[Beki in Wonderland]'s diary

116909  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-07-16
Written: (6037 days ago)


EP has done the same as ET and committed visual suicide... CHANGE SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. I liked the old EP O__O ...Although, the updates on here don't seem too bad, probably just because i'm very slowly getting used to the ones on ET which are pretty much the same thing... But i still don't like them. Change without 4 months notice is bad, as far as i'm concerned XP

That is all.


114500  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-05-09
Written: (6105 days ago)
Next in thread:


I have to click things about 5 million times before the bastard works.

I shall start a 'Beki really needs a new mouse' fund.

Any donors?? XD


114176  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-04-30
Written: (6114 days ago)

Been talking about scarification with Amz... I'm thinking of getting a Y-cut so it looks like i've had an autopsy :p a bit more interesting than a tattoo or piercing, no? Probably hurt like a bitch and you have to irritate it with salt and lemon to stop it protruding from the skin and looking weird. But it'll look sooooo cool when it's finished XD


113608  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-04-13
Written: (6131 days ago)

I hate my name.

Really, Beki is so crap. Beki. Becky. Becci. Beky. However you spell it it's still shit.

I like Alice <3 Alice is an awesome name, it's always been one of my favourites. Alice, Rose, Axel and Thorne are my 4 favourite names ever. I liked the name Axel before Kingdom Hearts too, incase you think i'm going after Mc.Flurry's name. No. Just no. I discovered the name Axel in year 7 German class actually, as it happens to be a German name. Yes.

But i'm thinking of legally changing my name to Alice before i go to uni. Then i can have a REAL fresh start, as a whole new person.

My cousin changed her name from Claire to Jade, so why can't i change mine from Beki to Alice? Way to confuse my whole family XD


113566  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-04-11
Written: (6133 days ago)

My family = LOL

Dad: Fucking bastard cat bastard thing!!
Me: What's he done?
Dad: He's been out in the rain, he's all wet and he just jumped up into my face.
Me: LOL. I'll dry him.
Dad: Yeah, dry him with a bloody hammer... *grumbling*
Me: *XD*

I know where i get it from XD XD

113451  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-04-08
Written: (6136 days ago)
Next in thread: 113454

Changed my name guys! Old one reminded me of old times that i'd rather forget, so i thought i'd lose it.

113352  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-05
Written: (6139 days ago)
Next in thread: 113384

*cough* The below diary entry sounds like the ravings of a mad man. And in fact, the only difference between me and a mad man is that i'm not mad. Or a man. So i'm not very much like a mad man at all.

Ahem. Anyway. I still haven't found my precious pen, so all art has ground to a halt until i find it. Actually, that's a complete lie as i do 90% of my sketches with a pencil as i don't much care for doing them digitally. However due to the fact that i was in the middle of a meme, which is the one thing i do with my tablet, as far as i'm concerned all art has ground to a halt.


So, i'm now going to tear this room apart in search of the vile little thing. If i don't find it, i'm going to cry.

That is all.


113347  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-05
Written: (6139 days ago)

I'm currently in a state of extreme hysteria and sadosity.

I can't find my tablet pen. This is extremely distressing. Fook.

In fact, this is the end of the world for me. WHERE HAS IT GONE?!?! It's not in it's stand... SOMEONE'S KIDNAPPED IT!! Or pen-napped.. Or whatever... But the point is that it's gone and i don't know HOW i can survive without it. I NEED IT. I'm in the middle of a meme for crying out loud, i need to finish it because it's crack! CRACK I TELL YOU!!!

Good gravy i'm going to die a slow and pitiful death if i don't find that pen.


113342  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-05
Written: (6139 days ago)

I am currently rolling my mouse over Ryuk from Death Note.

Awwww yeeeeeeeeah.

I got the mouse mat. I'm just that cool.


113341  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-05
Written: (6139 days ago)
Next in thread: 113350

I didn't go to bed last night XD got hooked on FF8 and ended up sitting up till 5am. It's now 11:40am and i only just got up. I'm so freaking tired it's unreal, i'll be going to bed at a reasonable time tonight so i'm not exhausted when i go back to school.

Anyway. I had two really bizarre dreams last night o.O one of which woke me up because it was freaky as hell, and the other i just found odd because it was about school, cake and bumble bees... You get the idea... I have weird dreams XD Something that always makes me laugh is that if i ever dream about myself in a normal every day situation (like school or going down the pub) i'm almost always wearing my trilby XD no idea why...

Soooooooo... I've got quite alot to do today, aside from trying to wake myself up, so i probably won't be on all that much. On and off i suppose, cuz i'll be doing most of my work in here (here being my computer room). Yes. So. That's all i had to say really...

Apart from. WTF at Elftown D: it's not allowed to be down in the easter holidays when i spend most of my time on there! Plus one of my forums is down so no RPing! Depressed much! XD

That is all.


113330  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-04-05
Written: (6139 days ago)

ARJRESPIRFHESGTSGT O____O ...I swear i just had a minor heart attack. CLIFFHANGER WTF!!!! >.< *hates Kishi* GAH!

In other news i'm excruciatingly tired. Me and Amz have been doing this sleep deprovation thing, and i have never been so exhausted in my life. I also keep seeing red lights out of the corner of my eye, which probably isn't a good thing.

I can't type either, it's taking about 15 attempts to write each word... Bah...

ET is still not working ¬____¬ anyone on here from ET and EP know why?? Cuz i'm at a loss...

I really, REALLY need to get some sleep. This is my third sleepless night and it's too much for me now >____< I used to be able to do this without a problem, couple of summers ago when i'd sit up for days on end playing RS none stop, only pausing for breath when i needed to eat or something like that. Then i'd finally collapse from exhaustion when i couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, sleep for a couple of days, and then be straight back on RS when i'd regained some wakefulness. Pitiful really. But i just can't seem to stay awake now, i'm exhausted, i'm seeing things, and my eyes feel like they're twice their normal size.

Plus it's going to take me about 4 years to get over this =______=

So i think i'm off to bed for an 'early' night (1:45am, early?)

That is all.


113319  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-04-04
Written: (6140 days ago)

ELFTOWN IS GONE!!! *depressed*

XD XD XD in other news, i'm happy as a sack of spuds on spud day!! Erm... Yeah >.> ...Had a long chat with Carl, then an even longer chat with Rachie-roo, then an even LONGER chat with my mum, AND I FEEL LIKE I HAVE REFORMED MYSELF!!!

In other news i'm happy, and i'm totally in love with Carl's overprotective-ancient-sage-type-person side XD XD That's just what he sounded like to me when he was giving me advice. I was like 'How old are you? 20 or 200??' XD XD aww man i love my friends <3 <3 <3

So yeah, Beki is back bitchez, and she's fooking alliterating her diary entries!!!

And talking in third person!!!

Oh dear!!!

That is all.


113297  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-04-04
Written: (6140 days ago)
Next in thread: 113305

Oooooh, Squeenix contest on DA... Might have to enter that, after all, they did make Kingdom Hearts, bringer of ridiculously senseless crack pairings. And everyone loves those. FTW.

Haven't slept yet. My eyes feel awfully big o.O Sleep deprovation thing going well, if you like feeling like a corpse.

That is all.


113294  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-04-04
Written: (6140 days ago)
Next in thread: 113295

Anyone reading this, i don't care who you are, i need your help. I'm a horror movie junkie. I love to be scared, but i'm running out of decent movies. Everything i've watched recently has been shite, nothing scares me and it's no fun. Reccomend a good horror movie for me. If it reaches 8 or above on my scare-scale, i will love you forever. That is all.

111046  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-01-28
Written: (6207 days ago)
Next in thread: 111056


OK D00DZ!!!! I have just this second established something. These last couple of years i have been obsessively trying to improve my drawing ability, drawing constantly, and as a result i think it's safe to say i have made a massive improvement in my ability to draw people... HOWEVER. My ability to draw ANIMALS is... lacking slightly... SO. Here is a proposition to all you friends (or anyone else) out there who may be reading this. Give me an animal, any animal, and i'll try and draw it in my style. You can choose colours and markings and a name if you wish, or you can just yell something like 'ZEBRA!!!' at me, and i'll draw it! I'll even draw you as an animal of your choice if that's what you want, i just desperately need animal drawing practice!!! Drop me a message if you feel like motivating a very un-motivated artist to practice drawing animals XD

Thankies! X3


110578  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-01-15
Written: (6220 days ago)
Next in thread: 110604

Zomg.. I've been spend spend spending and not think think thinking XD I keep buying random shit on ebay, i'm going to get a bunch of packages through the door and my dad will be like 'wtf have you been up to woman?!?!' I bought Alex a latex nurse outfits (seriously, dont ask me why, it seemed like a great idea) i got Amz's gas mask, some new boots of cyber goggles for me, and some shit for my mum.. I seriously need to learn how to manage my money XD


110168  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-01-06
Written: (6229 days ago)
Next in thread: 110281

×´`•¸.•ºA good friendº•.¸•´`×
º•.¸•´`×Will pick you×´`•¸.•º
×´`•¸.•ºBack up whenº•.¸•´`×
×´`•¸.•ºYou fall but yourº•.¸•´`×
º•.¸•´`×Best friend will laugh×´`•¸.•º
×´`•¸.•ºAnd push you rightº•.¸•´`×
º•.¸•´`× *Back down* ×´`•¸.

This is true. XD XD


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