[Hells_Guardian18]'s diary

78258  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-27
Written: (6644 days ago)

This is my monologue I hope everyone enjoys

What's Your Name?

The scene opens in a funeral home where we see a large man standing over a small casket. In the casket lies the body of a woman that couldn't be older than twenty-eight. The man looks down on the body, with beads of sweat falling from his brow, and sighs deeply. He places his right hand on her forehead and lets out another heavy sigh. He lifts his hand from her forehead and walks over to a chair and lays his leather jacket on it. His face is suddenly revealed and we out this is none other than David Samuel Pugh the third, popuraly known as Hells Guardian. He slowly walks back towards the casket and kneels before it.

Guardian: I've met a lot of people in my life, but none of them really mattered to me, but she did. I find that a little funny, because I never let anyone get close to me after Hayley and Jason were killed, but I let her in. I let her in my heart, a place no one else had seen in a good fifteen years, but I let her in to clean out the cobwebs that surrounded my soul. God only knows why I did that. I sure as hell set myself up for destruction, because, Sam, you know you can't keep anyone, hell it's just not in your genetics! I remember the day I met her...It was cold and I was kneeling before my brother's, cold, corpse as the rain poured down on me. There was a crowd forming, but I tried my hardest to just ignore them, but the voices just wouldn't leave my head. I snapped! They all thought I was crazy and I sure as hell showed them they were right, but my brother had just died and I wanted to know who did the deed! Who killed my brother! They all were whispering, in my ears, their random, untrue, gossip, like, "You know he did it, he killed poor Davey. I heard he slashed his throat, I mean just look at the body he obviously did it, who else would?" That bothered me beyond belief, because why in the world would I kill the only connection to my dead parents, but that's not the point. The point is that this small girl walked up to me and pulled on my pants leg and waved up at me. She wasn't afraid, it sure as hell shocked me, but I thought maybe this kid is blind, because for some reason I didn't want to believe that someone actually found me pleasing....

Guardian points at the woman in the casket and gives a small smile.

Guardian: She found me pleasing and for once in my life I felt slightly...normal. I was always looked at with looks of fear, but from her young eyes I saw looks of...of...understanding. It seemed like, at her young age, that she understood my pain, the pain I lived through every single day. So that made me wonder....what has she gone through? Well I decided, from that moment, I'd watch over her every day until, well, until the day she dies.

Guardian looks over the body and smiles.

Guardian: Even now I'm watching over her, but I think she may return the favor soon. Poor, poor, girl, she never really had a chance to achieve her goals...damn her father! How I didn't know what he did, to her, every night I'll never know, but I still let it go on. Maybe I'm to blame...

Guardian looks off into the distance as he remembers what he didn't do.

Guardian: So many things I could've done, but there was so little I did. I mean I always had a "little talk" with the boys that broke her heart, I always had a "chat" with the kids that picked on her, and I always handed her the money for her art school. I always paid for everything, but apparently her dad didn't like being overshadowed by me, so every night he took the money from her and spent it on booze, whores, drugs, and whatever else he could get his hands on. Until recently she was afraid to tell me that, but being on her death bed made her reveal everything to me...some of the stuff I never wanted to know.

Guardian walks towards a window and looks down on to a graveyard.

Guardian: There, in that graveyard, lies my deceased wife and my only son...

In one swift motion, Guardian turns and points at the woman.

Guardian: And she is the cause of that! No, she didn't kill them, but she hired the men to do it and sure my son wasn't meant to be killed, but he was! Only my wife was meant to be killed, but I could careless about her, stupid slut, I only cared about Jason! He did not deserve to die, but there is nothing we can do now, so for once in my life I decided to forget, but no one can forget something as horrible as that! She deserved the time she spent in prison, because she killed my son, sure she caused the death of two asses in her father and my wife, but she killed my son! He was my blood, he was my heir, but his life had was cut short by her! Who knows where she is going, because I personally could careless, but where ever she goes...

Guardian walks over and places his hand on her forehead and closes her eyes.

Guardian: I hope she never gets any peace, because I never will....

Guardian slowly closes the lid of the casket.

Guardian: Poor Rheya, peace is a blessing you'll never receive...

Guardian walks off, laughing to himself, as the scene fades out

67794  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-05-12
Written: (6720 days ago)

Well, well, well I feel like a somebody now since I can now write in my very own diary, but then again I have nothing else to say...so have a nice day lol

 The logged in version 

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