[GhEtTo~BaBii_4u]'s diary

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Written about Saturday 2005-02-26
Written: (7162 days ago)

hey 2day was great!well...at skool cuz like i got 2 talk wit my friends!!and if ur keepin up wit my house then ull know who the main ones are from skool and lke at breaktime at skool,afterlunch i hung out with kim and brittany cuz becca,natalie,and bailey had 2 work on how 2 get are 8th grade dance schedualed...it was suppose 2 b a secret but katie told me!heehee neway though we had stations of the cross today and like our homeroom teacher,Mrs Edwards wasnt here so we had a sub named Mr Phirir and like he just dropped us off basically cuz wen stations was over we had no clue where he was,so my class just went 2 are class room door and 2 our luck-IT WAS LOCKED!so we had 2 get a damn teacher and she found out he wasnt here so we had coach hogue look after us and we just hungout,i talked wit alex E.and im like "did u say the A word?"hes like,"wat?,ass?"im like "no,u kno the OTHER one"hes like oooo allejuha"(idk how 2 spell it)but im like "ooh u said it!"then hes like making the sign of the cross lol then katie came up and alex is like "did u say the A word?"shes like"wat?, asshole?"we're both like "no"lol and shes like"wat then?"and hes like "ah"im like "le"hes like"lu"im like"ya" lol shes like "oh,alleluya?"we 're like "ooooh ur goin to hell!"lol and imade the sign of the cross on her lol and then im like"owell she wouldve been goin 2 hell neways if she didnt say alleluya in the first place"me and alex just laughed bout it!

and like afterskool my mom picked me up early cuz she got off of work 2dae and there was this lady in the front seat,where i usually sit!lol and like i was like 2 myself"who the hell?"then i finally got closer 2 see who it was and it was my dads friends wife....Mrs Gloria,shes nice pretty cool also and im like ohey Mrs gloria and all everything her and my mom went shopppin while i was at skool!!!!sux ass lol but neway though after they picked me up we went 2 pick my brother up [Dat Lil'Rock kid]and then his friend was like starin at mrs gloria like,who the hell?lol..like me in other words but like i was sayin though after we picked him up we went shoppin and i took my hair down and put my cap on sideways and brought my purse inthe mall wit me,it was soo freakin fun wen i got 2 go 2 my fave stores while my mom and her friend went off....this one guy like ask me out i was uuh srry but ican't and i just left but thats koel though iguess:(
O!and 2dae at lunch time i ask emma wat she was eattin,shes like "AN OMLET!!!!"im like,geez ive never seen how an omlet looked cuz ive never eattin one"and like katie was sittin next to her and im like to katie"she gets so mad just cuz im askin her wat shes eattin"and then katies like "ill tell u wat im eattin"im like"yeah ikno katie"lol shes meh grl!katie the best man lol neway though i godda go now so...PEACE OUT,had an ok day 2dae:)

ya know ya love me,Christina

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Written about Monday 2005-01-03
Written: (7216 days ago)

hey,im bored...im new here but im familiar with my surrondings b/c its similar 2 elftown-which is better *clears throat*newayz one of my friends r online and i don't wanna waste my time typin up my boring diary while i can talk 2 her!l8rZ!o and....goodnite

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