[S.O.A.D. worshiper]'s diary

24869  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-06-24
Written: (7042 days ago)
Next in thread: 44471


14137  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-30
Written: (7097 days ago)


14117  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-04-29
Written: (7098 days ago)

thats computer is pissing me the fuck off.... the only website i can go to is here.... i cant get on yahoo or aim..... brittany is sick.... ive been neglecting to even try to get ahold of will..... im falling in love with CJ..... this is getting all to complicated..... i think jon eriks mad at me or somthing.... he never talks to me anymroe:(...... well at least i got music.... and james is helpign cheer me up too :)

6943  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-01-26
Written: (7191 days ago)

your eyes look so cold
i feel a cill run down my spine
your eyes look so lonley
i feel the emptieness inside
your eyes look so cold
i feel the emptieness inside
your eyes look so sad
it hurts me just to look
your eyes look liek they dont belong
a world full fo sorrow in their own

 The logged in version 

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