[Ana is my life style not my disease]'s diary

67559  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-11
Written: (6722 days ago)

Suicide ©

My best friend did it two other’s have tried
I don’t know why you wanted to die
Why didn’t you tell me or even try
For if I knew I could have saved your life
So I leave you now with these words
Why did you have to die and why did you need to commit suicide

67558  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-05-11
Written: (6722 days ago)

Thank you ©

Thank you, for always being there and being so true
Thank you, being the reason when there wasn’t one to live
Thank you, for never letting me down and always being around
Thank you, for being my very best friend and staying by my side until the end
Thank you, for everything I can’t describe and for the memories I keep inside
Thank you, for the joy and happiness you bring and thank you so much for everything

66271  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6730 days ago)

when you get to that stage in your life that you don't wish to be at, that stage where no one understands, the stage were you think you have found your self but really you are lost, the stage where you parents sercetly wish that you were dead, the stage that you can't pass over the stage you must complete, when people talk about this stage you think to your self i will never go though that well think again you will you must it's part of life so enjoy your time alone when you get there and hell i'm never going to leave.

66270  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6730 days ago)

I Look in to your Eyes ©

I look into your eyes and see the disappointment
I look into your eyes and see the sadness that I’ve caused
I look into your eyes and see that you angry
I look into your eyes and see the coldness towards me
I look into your eyes and see the hatred that you feel
I look into your eyes and know that I hurt you
I look into your eyes and know that you hate me
I look into your eyes and know that you will never love me
I look into your eyes and I learn the truth about me

66268  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6730 days ago)

I Stand ©

I stand in the wind
I stand in the rain
I stand here because I am in pain
I stand on the beach
I stand in the sea
I stand here and wonder you are the one for me
I stand on the grass
I stand under the trees
I stand here and wonder do you love me.

66267  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6730 days ago)

Her ©

If feels as if I’m taking her place
When he looks at me does he see her face?
Him and her that’s how it used to be
Now it’s just him, just him and me
I should forget her, it will be hard
But I will always wonder if it is me in his heart

66266  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6730 days ago)

Wonder ©

You might wonder why I said goodbye or broke your heart or even made you cry
I had loved you dearly I had loved you so but do you wonder why I had to let you go
I wonder if it could always have been true when you said you loved me too
You kissed me by the setting sun you may have wondered if I was the one
I wonder if you could always take all those promises I always break
You don’t know why we had to part and you don’t know why I broke your heart

66265  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6730 days ago)

Little Girl

A silent time ago
A little heart stopped beating
A little girl lay to rest
God broke you hearts
To prove he can only
Take the best

66264  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6730 days ago)


If life was a candle
Would it burn out?
If life was a duck
Would it fly south?
If life was a cloud
Would it rain?
If life was a heart
Would it feel pain?

66263  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6730 days ago)


Who has seen the days go by?
Who has seen my smile?
The days I breathed and dreamed
For such a while
The autumn leaves descend
As my mind is alone
And my soul has become entangled
In the setting of the sun
I charmed the sky to fill the earth
I charmed the stars by night
And then I banished all their fears
By giving up this fight

66262  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6730 days ago)

Letting Go

When you died where did you go?
Does anyone know can anyone tell?
My guess is this I tell you true
I guess you decided it depended on you
Were you bad or were good?
It drives me mad I never understood
But now I do I really do
I understand what happened to you

66260  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-02
Written: (6730 days ago)

How it used to be ©

This is how it used to be
I fell down you picked me up
I cried you wiped my tears
I laughed you laughed with me
I needed a hug you hugged me
I couldn’t walk you helped me
I couldn’t write you wrote for me
But that is not how it is now
I fall down you aren’t there
I cried and no one wipes my tears
I don’t laugh cause I have no one to laugh with
I don’t hug for no one hugs me back
I can’t walk for there is no one to help me
I can’t write for there is no one to write for me
This is how it is now and this is how it will be forever

66001  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-05-01
Written: (6731 days ago)

My dairy will most likely be used for all your very lucky people to see how dull and boring my life can really be. and maybe the odd poem here of there. i have the flu YAY for Emmy

one to get you`started.

Since dawn ©

Since the dawn of time we have known each other
Since the dawn of time we have been together
Since the dawn of time and until the end
You will always be my very best friend

 The logged in version 

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