[EnRaGeD]'s diary

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Written about Tuesday 2005-02-15
Written: (7172 days ago)

wow.. i am SOOOO happy, david called me and told me how much he cares about me and how much he wants me back and that hes in love with me.. i cant wait to see him! hes supposed to come down spring break! He said he wants to spend the rest of his life with me and make little annoying kids like us! happy happy happy! i cried on the phone like 7 times because i miss him soo much..  ahh... i thought my life was going to be over.. looks like i was wrong!

6403  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-01-22
Written: (7196 days ago)

hey.. sorry i havent writen in a while ive just been so sad with out my heart... its in florida with david.. good news tho.. my friend wrote david saying hi.. im dani's best friend and i just wanted to meet u cuz she loves u alot and talks about u every day.. and he wrote back today saying.. yea, tell her i love her.. and i when i saw that i just fell on the floor and started crying.. and all these seniors at school were like laughing at me and asking me what was wrong n shit.. im soo happy.. it just takes a few words from him to keep me going for a little longer!

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Written about Tuesday 2005-01-04
Written: (7214 days ago)

The first and probably only person i fell in love with, david moved to flordia this october... but he came back to visit..it is soooo hard when he comes back... i cant let him go.. i cried for like 3 hrs on new years... i miss him... i mean i fell in love and i fell hard... i would do anything for him... i feel so empty with out him. i feel sick inside... the sick part about it is that he dosent love me anymore.. he loves someone else but shes already moved on.. why am i in love with the past? i cant let him go. why? what is wrong with me? i would take a bullet for him... why cant he live closer?? im soo empty

4785  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-28
Written: (7221 days ago)

christmas was good except i got sick=( but o well. davids coming down from flordia just to fuck me.. i mean see me lol. i feel fat i ate a can of green beans for lunch... im soo happy i finally got a new gir braclet since my cousin spilled speghettii sauce all over my old one...my nipple hurts really bad its been hurting like this all day.. is this normal??it feels like someone keeps pinching it. umm yea... i got this really hot dress it looks hot on me! so.. welp, have nutthin else to say

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Written about Thursday 2004-12-23
Written: (7226 days ago)

weee... idk.. just being me... stupid. i finally got all my goddamn christmas shoping done i spent like 90 bucks on 12 items.. holy shit .. o well i dont care i probably would have spent it all on candy. i had chinese food, it was yummy. i miss david... i luv him my friend thinks were going to get married cuz i talk about him soo much.. i just really miss him.. o well hes coming to live with me alllllll summer=P if ya kno what i mean. im bored.. as usual and no ones on so im going to sit here like i always do blah blah blah... i hate this fuckin state .... errrg! i cant wait to get high again.. i cant until the day after christmas.. moms being a bitch.. she dosent want me all "stupided up" or whatever she said.. bitch.. she can kiss my ass. im gonna get blazed tonite!!! well im gonna go smoke a blunt

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Written about Tuesday 2004-12-21
Written: (7228 days ago)

blah...im bored again.. i feel alittle less depressed, but not much.. i miss my best friend =( he moved to flordia in October and left me here to rot. o well. i ate soup like 10 mins ago.. it was good... uhh.. its cold in my house.
this chick that goes to my school is like obsessed with me and wont stop calling me.. im going to murder who ever gave her my fucking phone number!! JESUS i hate my fucking school... i hate this fucking state... and everyone in it...it needs to burn damnit!
my dads at work and i have been sitting here for like 4 hours in complete bordom.... and i am tired of getting asked why im depressed..... assholes.. stop fucking asking me... I dont fuckin know, its not like i fucking asked to feel this way... bastards.
well if i dont stop typing, im going to end up fucking up this piece of shit computer!

4398  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-12-21
Written: (7229 days ago)

yo... bored and i just got an email from my EX bestfriend saying how much she misses how we used to be friends and how much i needed her and blah de da de fuckin da. well i got a new car a couple days ago dont know if ive already told ya that or not but, i did. SO... christmas break sux ass.. im bored all day and ive been in the same pajamas for like 3 days now.. yea its pretty nasty but i dont fuckin care! i just took a sexi pic of my belly button ring ... maybe ull see it later!! lol u pervs!! i feel sick... probably cuz i ate at taco bell earlier.. barf! o well what else is new.. absoulutley nothing.... o.. everyone at my moms house which is like 6 ppl are all pucking their guts out.. who knows.. but im not goin over for christmas if im going to get sick.. nasty fucks.. they need to clean shit.. and wash their hands!
its so funny.. u know why me and my EX best friend arent friends any more? of course u dont. well long story short.. she is dating the only guy i have ever loved in my life, and i asked her politely, not to date him.. i said she could fuck him, kiss him, just dont date him... and the sad thing is.. she dosent even know him... the only reason she likes him.. is because i do.. and the first week back to school.. who do u think is dating...? hmm i wonder.. i told her.. if she started dating him it would ruin our friendship.. what else freedom does she need? what kind of friend does that to u? well any way her bf.. my first and probably only love... does "stuff" with me ALL the time and shes such a blind little hoe.. i think its soo fuckin funny.. he just told me the other night that he loved me and that he misses me and all that other shit.. well enough about that crazy shit... well my hands are hurting so.. im leaving u fuckers!!lol

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Written about Friday 2004-12-17
Written: (7231 days ago)

hello, im danielle and im a new member of elfpack. today is friday, december 17th and i got my first car, a Dodge Avenger. 
Today sucked.. all i did was waste polluted air, and drooled over my pathetic, lifless existance. I was rather depressed today, i spent hours wondering why my life cant be the way it was, or the way I want it, then i realized how selfish i was being; thinking of ONLY myself and MY feelings... i should be grateful, and dont get me wrong, I am. Maybe i should be more often.
Tomarrow im going to the movies with a friend so hopefully i can get out and not have to worry about so much shit!
well bye for now

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