[Fallen Solider]'s diary

91987  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-01-09
Written: (6478 days ago)

Some call me a loser
Some call me a cheater
Some say I'm a selfish untalented dreamer
Cause all's I try to do is keep my dream alive
But it's so hard to do when your working 9 to 5
I've never been one afraid to die
But I'm afraid to leave behind
The precious life that grows through the sands of time
Cause now I've got two daughters
And I know they need their father
To help them make it through all of the devious things that people do
Cause every moment counts from the good times to the bad
I don't have time to envy those that got things I've never had
Cause the one thing most important is the one we take for granted
And until your life is on that line I think it's the way god had planned it
To open up your eyes and make you realize
That to some life is money
But what's money without life
Cause all's I need is the air that I breathe
And my friends and family to believe in me

As deep as the abyss where the waters run
As deep as the land of the rising sun
You know I'm down
And even when them odds are against us
It doesn't even matter
Nothing else matters

We bleed the same blood
We cry the same tears
We have the same fears
We pass the same years
We see the same stars
Under the same skies
We pass the same time
We all live and die
Cause friends and family wash thicker than blood
And if ya' never felt love than I feel for you cuz'
Cuz' lives pass above us in 747's
Deceased dwell below us
Before they go to heaven
Everything in between will hassle me
Some stay connected while other keep dreaming
Looking for that meaning but the lost can't be found
Drop to your caps and pray
Now can ya' hear the sound?
Do ya' feel it?
Now do ya' feel it comin'?
Two triple zero the hunters are the hunted
Electrical currents conflict with the spirits
Ah do ya' hear it ah or do ya' feel it?
Deep like seven leagues life intrigues intelligence
Got no time for clutter, you're late if there's hesitance
Put your foot forward and there will be a helping hand
Take a step back and your stuck in the quick sand
Ingesting toxins keeps us locked in, a mental jail trap
99' where's your family at

Oh, and I might fail
Oh, I might succeed
Whatever the outcome is
Just keep your faith in me
Just believe in me
And I will be there [repeat hook]

78696  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-30
Written: (6641 days ago)
Next in thread: 78713

Last night, while driving to Waterford...

Matt: I'll wait until we're at the bowling alley...I am not good at multi-tasking.
Me:   ...If you not good at multi-tasking, how do you jerk off to porn?


DJWhiteGuy69: I want your imput
DJWhiteGuy69: Last night, he was going to call his parents to see if i could crash at his place
DJWhiteGuy69: and while we were driving, he said,
DJWhiteGuy69: "I'll wait until we're at the bowling alley...I am not good at multi-tasking"
DJWhiteGuy69: And I said,
DJWhiteGuy69: "...If your not good at multi-tasking, how can you jerk off to porn?"
DJWhiteGuy69: (immense laughter)
DJWhiteGuy69: a few minutes later:
DJWhiteGuy69: ...You dont need to multi-task to jerk off to porn
DJWhiteGuy69: and so the debate began
DJWhiteGuy69: i say it is multi-tasking, because you have to watch and analyze porn
DJWhiteGuy69: and you have to think about doing the hand motions...
DJWhiteGuy69: he says it isnt
DJWhiteGuy69: because you dont need to think about the hand motions, only focus on the porn
DJWhiteGuy69: ...your imput?

75213  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-10
Written: (6661 days ago)

Comedy Central Presents-Carlos Mencia:

"Live life man…life isn’t what you think it is supposed to be…You are not supposed to go gently into that good night. We know this, yet we allow ourselves not to laugh, to be retentive, to hold everything in even though we have the freedoms that other people don’t have. Our women don’t get shot in the head when they don’t believe anything…You see, you gotta laugh while you can.

You’ve gotta understand what makes life beautiful is the essence of the fact that it can go away. You see, you don’t want to live like that. You don’t want to be the person, do you, that had a fight, and inconsequential insignificant stupid fight with your spouse over who was supposed to open, or close, or turn off the light at that bedtime. So you did it, but you were pissed, and you stayed pissed with your wife. Not because it was real, but hell, we’ll make up later and, nothing better than make-up sex is there. And in the morning you woke up, and things were still bad, but you kept that, cause hey, im gonna come back and we’re gonna do it. And then what happened? You went to your building, and you were saddened on that 90th floor, and that happened, and your ass is never gonna go back home again. And the best you could do is call your woman or man and say ‘I love you’ and you missed that last night. Why? Because you thought that it would last forever.

You see, every comedy show you’ve ever been to ends in a big joke. Because that’s what you need: I end with a big joke, you laugh, I say good night, and that’s how it’s supposed to be. But that aint life my friends. If you learn anything from me, learn one thing: that sometimes…sometimes…(walks off stage)."

72123  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-06-17
Written: (6684 days ago)

"When you are born, you cry, and the world rejoices. When you die, you rejoice, and the world cries"

At 1:10am this morning, Joan Pearl Bell, my grandmother, passed away. Me, my mother, step-mother, aunt, and three cousins were present to witness her last breath. My grandma left this world without feeling any pain. To many, she will be deeply missed. Her absence from our lives will never be completely filled.

Now, I must do the first mature thing since becoming an adult. Over the next few days, I will take an active role in the planning of the burial of my grandmother, write a eulogy for her procession, and serve as a paul-bearer and carry her to her final resting place right next to my grandfather, Raymond Bell. Together they will rest, both in this world and the afterlife.

This is part of growing up: when you bury the loved ones you know, and take up their roles in their absence. You display what you have learned from them; the apprenctice becomes the master, and begins educating those who will come after.

See you all when this is over. I cannot thank everyone enough for helping me through this rough point in life. I love you all...

70723  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-06-06
Written: (6695 days ago)

I found this in a profile, and I thought It was hilarious!

A white man yells to a black man. "Hey colored boy! You're blockin my view."
The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:
"When I was born I was black,"
"When I grew up I was black,"
"When I'm sick I'm black,"
"When I go in the sun I'm black,"
"When I'm cold I'm black,"
"When I die I'll be black"
"But you sir..."
"When you're born you're pink,"
"When you grow up you're white,"
"When you're sick, you're green,"
"When you go in the sun you turn red,"
"When you're cold you turn blue,"
"And when you die you turn purple."
"And you have the nerve to call me colored?"
The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away...

70195  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-04
Written: (6697 days ago)

"There is a good reason they call these ceremonies "commencement exercises." Graduation is not the end; it's the beginning" -e.e.cummings

Two Hours To Go...

I layed awake in my bed all night, thinking of today. Four years of Groves, countless homework assignments, hundreds of friends created, some friends lost to time and pointless fights, and the activities I did there. So many experiences, so little ways to convey them.

Within four hours, I am no longer a Senior. I will be an Alumni, the true god of an establishment. With it comes the recognition of success and completion. Honor takes on a new meaning. So many emotions, so little time to express them all...

This is the song that has been playing in my mind for the last 24 hours, as i have thought of all the teachers ive met, tests ive taken, assignments ive completed, organizations ive joined, friends i have made and lost; all the experiences I have had and those still coming...

BLACKTHORN - "The Parting Glass"

“Of all the money that e'er I had, I spent it in good company,
And all the harm that e'er I've done, alas it was to none but me.
And all I've done for want of wit to memory now I can't recall,
So fill to me the parting glass. Good night and joy be with you all.

Fill to me the parting glass, and drink a health whate're befalls
Gently rise and softly call, Goodnight and joy be to you all.

Of all the friends that e'er I had, they're sorry for my going away,
And all the sweethearts that e'er I had, they'd bid me one more day to stay.
But since it falls unto my lot, that I should rise and you should not,
I gently rise and softly call, Goodnight and joy be to you all.

Fill to me the parting glass, and drink a health whate're befalls
Gently rise and softly call, Goodnight and joy be to you all."

Life is suspended right now...when where, how, and with whom it picks up is still shrouded by a veil of uncertainty. Thank you all for bringing me to where I am today.

 The logged in version 

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