[zeinazero]'s diary

70176  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-06-04
Written: (6699 days ago)

sex and chocolate....20 reasons
Body: me and annie are teh bomb because:
1. its 4:43 am and we havent slept
2. we just ate about three pounds of chocolate
3. we have both been dumped in the last month...and we are looking for boy toys
4. we are reading "romance novels" (aka girl porn)
5. we think gay guys are hott...especially naked
6. sex can wait, MASTURBATE
7. we are both a little high right now....just a little
8. in a war between masturbation and mastication, masturbation WINS
9. men suck balls and they stick their...never mind we'll stop...
10. calculators are a major turn on...we dont know why but they just are
11. same goes for pencil sharpeners
12. and mirrors
13. WHIPPED CREAM KINKY SEX!!...you know you want it
14. there is a very strange man-eating penguin in the basement...it lives in the vents and we are scared....
15. there is also a polar bear...it sleeps with us...and its CUDDLY...we named it Penis
16. doncha wish your girlfriend was hott like us?
17. chocolate doesnt mind if you bite its nuts to hard(or screw up on its hand job)...which is why chocolate owns sex(not to mention our exes....lol)
18. we need man-servants....actually man-whores in tiger skin thongs covered in chocolate...who bring us grapes...because grapes are YUMMY
19. now its 4:54 am and we are still the hottest geishas around...and our hair is disturbed
20. now we're walking naked to Giant Eagle and stealing all the chocolate...and then walking back and throwing the chocolate at unamed persons...and then eating it...so we WIN!!

*i take a bow*
*annie curtsies*
and you can all go fuck yourselves....jk...we heart you all!!!!
you know you want us...come and get us

69916  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-01
Written: (6701 days ago)

well....not much has been going on...SCHOOLS OVER!it sucks that i have no more laptop though...and i have to walk ten miles in the broiling sun to use a comp (actually just down the road, but it seems farther...) i am freezing because the library is gay and they have air conditioning and i am in a swimsuit...YAY for swimming with Annie and Letta...still <3333 jason....
my life is disgusting the same....oh well...maybe something cool will happen this summer...i doubt it but maybe...
peace to all!

62892  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-04-06
Written: (6758 days ago)

hmmmmm.....i really dont have anything to say...
well actually i do, but i cant put it on here yet...lol...i didnt sleep last night, and im not even remotely tired...
just a note to the world: never chew on jolt gum before going to sleep...
lol...that stuff makes you like high or something...
argh, i hate waiting....always have, always will....
musical tonight, and im gonna be bored...which means im gonna have to steal robbies laptop...

62561  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-04-04
Written: (6760 days ago)
Next in thread: 62760

i didnt figure out until just now that there was a diary on here...lol..im such a retard sometimes...im sooooooooooo friking bored...there is NOTHING to do at this school, its pathetic...
and i had a lousy sleep last night cuz my stupid mice kept running on the wheel...anyone want mice??? theyre free...lol...
and then when i finally fell asleep i kept closing my eyes and seeing an image of a slither going between someones legs....lol...dont ask....
and then when i woke up after finally falling asleep, there were five missed calls on my phone from really random phone numbers...nothing sucks more than missing phone calls and not knowing who called you...
annies such a good girl doing her homework while i type away on here, rambling about shit noone cares about(including me...lol)
i want a black miniskirt....with red stripes...
just thought id get that out there...
and i need starbucks...
thats all i really feel like typing now.

 The logged in version 

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