[Engel]'s diary

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Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6639 days ago)

Life, what a piece of fucked up shit it is. Im sorry for swearing, but has anybody ever looked at there life and just thought, why? i mean, what on earth am i doing, im walking around, wasting away my life, you talk to people, you fall in love, its not so bad then. thats when fate decides to go, naa sorry, your too happy for the universe, and turns your friends into backstabbers! and the love of your life, well she dont care, she dont even know if she cares about herself, i mean, theres not much sense in the world is there. in fact, the only time i ever find peace is at night, pitch black and freezing cold, cause thats when nobodys around, thats when you have the whole world to yourself. its soo peaceful, but then you take a step back into reality and think fuck! sometimes you just wanna run away, as fast as you can, not looking back, the feeling of freedom, but to be able to do that youd either have to be fairly well off or just completely insane.
Only one thing keeps you going, and thats the faintest bit of hope that things will get better, nomatter what you think, you will always have that, its human nature afterall, unless your not human lol. bah! you know what they say, misery loves company, so i spose thats what im doing, writing diary entry to try and find peoples lives that are more fucked up then your own, make me feel that little bit better. what a load of bullshit!

 The logged in version 

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