBRA!!!' at me, and i'll draw it! I'll even draw you as an animal of your choice if that's what you want, i just desperately need animal drawing practice!!! Drop me a message if you feel like motivating a very un-motivated artist to practice drawing animals XD

Thankies! X3


110578  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-01-15
Written: (6205 days ago)
Next in thread: 110604

Zomg.. I've been spend spend spending and not think think thinking XD I keep buying random shit on ebay, i'm going to get a bunch of packages through the door and my dad will be like 'wtf have you been up to woman?!?!' I bought Alex a latex nurse outfits (seriously, dont ask me why, it seemed like a great idea) i got Amz's gas mask, some new boots of cyber goggles for me, and some shit for my mum.. I seriously need to learn how to manage my money XD


110168  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-01-06
Written: (6214 days ago)
Next in thread: 110281

×´`•¸.•ºA good friendº•.¸•´`×
º•.¸•´`×Will pick you×´`•¸.•º
×´`•¸.•ºBack up whenº•.¸•´`×
×´`•¸.•ºYou fall but yourº•.¸•´`×
º•.¸•´`×Best friend will laugh×´`•¸.•º
×´`•¸.•ºAnd push you rightº•.¸•´`×
º•.¸•´`× *Back down* ×´`•¸.

This is true. XD XD


109271  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-12-10
Written: (6241 days ago)

Bah. Elftown is down again, which is very upsetting as i normally rant in my ET diary when i'm bored or have something interesting to say... So today i will rant in my EP diary! Which i haven't done for a while so it probably feels a bit neglected anyway...

Right. First things first. My birthday party is on Friday and it's at Spavens sweet shop! I went there today to sort it all out and i insisted that it be really childish and cute (despite the fact that it's my 17th birthday XD) So we get these big jars with our names on that we can decorate and then fill with sweets to take home, we get crepes and ice cream, make-your-own ice cream sundaes and a bag of pop-corn and candy floss (cotton candy to american folk :p) to take home! Then mum is taking us to the cinema, and then pizza hut! It's gonna be soooo awesome X3 Only me, Alex and Ruth are going because it's £9.50 a head and if mum's paying for pizza hut and cinema too... That's going to tot in at about £50... So yeah, just the three of us, but that's cool with me as they're my two best friends... I've just thought i might try and blag my mum to let me have 1 more person... Rach has been a bit down recently, i think i should ask her if she wants to come... I'll see if mum's ok with that, she probably will be.

Now... What else did i want to talk about?? Work tomorrow, i have the feeling i'm going to be bored shitless doing my training =___= oh well, i'll be raking in £124 a week so i think i can handle it XD Erm... What other interesting and wonderful things are happening at the moment?? My msn is doing something weird tonight o_O i'm not sure what it's problem is, but i'm just going to leave it alone XD ...Erm... Busy weekend this weekend... Josh is taking me out on Saturday (bwahahaha, more money spent on me X3 this has been my most expensive birthday yet XD) and me and my family are going out for Sunday lunch at the Hungry Horse (also for my birthday!) ...on Sunday, obviously XD So... No rest for the wicked i suppose! Then i only have Wednesday and Friday off next week, i'm working for the rest of it *and death* Then Christmas holidaaaaays!!! But i'm working until 10 on Christmas eve, how crap is that?! ...Well i agreed to work till 10 on Christmas eve, because i get payed double XD and it's probably good for me as it'll tire me out... I'm soooo excited this year i can so see myself not sleeping on Christmas eve XD so 5 and a half hours hard labour (standing behind the jewellery counter XD) should tire me out enough so that i sleep!

OOOOH!! AND! I have completely forgotten what i was going to say o_O it had something to do with work... Oh yes, because i'm impatient and i can't wait until January 15th for my paycheck, i've asked for an advance payment XD so i get £160 some point this month! and then i'll get somewhere in the region of £320 in the new year! So my plan is to drag Alex shopping with all her birthday money and we'll go on a spreeeeeeeeee of shoppingness! And i'll pay for lunch XD ...She doesn't know the plan yet, but i'm sure she'll agree that it's a good one XD

That is all.


108443  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-11-25
Written: (6257 days ago)


I am currently having one of those moments... You know when you want to draw something and you can visualise it in your head perfectly... But it just doesn't want to come out of your brain and onto the paper properly... Fucking human anatomy has to be so bloody complicated *grumbles* ...And my stupid muse isn't helping at all *kicks Kaine* GARGH.

Oh well, i'll just keep drawing like a mad thing until i get it right XD

That's all i had to say i think...


108371  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-11-24
Written: (6258 days ago)
Next in thread: 108425

Rofl, my dad never ceases to amuse me... And Amz is corrupting my whole family o___O My mum was cleaning the sink:

Dad: What're you doing that for you prick, i did it yesterday!
Mum: I just think it's dirty.
Dad: ...So's your face.
Mum: Oh for God's sake *throws cloth at dad* who started that?!
Me: *rofling in a corner*

107993  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-11-12
Written: (6269 days ago)
Next in thread: 108426

I have developed a really bad habit.. Every now and then i'll just yell something at the top of my voice, for no reason whatsoever. Just random noises most of the time, sometimes words. It's really bizarre. I'll just feel this build up of tension, then eventually i'll scream something pointless XD it's highly amusing, but a little worrying o_O

106945  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-10-15
Written: (6297 days ago)

OMG lol, Char XD XD <333

Me: ...But that's rape... Isn't it? You agree with non-consenting-ness in your manga?!
Char: OH COME ON! When are they EVER none consenting?! They always bloody go "NO NO NO oh go on then." ..There's no such thing as rape in Yaoi...
Me: ...Just violent sex?
Char: Violent and stereotypical sex. Usually involving cat ears. And cream and strawberries for some reason. Or jam.
Me: LOL jam.

God that made me nearly wet myself laughing, it really did XD Seriously, i love her so much X3 Why the hell she has to move away to Bristol i'll never know XD she only comes back once every few weeks, it's so depressing! Oh well, we can still have our pervy conversations over the phone! All is not lost! XD

</ramble AGAIN> (sorry)

106941  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-10-15
Written: (6297 days ago)


Lololol, no i just went and joined Y-Gal instead of lurking around like a lurking pervert... cuz Ladychimera, Fedini and GDD all have accounts over there too XD XD Stop me looking at mature content art now DA *sticks tongue out* ...Yeah, i'm mature. Honestly though... DA is digging itself a nice deep grave here... And as someone said once (i think it may have been Adam) "Well, you've dug the grave, so you might aswell sleep in it." ...It makes no sense, but it sounds good! So yes DA, go and sleep in your bloody grave!! I will find loopholes in your stupid system... Like... Well joining Y-Gal and Sheezyart for one thing... YES I AM GOING TO JOIN YOUR RIVAL SITE ACTUALLY!!!! YES!!!! That's what happens when you deny me my freedom!!!! So la-di-da to you, fascists!!!! *waves flag with 'poo' written on it* if you're going to treat me like an immature teenager, I WILL ACT ACCORDINGLY!!!!!!!!

In other news, i like my men how i like my coffee..........

In a plastic cup. With a spoon in them.

That is all.

</ramble of crapness> 

106723  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-09
Written: (6303 days ago)

*grumbles* waiting for AMV Hell 4 to download... it's the last one they're doing! I'm dead upset, i really love ALL the AMV Hells ;__; i will indeed be pining for an AMVH 5 XD

Omg, i know i'm always quoting Em in this, but she's just so damned funny i can't help it XD Well, i find her funny X3 We were chatting via webcam at about 4am last night:

Me: I just always see Saix as this pathetic little puppy creature..
Em: Nuu, he's no puppy! He's awesome!
Me: I never said he wasn't.. But for some reason i can't draw him as none-pathetic.
Em: (in a pathetic voice) Saix is my world i live in!

and that just made me LOL so hard XD I don't know what it is, but that woman can always make me laugh like a lunatic. I swear she pumps laughing gas down her microphone and it somehow comes out of my speakers o___O And another moment:

Em: You know, the Mansex joke is almost getting old.
Me: Almost.
Em: You know what isn't though? The Xigbar anagram joke.
Me: There's a Xigbar anagram joke?
Em: Mmmhm. You can remix his name into Bigrax.

I absolutely died when she said that. She just said it so casually, while eating ice cream XD i almost died laughing. Seriously. I knew you could remix his name as Bigrax, but i've NEVER heard anyone say it out loud. I didn't realise how funny it was XD BIGRAX!! Seriously...

So the Orgy now has Mansex (Xemnas), Bigrax(Xigbar), Mr.Porn (Xaldin..don't ask XD), Vixen (Vexen), Marlicksya (Marluxia), Sexion (Zexion) and Mc.Flurry (Axel.. aka: Flurry of Dancing Flames or whatever it is...) Omg... It's so sad that we have nicknames for imaginary characters XD but it's so funny! X3

Boooooored... AMVH 4 is taking bloody forever... 5% done OAO it's gonna be ages >_< i might go and get a snack, or watch the whole of KH stupid files again... Aaah, the stupid files <3 my crack.

</mainly KH orientated ramble>

106689  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-10-08
Written: (6304 days ago)
Next in thread: 108427

I'm in a better mood today =) i was right, last night was just a Sunday night downer. I had a good day today, bumming around with all the cool people XD I really do love my friends, no matter how down i'm feeling they can always cheer me up. Me and [Lexxi Scuzz] discovered the best way to get rid of Dominic (this really annoying kid who tags around with our crowd). You just stand at grin manically at him for about 5 minutes, and eventually he runs away XD it was amazingly funny. And Leigh kept barking at him, which was also amusing. Aaaah, times we will always remember <_< >_> Now some may be thinking 'aww, you mean person! BULLY!' but trust me, Dom totally brings it on himself. He's a complete ass. I'll level with y'all, we have a very specific friendship group, and while it's big, it's very obvious who's 'in' and who's most definately 'out' of the clique. Dom is out, but he acts like he's in. And i know it sounds mean to say that, but to tell the honest truth, he's a complete prick. I'd be happy to include him, as i'm sure many other people would be, if he wasn't such a complete jerky fag end! Seriously, all he does is slag people off and cause fights... He's too cocky and thinks he's king of the universe despite the fact that he has no friends. He wears a pink shirt ffs. Some guys can do that and be cool. He can't. Ok, i sound like such a cheerleader bitch now XD I don't mean to, but he really is an ass.. anyway, i've lost the track completely now, what was i talking about?? Oh i've totally forgotten... Nevermind... Aaaah, the conversation i just had with Em made me lol. We were talking over webcam, cuz we're technological geniuses like that. I was writing up my CV at the same time as talking to her XD

Me: *clicks teeth* (something i do when i'm concentrating)
-long silence-
Me: *clicks teeth again*
-long silence-
Em: ...did you just click at me?!
Me: *dies laughing* I totally forgot about the webcam!
Em: I find your clicking offensive!!!!

Ok, it's probably not funny at all to most people, but we found it hysterical so stfu! >___<

OMG, recently i've started speaking in IM. I say lol, rofl, omg, wtf, ftw and stfu out loud ALL the time >_< I can't help it!

Me and Rach got to write all over the walls in the art department today (Y) twas awesome.

That's all i have to say.


106667  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-10-07
Written: (6305 days ago)

*thinking about life, the universe, and everything*

I'm in a generally very down and depressed mood. Em did cheer me up a little though, bless her.

Sora: What do you guys really want?
Xal: More suitable travelling clothes.
Beast: No, my precious Xaldin!

XD aaaah, that did make me lol =3 i can always rely on KH crack to cheer me up when i'm in one of these 'life is hopeless, why bother' moods. KH crack IS my anti-drug. Dunno where i'd be without it :p

*sigh* this is probably just one of those Sunday night downers, but i feel really low at the moment... I'll get into school tomorrow and see all my friends and think 'This is why i'm alive! What was all that fuss about?!'

Ahahahaha, oh Emily. Become a world leader, please. She knows how to cheer me up that woman XD ::

Me: I dunno, i just feel really down... The hopelessness of life is getting to me.
Em: ...You know, life is like a big angry bull. Sometimes you just have to grab the bull by the horns, give it a big hug, and introduce it to yaoi. Honestly, it works.
Me: o___O

She's right of course. Well, about the grabbing the bull by the horns, not the hugging and the yaoi. Although that helps. Really. XD I guess i've been way to busy moping about how life is so difficult, instead of sticking out my elbows and barging my way through life regardless of the problems it throws at me... As a true Johnson should! Aye, i am proud of my heritage i'll have you know. But really. My family has had it tough through the generations, but they've all come out victorious. Ok, the Johnsons are not the richest family in the world, but they're some of the craziest, happiest and most awesome people i know. Whenever i go down to visit the Johnson side of my family, i just feel like i've found my home. And they've all been the kind of people to flip the bird at order and live life in the way they want. That's what i'm going to do. I don't care if i don't get rich, and i'm not successful. If i die happy, that's good enough for me. Aye.

Well, amazingly enough, the path seems clearer now o___O I had a depressing rant in my ET diary, a rant at Em, then a rant of realisation in this diary! All in a days work o___O I feel better now... NOW i'm going to go and sleep XD night all! xxx

</ramble that wasn't meant to happen>

106448  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-10-02
Written: (6310 days ago)

...I have seriously pointy shoulder blades o___O WTH?!

 The logged in version 

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