[Mixi☆Couture]'s diary

89056  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-12-04
Written: (6514 days ago)

This is a darker side of me i supose just some thoughts. I hate people who whine about shit they should be thankful for... i really do... but right now i need to vent really bad cuz i feel like imma explode and i dont know what else to do....

1. We went out and about this weekend and tonight i was talking to someone and i got caught up in the momment and started to talk to my mom and aunt... alot... now i feel horibale because i irritated someone and that was the last thing i ever wanted to do =\ i get excited when im with or talking to guys i like and i tend to wonder off and try to impress them. I guess i found out my next point.

2. I m annoying... i dont mean to be but i am. i feel like like im really annoying and very loud. I also feel like a bitch. and most of the time i would be really proud of these things but im not this time. im just imbarresed by it and i hate me for acting like that =\ i guess i have a few things to work on.....

3. I like someone. kinna... i dunno. i feel amazing when i talk to him, like im something special and wounderful... which is more then i have ever felt when talking to people. and i dont want to take things fast i just want time.. its a weird feeling i dunno. he is the closest to perfection anyone can get. But i don't deserve him. nor am i what he wants... ( i think) i feel liek im so much less then what he needs and wants its crazy. i was thinking about how i should have never replyed back to him and let him find something better... =\ i dunno anymore... but then.....

4. I was in the car on the way home and i got to thinking.... Is it posible for one person to be truly happy? I don't think so... well not for me at lest... I don't mean to all down and stuff but i feel empty inside. i just want someone here to hold me its strange. I feel like all thats in the future for me is my beach house. And ill live there and alone and i'll be okay. We were on the way home and like my parents started fighting and normaly i dont get mad or upset about that but i just started crying. I hate fights....and if i ever do meet somoene its like .... i dont want that... i think thats why i stay single and don't even look for guys while im out... but i then again i dont look cuz im to busy thinking about him.. what he is doing.. how is is.. what if i was there... ugh i hate feeling all this it confuses me. Do you think there is someone for everyone? what if that someone dies and u go and and meet other people and stuff... it makes no sence what someone else takes ur someone... there are so many factors that bug the crap out of me. im a love-sick person that doesnt even belive in love... how pathetic is that. So umm anyone wanna prove me wrong about love? haha jk but ya

5. we got into a car wreak tonight because of stupidity.. i hate stupid people. they can go die in a ditch somewere off in there stupid ass stupidity... haha that made no scence but anyways ya well i dunno what else to add i guess thats all..

  I really just want to say sorry for being an anoyying bitch and i dunno what else to say.... but that i am truely sorry for being the way i am =\

88280  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-26
Written: (6523 days ago)

OMFG!!!!!! i got new shoes haha its so awesome. lookie




83911  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-10-01
Written: (6578 days ago)

[ .01. ] First Name: Nichole
[ .02. ] Middle Name: Denise
[ .03. ] Last Name: Newman
[ .04. ] Nickname(s): Mixi, Cole, Nikki, Nikkiko, anything really
[ .05. ] Gender: Female
[ .06. ] Date of Birth: 5-11-90
[ .07. ] Height: 5 feet 9 inches
[ .08. ] Hair Color: Blonde with brown highlights and dark brown under
[ .09. ] Eye Color: Really bitchin' blue or sometimes green
[ .010. ] Do you wear glasses or contacts: Both all depends
[ .011. ] Do you have braces: No
[ .012. ] Is your hair long or short: longer
[ .013. ] Where were you born: Riverside
[ .014. ] Current Location: Yuckie sun city
[ .015. ] Zodiac Sign: turuas
[ .016. ] How many languages do you know: 2
[ .017. ] What laungage do you want to learn: Russian and german
[ .018. ] Bad Habit: oooo i have alot of those
[ .019. ] Piercing you have: Ears
[ .020. ] Piercing you want: Tounge, and lip
[ .021. ] Tattoos you have: no =\
[ .023. ] Today: Saturday
[ .024. ] Today's Date: Sep.30, 2006
[ .025. ] The Time: 7:26 pm
[ .026. ] Ready for a bunch more questions: Ugh i guess
Family Information
[ .027. ] Mother's Name: Monique
[ .028. ] Father's Name: James
[ .029. ] Brother's Name: Tyler
[ .030. ] Sister's Name: Raya, Aubree, and angie
[ .031. ] Favorite Aunti: i dont have one i love all of them
[ .032. ] Favorite Uncle: Uncle bill =\
[ .033. ] Favorite Grandparent: my dad's parents cuz i dont have any grandparents on my mom's side
[ .036. ] Worst Relative: my family is crazy no one is bad
[ .037. ] Best Relative: everyone duh
[ .038. ] Do you get along with your parents: Yuppers
[ .039. ] Does anyone in your family understand you?: yup all the blacksheep in the family do
Pet Information
[ .040. ] Do you have any pets: 3 dogs and some fish
[ .041. ] What are their names: Buster, jack and ugly dog cocoa
[ .042. ] What kind of animals are they: boxer, malize mix and ugly dog
School Information
[ .043. ] Are you still in school: Yes
[ .044. ] Did you drop out: hellz no
[ .045. ] Current gpa: 3.5
[ .046. ] Favorite Grade: kindergarden
[ .047. ] Least Favorite Grade: 8th aubree knows why lol
[ .048. ] Favorite Teacher(s): mr. resnick and ms blake
[ .049. ] Least Favorite Teacher: Ms. boling she was a bitch
[ .050. ] Favorite Subject: Scociology
[ .051. ] Least Favorite Subject: dance
[ .052. ] Do/Did you buy lunch or bring it: i dont eat alot at school
[ .053. ] Play any sports on the school's team: nope i did do cheer one year though
[ .054. ] Do/Did you do any extracurricular activities: Drama,
[ .055. ] Are/Were you popular: Ummm not really. people knew me but i wasnt the shit or anything
[ .056. ] Favorite Dance: gross... lol
[ .057. ] Favorite Memory: Lol i have so many
[ .058. ] Favorite Memory you want to have: being with eric
[ .059. ] Least Favorite Memory: the boating acc.
[ .060. ] Most Humiliating Moment: Haha i have alot of those
Personal Information
What is your favorite
[ .061. ] Number: 27, and 13
[ .062. ] Letter: i dunno >.>
[ .063. ] Shoes: VANS!!! and etines
[ .064. ] Saying(s): Love is a dangous angel, Keep ur friends close and your enemies closer, Live life to the fullest
[ .065. ] TV show: That 70's Show,CSI, Ghost hunters, and Mind freak
[ .066. ] Sport: Football
[ .067. ] Vegetable: broclli
[ .068. ] Fruit: apricots
[ .069. ] Movie: The Brave little toaster, labyrth, i have to many
[ .070. ] Magazine: Rolling stones
[ .071. ] Actor: john quscak
[ .072. ] Actress: None
[ .073. ] Candy: Fetuses (lol 5th period inside joke
[ .074. ] Gum: Wigleys
[ .075. ] Scent: Uhhh the ocean or roses
[ .076. ] Candy Bar: butterfingures
[ .077. ] Ice cream flavor: mint and chocolate chip
[ .078. ] Color: any shade of blue, pink & Black
[ .079. ] Season: Winter
[ .080. ] Holiday: My b-day duh
[ .081. ] Band: whoa uhh i dunno to many
[ .082. ] Singer: seether's singer
[ .083. ] Group: LYNARD SKYNRD
[ .084. ] Rapper: Rap is for the unintellegent
[ .085. ] type of music: Any really
[ .086. ] Things in your room: uhhhh my autographed stuf
[ .087. ] Place to be: With eric
[ .089. ] Tv channel: History
[ .090. ] Junk food: Ramon Noodle
[ .091. ] Overall food: Italian Pastas, Chicago Pizza, Greek Rice
[ .092. ] Store: Hot Topic
[ .093. ] Hangout: Parks, Movies
[ .094. ] Fast food: TACO BELL
[ .095. ] Restaurant: >.> depends
[ .096. ] Shape: star
[ .097. ] Time of day: after school or weekends
[ .098. ] Continent: Europe
[ .099. ] State: uhhhhhhhhh cali?
[ .100. ] Boys Name: jaden
[ .101. ] Girls Name: mixi =p
[ .102. ] Mall: i dunno
[ .103. ] Video Game:Goast recon
[ .104. ] Shampoo: i dunno
[ .105. ] Board game: dont have one
[ .106. ] Computer Game: dont have one
[ .107. ] Car: Truck really
[ .108. ] Music: to many
[ .109. ] Swear Word: dunno
[ .110. ] Word: to your motha lol jk
[ .111. ] Month: May
[ .112. ] Cartoon: Batman
[ .113. ] Scary Movie: uhhhhhhhhh
[ .114. ] Team: BUCKS!
[ .115. ] Possession: my memories?
What's the First thing you though of when you hear
[ .116. ] Eminem: Stupid
[ .117. ] Dog: stupid
[ .118. ] Hot: sun
[ .119. ] Britney Spears: Prostitute
[ .120. ] N'sync: Has Been
[ .121. ] Real World: Suicide
[ .122. ] Orange: Unrhymabl
[ .123. ] Choice: free
[ .124. ] Fuck: Lack of Intellegnece
[ .125. ] Bisexual: Me and proud
[ .126. ] Black: Empty
[ .127. ] icq: uhhhh
[ .128. ] Insane Clown Posse: Wannabe Demonic
[ .129. ] Linkin Park: Nice Beat
[ .130. ] Jack: & sally
[ .131. ] Rainbow: rain
[ .133. ] Cucumber: .... haha
[ .134. ] Shark: Delicious with cheese
[ .135. ] Lifehouse: good
[ .136. ] Bat: night
[ .137. ] Leather: nice
[ .138. ] Whip: Kinky
[ got tired of fucking deleting spaces sorry...]

[ .139. ] America: The kid before me put week... Suck on it buddy

[ .140. ] Water: clean and cool

[ .141. ] Volcano: anger

Would you rather have
[ .142. ] Rock or Rap: Rock

[ .143. ] Rock or Pop: Rock

[ .144. ] Rock or R&B: Rock

[ .145. ] Rock or Metal: Unable to Choose

[ .146. ] Rap or Pop: Turn off the radio

[ .147. ] Rap or R&B: Find a new station

[ .148. ] Rap or Metal: Metal

[ .149. ] Rop or R&B: Burn the radio

[ .150. ] Pop or Metal: Metal

[ .151. ] R&B or Metal: Metal

[ .152. ] Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit: Both

[ .153. ] Tool or Korn: Omfg umm tool... no korn.. no.. i dunno

[ .154. ] Selena or Jennifer Lopez: Neither

[ .155. ] Hot or Cold: Hot

[ .156. ] Winter or Summer: Winter

[ .157. ] Spring or Fall: Fall

[ .158. ] Shakira or Britney: Neither

[ .159. ] ICP or Eminem: ICP

[ .160. ] Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie: yummy rob zombie

[ .161. ] Kittie or Garbage: kittie

[ .162. ] Mtv or Vh1: Both

[ .163. ] Buffy or Angel: ANGEL ANGEL ANGEL!!!!! i miss him

[ .164. ] Dawson's Creek or Gilmore Girls: I've got a life

[ .165. ] Football or Basketball: Football

[ .166. ] Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics: ?

[ .167. ] Skiing or Snowboarding: Snowboarding

[ .168. ] Rollerblading or Skateboarding: Both

[ .169. ] Black or White: Black

[ .170. ] Orange or Red: Red

[ .171. ] Yellow or Green: green

[ .172. ] purple or pink: pink

[ .173. ] Slipknot or Mudvayne: both

[ .174. ] Hot Topic or Pac Sun: Hot Topic

[ .175. ] Inside or Outside: Outside

[ .176. ] weed or alcohol: Alcohol

[ .177. ] Cell Phone or Pager: Cell Phone

[ .178. ] Pen or Pencil: Pen

[ .179. ] Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: Find better taste in women

[ .180. ] Scooby Doo or Dino: SCOOBY DOO

[ .181. ] Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon: DragonBall Z (Anime Rocks... Thank you Japan)

[ .182. ] Star Wars or Star Trek: EW NONE

[ .183. ] Tattoos or Piercings: Both please

[ .184. ] Prep or Punk: Punk

[ .185. ] Slut or Whore: tis a lame question

Privite Life Information
[ .186. ] Do you have a Boyfriend or Girlfriend?: No

[ .187. ] Do you have a crush: o yesh

[ .188. ] Do you love anyone right now: Yes

[ .189. ] Have you ever been in love: Not really until now

[ .190. ] How many people have you liked: a couple

[ .191. ] Who was your first crush: uhh i think his name was willum

[ .192. ] How many hearts of have you broken: dunno

[ .193. ] How many people broke your heart: Too Many to count

[ .194. ] Best quote to sum up love:Love is a dangerous angel

[ .195. ] So what is your Boyfriend, Girlfriend &/or Crush like: awesome

[ .196. ] Do you have a picture of him/her: Yes

[ .197. ] Please post it if you do: naw its cool

[.198. ] Do you have a picture of yourself: Yesim a picture whore duh

[ .199. ] Please post it if you do: naw

[ .200. ] Do you go by looks or personality: First judgement is ALWAYS on looks for everyone, but mostly

[ .201. ] Ever kiss a friend: Yes

[ .202. ] Are you still friends: yes

[ .203. ] So moving along... do you smoke: No

[ .204. ] Do you smoke weed: used to

[ .205. ] Ever trip on acid: Nope

[ .206. ] How about a little x: Still no

[ .207. ] Crack, Heroin, Anything Else?: No, No, and yet still no

[ .208. ] Beer Good or Beer Bad: Beer… Horrid!

[ .209. ] Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: thats flavored beer wtf... lol

[ .210. ] Do you like smirnoff ice: Yes

[ .211. ] Prefer Beer or Liquor: Liquor all the way

[ .212. ] What kind of cigarettes do you smoke: None

[ .213. ] Have you ever drank Hpnotiq: wtf.... if its h2o shit then yes mmmm

[ .214. ] If yes, when was the last time you got some: ima good little virgin

Would you concider the following
[ .215. ] Bungee Jump: Yes

[ .216. ] Sky Dive: Yes

[ .217. ] Swim with Dolphins: yes

[ .218. ] Scuba Dive: Yes

[ .219. ] Go Rock Climbing: Yes

[ .220. ] eat shit for $1,000,000: how much?

[ .221. ] Turn your back on your friends for personal gain: no

[ .222. ] Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: no

[ .223. ] Cross-dress: Done it

[ .224. ] Lie to the police: Done it

[ .225. ] Run from the police: lol

[ .226. ] Lie to your parents: Done it

[ .227. ] Walk up to a stranger and kiss them: .....

[ .228. ] Be an exotic dancer: Done it, but not professionally... yet

[ .229. ] Walk out of a restaurant without paying: no! lol

[ .230. ] Streak: Done it

Your friends
[ .231. ] Best friends: i have alot

[ .232. ] Known Longest: aubree?

[ .233. ] Wish you talked to more: angie

[ .234. ] Wish you saw more: chase and raya

[ .235. ] How many friends do you think you have: alot?

[ .236. ] Who drives you insane after a while: .....

[ .237. ] Who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: eric

[ .238. ] Ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': no

[ .239. ] Craziest:nicole

[ .240. ] Loudest: Z

[ .241. ] Shyest: aubree

[ .242. ] Best Hair: nicole

[ .243. ] Can always make you laugh:all

[ .244. ] Best Eyes: meh! lol<3

[ .243. ] Best Body: ..................

[ .246. ] most athletic: None

[ .247. ] sex symbol: HAHAHAHAHAHA no comment

[ .248. ] Hot Tempered: Me

[ .249. ] Most Impatient: me

[ .250. ] Shortest: aubree

[ .251. ] tallest: Me

[ .252. ] talented: everyone

[ .253. ] best singer: none

[ .254. ] skinniest: ........

[ .255. ] nicest: none

[ .256. ] best personality: all of us

[ .257. ] biggest drug user: none?

Have you Ever
[ .258. ] flashed someone: Yes

[ .259. ] told a person how you felt bout them: Yes,

[ .260. ] been to michigan: no

[ .262. ] gone to jail or juvi: no

[ .263. ] skateboarded: Yes

[ .264. ] skinny dipped: Yes

[ .265. ] stolen anything: Yes

[ .266. ] wanted to kick my ass for making this so long: ugh a little

[ .267. ] kicked someone's ass: Yes and waiting for the next girl to have balls =)

[ .268. ] pegged someone in the head with a snowball: Yes

[ .269. ] broke a beer bottle: Yes

[ .270. ] gotten into a bar, under-aged: Yes (

[ .271. ] kissed someone of the same sex: Yes

[.273. ] gone on a road trip: Yes

[ .274. ] gone on vacation without adult supervision: no

[ .275. ] been to a concert: Yes many time but not enough

[ .276. ] been to another country: yes mexico?

[ .277. ] talked back to an adult: Yes

[ .278. ] got pulled over: no

[ .279. ] got in a car accident: no

[ .280. ] broke a law: no

[ .281. ] given money to a homeless person: Yes

[ .282. ] tried to kill yourself: Yes,

[ .283. ] cried to get out of trouble: yes

[ .284. ] kissed a friend's brother or sister: Yes,

[ .285. ] kissed a brother or sister's friend: no ew gross they are liek 10...

[ .286. ] dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways?: Yes

[ .287. ] what do you think...about pop music: Not all

[ .288. ] about boy bands: Yes

[ .289. ] about flag burning: LAME

[ .290. ] of the war on terrorists: Everyone is a terrorist at some point

[ .291. ] about suicide: ... meep

[ .292. ] about people who try to force their opinions on you: I showed them what that does (Laughs)

[ .293. ] about abortion: Pro-Choice

[ .294. ] about rock/metal music: Fine with me

[ .295. ] where do you think you'll be in 10 years: with eric

[ .296. ] who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: uhh all of them?

What did you do
[ .297. ] last birthday: nothing

[ .298. ] yesterday: uhh went to school

[ .299. ] last weekend: family over for my uncle's death

[ .300. ] christmas: up north

[ .301. ] thanksgiving: home

[ .302. ] new year's: i dont remeber lol

[ .303. ] halloween: went out n' about

[ .304. ] easter: Don't remember

[ .305. ] valentine's day: nothing

The Last
[ .306. ] thing you ate: Don joses

[ .307. ] thing you drank: water

[ .308. ] thing you wore: Jeans and a black warped tour shirt

[ .309. ] place you went: Don joses

[ .310. ] thing you got pierced/tattooed: Ears

[ .311. ] person you saw: my brother

[ .312. ] person you kissed: my grandma <3 lmfao

[ .313. ] person you fxcked: im a virgin....

[ .314. ] person you talked to:nicole

[ .315. ] song you heard: Sweet home alabama

What are you
[ .316. ] eating: Nothing

[ .317. ] drinking: Nothing

[ .318. ] wearing: pj pants and the same shirt

[ .319. ] shoes: No

[ .320. ] hat: No

[ .321. ] listening to: my brother on the game </3

[ .322. ] talking to anyone: eric

[ .323. ] are you pissed i made this so long: i guess not

Yes or No
[ .324. ] are you a vegetarian: No

[ .325. ] do you like cows: As food Yes, as pets No

[ .326. ] are you a bxtch: Yes and proud of it

[ .327. ] are you artistic: Yes

[ .328. ] do you write poetry: Yes

[ .329. ] are you a fast runner: I dont run >.>

[ .330. ] can you ski: No

[ .331. ] are you british: No

[ .332. ] do you want to spear britney: if that would kill her, Yes, if not, No

[ .333. ] do the voices talk to you: Yes

[ .334. ] did you ever give barbie a haircut: I've decapitated a barbie

[ .335. ] would you eat mac & cheese with hot dogs in it: no

[ .336. ] do you think disney creators were on acid when they made 'alice in wonderland: No but watching it Drunk
is quite fun

Are you
[ .337. ] straight: nope

[ .338. ] stupid, insane, and another physically handicapped: no stupid yes....

[ .339. ] nice: No

[ .340. ] naughty: Quite

[ .341. ] short:no

[ .342. ] tall: yes

[ .343. ] Do you own a hot pink shirt: yes

[ .344. ] How about orange pants: No

[ .345. ] can you see the flying monkeys: No but the pigs will be going south for the winter

[ .346. ] evil : Yes

[ .347. ] did you ever know someone who had a mullet: Yes

[ .348. ] is britney a whore: Yes

[ .349. ] are you a teenage zombie: Yes

[ .350. ] am i annoying you?: No, my choice

[ .351. ] do you like marilyn manson: Yes, however he should

[ .352. ] are you secretly from another planet: Hopefully

[ .353. ] did you ever touch someone else's private parts: Yes

[ .354. ] this is over are you happy now hahah: Now I have nothing to do

[ .355. ] Country of living: america

[ .356. ] School/work: PVHS

[ .357. ] Hobbies: Anything to keep my busy

[ .358. ] Nicest person you met this year: eric

[ .359. ] Person you rather not have met this year: i dunno

[ .360. ] Who would you like to meet: eric

[ .361. ] Whom do you admire most: my mother

[ .362. ] City(s): i dunno

[ .363. ] Magazine: rolling stones u asked this already dumass

[ .364. ] Sound: water

[ .365. ] Writer: Edgar Allen Poe, and Emily Dickenson

[ .366. ] What do you think is greatest about yourself: my eyes?

[ .367. ] What time do you go to bed on weekdays: Focuses around what I'm doing

[ .368. ] What word do you use most: Stupidity

[ .369.] Most romantic moment in your life: Romance ha...

[ .370. ] What do you do on the weekends: Whatever can keep my busy

[ .371. ] Your Breakfast: I don't eat breakfast

Which one
[ .372. ] Laugh or Dream: both

[ .373. ] Fast or slow: Slow

[ .374. ] You prefer being alone or have a relationship:depends

[ .375. ] Simple or complicated: I like things simple, I make them complicated

[ .376. ] Cremate or Buried when dead: Cremated

[ .377. ] Sex or Alcohol: You can't avoid sex when you're drunk

[ .378. ] Stay up late or go to bed early: Late unless I have to get up early 

[ .379. ] Light or dark: Pitch Black

[ .380. ] Speak or Silence: I'd like it silent, I get everything but

[ .381. ] Hug or kiss: Hugs

[ .382. ] Happy or Sad: depends

[ .383. ] Life or Death: life

[ .384. ] Left or Right: right

[ .385. ] Dark/ red/ Blonde: Red (Sometimes I think these are just questions that pop up suddenly)

[ .386. ] What would you ask God if you could ask him 1 single question: Wtf....

[ .387. ] You believe in reincarnation: Yes

[ .388. ] You believe in Aliens: Yes

[ .389. ] When you die, what will be your last words?: dunno

[ .390. ] Does true love exist: Somewhere

[ .391. ] How many kids would you like to have: 2 or 1

[ .392. ] What is the one thing you can't stand: Stupidity

[ .393. ] Best feeling: Realizing you mean something

[ .394. ] Worst feeling in the world: Realizing it was just a lie

[ .395. ] What are you afraid of: myself

[ .396. ] Are you an emotional person: yes

[ .397. ] Do you ever cry during a movie: yes

[ .398. ] Your goal in life: Just to succeed in whatever

[ .399. ] What was the promise you made to yourself at new years eve: I don't make promises

[ .400. ] As what animal would you like to reincarnate: ??? A Cheetah

[ .401. ] What is the most beautiful part on the male body: Hair

[ .402. ] What is the most beautiful part on the female body: Hair

[ .403. ] Most original place to ask your love to marry you: beach omfg the beach lol

[ .404. ] Besides elftown, what do you do most on your PC: nothing

[ .405. ] What super power do you wish to have: Telekenisis

[ .406. ] Age you act: Whatever age the moment calls for

[ .407. ] Age you wish you were: Doesn't matter always has the same result

[ .408. ] Are you happy with your height?: No

[ .409. ] Left/right/ambidextrous: Left

[ .410. ] Your living arrangement: Homebound until College

[ .411. ] What's your job: Whatever I am told

[ .412. ] Have a favorite quote: ha i have alot of those and u already asked this damn it

[ .413. ] Do you have a Web Page: Nope

[ .414. ] Where Do you live in the moment: my house

[ .415. ] Do you consider yourself tolerant of others: No

[ .416. ] Do you have any secrets: My life is a secret

[ .417. ] Do you hate yourself: The real question is do I love myself?

[ .418. ] Do you like your handwriting: I can read it.

[ .419. ] Do you have any bad habits:alot

[ .420. ] What is the compliment you get most from people: my eyes

[ .421. ] If a movie were made about your life, what would it be called: To be announced

[ .422. ] Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool: no

[ .423. ] Are you a loner:no

[ .424. ] If you were another person, would you be friends with you: No

[ .425. ] Are you a daredevil: Yes

[ .426. ] Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself: Hate… being me

[ .427. ] Are you passive or aggressive: Aggressive

[ .428. ] What is your greatest strength and weakness: I am Silver tounged

[ .429. ] If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be: i dunno

[ .430. ] There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose: Love is false, beauty fades, creativity is used to make yourself better than someone else, I’d leave

[ .431. ] How do you vent: ha dont ask

[ .432. ] Do you think you are emotionally strong: unstable

[ .433. ] Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life: sometimes

[ .432. ] Do you think life has been good so far:yes

[ .434. ] What is the most important lesson you've learned from life: Humans are only as trusting as the next… keep then guessing and you’ll keep them with you.

[ .435. ] Do you think you are good looking: No

[ .436. ] Are you confident: sometimes

[ .437. ] What is the fictional character you're most like: oo good question

[ .438. ] Are you perceived wrongly:yes

[ .439. ] Read the newspaper: No

[ .440. ] Pray: sometimes

[ .441. ] Go to church: No

[ .442. ] Talk to strangers who IM you: Yes

[ .443. ] Talk to people even though you hate them: Only if I’m bored and that is only thing that can help

Do you
[ .444. ] Like to drive fast: Yes

[ .445. ] Hurt yourself: hmnmmm

[ .446. ] Eaten something that made other people sick: no

[ .447. ] Been unfaithful: Yes

[ .448. ] Been in love: yes

[ .449. ] Done drugs: yes

[ .450. ] Ran away from home: no

[ .451. ] Played strip poker: Yes

[ .452. ] Gotten beaten up: no

[ .453. ] Been picked on: yes

[ .454. ] Been on stage: Yes

[ .455. ] Slept outdoors: Yes

[ .456. ] Thought about suicide: Yes

[ .457. ] Pulled an all-nighter: yes

[ .458. ] If yes, what is your record: uhhh 1 night?

[ .459. ] Gone one day without food: Yes I’ve gone days without food

[ .460. ] Talked on the phone all night: Yes

[ .461. ] Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: Yes

[ .462. ] Slept all day: Yes

[ .463. ] Killed someone: no

[ .464. ] Made out with a stranger: no

[ .465. ] Had sex with a stranger: no

[ .466. ] Thought you're going crazy: yes lol im so stupid it happens all the time

[ .467. ] Kissed the same sex: Yes

[ .468. ] Done anything sexual with the same sex: ......

[ .469. ] Been betrayed: Too many times to even count

[ .470. ] Had a dream that came true: Yes

[ .471. ] Broken the law: Yes

[ .472. ] Met a famous person: yes

[ .473. ] Have you ever killed an animal by accident: No

[ .474. ] Stolen anything: Yes

[ .475. ] Been on radio/TV: Yes

[ .476. ] Had a nervous breakdown: yes

[ .477. ] Considered religious vocation: no

[ .478. ] Been criticized about your sexual performance: No

[ .479. ] Had a dream that kept coming back: Tormentors

[ .480. ] Believe in miracles: yes

[ .481. ] Astrology: yes

[ .482. ] Magic: Wiccan Magic yes

[ .483. ] God: yes

[ .484. ] Satan: yes

[ .485. ] Santa: No

[ .486. ] Ghosts: yes

[ .487. ] Luck: Everything is either luck or not

[ .489. ] Love at first sight: yes

[ .490. ] Yin and Yang: Yes

[ .491. ] Witches: Yes science has proven it

[ .492. ] Easter bunny: no

[ .493. ] Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: yes

[ .494. ] Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: nope

[ .495. ] Do you wish on stars?:yes

[ .496. ] Do you remember your first love?: yes still in it

[ .497. ] Still love him/her: .. yes lol

[ .498. ] Do you consider love a mistake: sometimes

[ .499. ] What do you find romantic: alot

[ .500. ] Turn-on: lol.....

[ .501. ] Turn-off: The main one is Human stupidity and lies

[ .502. ] Do you base your judgment on looks alone: no

[ .503. ] If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel: That’s already happened and whatever I feel I keep it in and shrug saying it doesn’t bother and walk away to find someone else

[ .504. ] Do you prefer knowing someone before dating him or her or going "blind": knowing

[ .505. ] Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out: yes

[ .506. ] Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: Yes

[ .507. ] Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking: It doesn’t matter to me

[ .508. ] What's the last present someone gave you: ummm my grandma gave me a music box and my aunt gave me a rose

[ .509. ] Do you consider your significant other hot: yes

[ .510. ] What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot girl standing on the sidewalk: walk by?

[ .511. ] Favorite weather: Rain

[ .512. ] Astrological sign: turus


[ .513. ] I was a profession I'd be: Physics to Historyian

[ .514. ] I was a country I'd be: somewere in canada =p

[ .515. ] I was a ocean or body of water I'd be: a rain puddle

[ .516. ] I was a piece of candy I'd be: Snickers

[ .517. ] I was a famous building or piece of architecture: a pyrimid

[ .518. ] I was a store I'd be: hot topic? i dunno

[ .519. ] I was a bad habit I'd be: smoking

[ .520. ] I was a board game I'd be: trouble

[ .521. ] I was a feeling I'd be: copntentment

[ .522. ] I were a president I'd be: none

[ .523. ] I were a color I'd be: blue

[ .524. ] I were a movie I'd be: the boat house

[ .525. ] I were a month, I'd be: May

[ .526. ] I were a day of the week, I'd be: saterday

[ .527. ] I were a sea animal, I'd be: a blowfish

[ .528. ] I were a direction, I'd be: Left

[ .529. ] I were a sin, I'd be: uh...

[ .530. ] I were a tree, I'd be: an oak

[ .531. ] I were a bird, I'd be: a puffin

[ .532. ] I were an animal, I'd be: bunny

[ .533. ] I were an element, I'd be: earth or water

[ .534. ] I were a song, I'd be: she paints me blue by something corporate or its me and the mood by sc

[ .535. ] I were a book, I'd be: Dangerous angels

[ .536. ] I were a shape, I'd be a: a star

[ .537. ] I were a time of day I would be: dusk

[ .538. ] I were a planet I would be: uranus!!!!!!! lol jk...

[ .539. ] i were a liquid I would be: water

[ .540. ] I were a place I would be: paridice

[ .541. ] I were a scent I would be: sea watr or roses

[ .542. ] I were a body part I would be: Hair

[ .543. ] I were a facial expression I would be: Tear


[ .544. ] need: someone

[ .545. ] find: what i seek

[ .546. ] want: to be by him

[ .547. ] have: my love

[ .548. ] wish: to be with him

[ .549. ] love: eric

[ .550. ] hate: alot

[ .551 ] fear: being alone

[ .552. ] feel:confused

[ .553. ] hear: the rain

[ .554. ] smell: the sent of rain

[ .555. ] crave: To hold him

[ .556. ] search for: a way out

[ .557. ] wonder: When will we meet?

[ .558. ] regret: everything

[I have never] All that apply have an X

[ .559. ] (_) been drunk

[ .560. ] (_) smoked pot

[ .561. ] (_) kissed a member of the opposite sex

[ .562. ] (_) kissed a member of the same sex

[ .563. ] (X) crashed a friend’s car

[ .564. ] (X) been to japan

[ .565. ] (x) rode in a Taxi

[ .566. ] (x) had anal sex

[ .567. ] (_) been in love

[ .568. ] (x) had sex

[ .569. ] (x) had sex in public

[ .570. ] (_) been dumped

[ .571. ] (_) shoplifted

[ .572. ] (_) been fired

[ .573. ] (_) been in a fist fight

[ .574. ] (x) had a threesome

[ .575. ] (x) snuck out my parent’s house

[ .576. ] (x) been sexually tied up

[ .577. ] (X) been caught masturbating

[ .578. ] (_) pissed on myself

[ .579. ] (_) had sex with a member of the same sex

[ .580. ] (x) been arrested

[ .581. ] (x) made out with a stranger

[ .582. ] (x) stole something from my job

[ .583. ] (x) been on a blind date

[ .584. ] (_) lied to a friend

[ .585. ] (_) had a crush on a teacher

[ .586. ] (_) skipped school

[ .587. ] (X) slept with a co-worker

[ .588. ] (X) been skydiving

[ .589. ] (X) been dumpster diving

[ .590. ] (_) put my pants on my head

[ .591. ] (x) walked in on friend’s having sex

[ .592. ] (x) walked in on parents having sex

[ .593. ] (X) been caught having sex

[ .594. ] (_) lied to save my ass

[ .595. ] (_) cut someone and made them bleed

[ .596. ] (x) told someone I love them to make them feel better

[ .597. ] (x) celebrated new years in times square.

[ .598. ] (_) lied to a friend.

[ .599. ] (x) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.

[ .600. ] (x) been to europe.

[ .601. ] (_) thrown up from drinking.

[ .602. ] (x) lost your sibling.

[ .603. ] (_) played 'clue'.

[ .604. ] (_) had a sleepover party.

[ .605. ] (x) went ice skating.

[ .606. ] (_) cheated on a bf/gf.

[ .607. ] (_) been cheated on.(no to my knowlage)

[ .608. ] (X) had a sweet sixteen party.

[ .609. ] (x) had a car.

[ .610. ] (x) drove.

English AlphaBeta (AB)
[ .611. ]- [ .637. ]
a - age: 16
b - best quality: funny?
c - choice of meat: steak
d - dream date: beach.. bon fire... *sigh*
e - ex: Untrusting
f - favorite food: Pizza or Pasta
g - greatest accomplishment: uhhh lol
h - happiest day of your life: hasnt come yet
i - internal conflicts: alot
j - job title: Student
k - kool-aid: Grape
l - love: hurts?
m - most valued thing i own: my own words and ideas
n - name: nichole
o - outfit you love:my pj pants
p - pizza toppings: Pepperoni
q - question you want to ask: lol i have alot to ask
r - red is what: make u want to eat more
s - sport to watch: Football
t - television show: Ghost hunters
u - unique habbit: cleaning when im upset
v - very bad habbit: uhhhhh
w - winter: Snow
x - x-rays you've had: like 10
y - year born: 1990
z- zodiac sign: turas for the 3rd time

 The logged in version 

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