[Sophia]'s diary

88534  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-29
Written: (6619 days ago)

Starting a book. Should be... interesting. Not sure if I like the plot though. Hmm...

88533  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-29
Written: (6619 days ago)

Starting a book. Should be... interesting. Not sure if I like the plot though. Hmm...

88311  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-26
Written: (6622 days ago)

Okay, so last night my mate took me (unexpectedly) out in town. Everyones dressed up pretty, and I'm in my jeans, t-shirt, and trainers, but oh well. So I go to the bar at one point to get a drink, and end up stood next to the guy Im pretty much in love with. We say hi and everything, then he walks off with another girl.

   I think that I'm 'too imature' for him. I'm sure that's what he thinks - though he never did grow up really . It's all about appearences with that guy; which to be honest kinda bugs me. I just don't know where I'm up to with him. *sigh*

 I've still got that exert for you somewhere, I'll type it up later.

     Nearly cried, but then I kicked the big metal door in the ladies toilet (hurt like hell since my trainers are thin as paper) think I left a dent actualy. Plus I then danced the rest of the night, just to knacker myself out, and yet still feel like shit about it. I mean, he clearly was shocked to see me there - and not in a good way. I had the feeling he realy didn't want to see me; I get that feeling a lot around him. Yet he wants to fuck me when we're together - what a fucking twat. I'm not some slag that'll just fuck him for the hell of it! I realy want to slap him right now. If it were possible to give a person 'uncool' points, I'd be giving him sooo many right now. I'm surprised I didn't slap him across the face actualy, though I was kinda in shock. I swear to the Godess though, if he keeps it up I'll brake the fucking wiccan rede. I'll harm him till there's nothing left TO harm.

   I wouldn't mind if he hadn't been trying to get into my pants the last time he saw me for more than a few seconds. No, it was not a one night stand, he was refering to himself as my boyfriend - so I'm not over reacting. I feel dirty now - I feel like I'll never be able to wash that used feeling off me. What a bastard. I'm just so upset at this - he could have bleeding told me! It's not as if I'm a spaz who can't take being told shit like that - I hate being lied to, and strung along. It's as if he was trying to keep me happy so that he could come back to me when he was bored. TWAT FACED COCK.

        On the plus side, the drummer of that band today was f2f!! Plus, he can REALY play that kit. Shame his lead singers not able to sing, if I weren't such a fraidy-cat I'd offer to sing for him... in key. hehe. I was missing my guitar so much today - it was freeezing! and I just wanted to play my guitar and sing and chill out. It's my relaxation - it's my world. It's the only thing that never lets me down.

   ANNNYway - I'm off. I'll probably end up on the phone to sasha soon *sigh*.

Blessed be

88181  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-25
Written: (6623 days ago)

Bah, had another dip the other day - so I haven't really been on here much. Haven't done much really - probably not the best thing since I've 3 peices of coursework to be doing. Meh.

My mate asked me to define the word 'meh' for her. I said just 'Wih' - but it's got me thinking. My definition of the word 'meh' would be a sigh of sorts which includes the idea of 'I don't know' and also 'I don't care'. There you go Niz - a deffinition of 'meh'. I should make a dictionary of the words I use. Like, "Di phweginai pri dious tchentay" (pronounced dee f-weg-en-ay pree d-yoi-s chen-tay) is just a curse I use - like ffs, or damnit. But it sounds better. meep.
(Btw, meep means just 'i dont know' and is the sound of a whimper/shrug. just so you know)

Anyway - I'm supposed to be tidying my room - so I'm going to get back to that. I've an exert of 'a wandering diary' for you, but I'll copy that out in a bit. Luv ya'll

Blessed be

87848  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-21
Written: (6627 days ago)

bah - tooth ache sucks. It gave me such a bad headache today I got to go home early to take pain killers. *sigh* too much to do, not enough time for me to just chill anymore. I have to phone Kiran aswell, me and Rachel have a concert tomorow - at the same time as the movie we're supposed to be seeing with Kiran... uh oh lol. I'm sure she'll forgive us.

   I'm so tired right now. I need to sleep off this headache, but I know I wont be in bed till late, mostly because Will's online. Correction, Will just logged off - fine, I no longer have any friends who I can talk to... bah. Note my new phrase - "bah". Not to be confused with the pronunciation 'baa' hehe. I was so hyper all of today - I've been bouncing and stuff - wonder what's up with me? I think I'm just hyper because I spoke to Will last night and he's being realy nice now we're not going out. I wish he'd been like this when we were together - but hey!

  Thinking about trying to find Arron at some point, see if he's okay - think I'm okay to do that now, without loosing my senses or anything. Miss him, but not so much now - I'm functional now.

  ARGH! I'm so hungry, but eating cains sooo bad. This is torture. I'm going to drink some hot chocolate - I refuse to go back to eating soup - I had waaay too much of that when I was ill. I refuse to be ill again - ever. Okay - so that's going to be hard BUT!!! - I'll manage it, honest.

  Been carrying some of my smaller gems around with me lately, and it seems to be keeping me calm and happy. So nice to always just have that little connections to magick with me - even if it's a tentative one. Chloe is still paranoid that I'm casting a spell when I play with my gems - I wont go into details of how you have to cast a circle and do lots of preperation before you cast a spell, let alone a Hex - which I seriously am NOT capable of yet! I'm nowhere near able enough to cast a strong circle, let alone a spell - but I'm not going to let THEM know that. It's always nice to be able to tell people you cast a spell on something to give them luck, or... well... anything like that. Used to do it all the time for AS and GCSE's. I know it's not fair to lie to people, but it helps, so you know? why not!

  Meh, I'm off to put my phone on charge and make a few calls on the land line. Love ya's

Blessed be

87611  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-18
Written: (6630 days ago)

WE WON!!!!!

87545  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-11-17
Written: (6630 days ago)

AHHH!! The competition is tomorow and I've still not written my closing speach - Jeeze, do I leave it till last minute or what???

Talked to my brother last night - it was great, he's realy surportive of my music idea - want's to help as much as possible :D Thats my CD cover taken care of hehehe.
       I can't get enought of Three Days Grace!



Confused beyond belief about guys. I'm taking a break from them for a bit. I'm not screwing my head up again just for a guy. Not worth it. Well - it is... just, I'm busy right now, I could do without any... distractions... hehe.

My guitar is looking at me - either it realy wants me to play it, or I realy want to play it... either way, I'm going to end up having a play in a little while. I'm jittery. WIH!

I've realised, I don't understand half of the things I say :O shocking or what?? hehe - not very if you know me at all - infact, you probably knew that already if you know me. I'm a bit slow to cotton on to these things though.

Well - i'm off to write things once more

*Sings* One more time, one more time...

bah, that's the song we're singing in choir for the concert this wednesday; along with something I think is called "Tell me it's not true" which I still don't have the hang of - spose I should do more than make bad jokes and jump around at choir practice ...

AAANYway - I'm off
Blessed be!
87481  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-16
Written: (6631 days ago)

God I just want to cry, and cry, and cry.
I just watched grey's anatomy, and several of the main characters nearly died (infact, the hospital nearly blew up) and now all I can think is 'I don't want to die'.

I realy don't. And I keep thinking how the other night thats all I wanted to do, and I'm so... I can't explain it. I'm so scared. It's as if I was in a dark room, starved of light, and did things that scare me, but they seemed like the only thing to do - and suddenly this light flicks on, and I see the truth of what happened, and what could have happened - and I'm so scared.

I could have been in a box right now.

What was I thinking??
I don't want to die.
I realy don't.

The weird thing is, only one person in my life actualy knows that. Me. I don't think Will realised how close I was. It was gone. Everything. I thought it was clarity, that I'd made a good decision, and it was just time to say goodbye. I didn't want to do anything dramatic like 'Good bye forever - I'm about to go die' - I'm not that sort of person. I was just, talking to people, then said like... goodbye hun. I never even said something gay like 'I'll miss you'.

Part of me must still have been functioning though for me to give those hints to someone I knew cared. If I hadn't talked to will and been so vague about everything, and, to be honest, on one of my weird mood thingys, he never would have realised, and made me explain, and made me think - made me feel.
It seriously was gone. The pain, the guilt, everything was just happily numb. I cried so hard, yelling at him (though he couldn't hear) "It was gone! Why? Why? It was gone". I've never cried that hard in my life. I had the worst headache for so long. I think the pillow I was screaming into is still damp actualy!

But now - my goddess - I don't want to die. Noway. Nonono. There's things I have to do first, things I want. I need somewhere private to start writing these things. I don't need people knowing I had such a fucking brake down. Seems pointless to have a private one on the internet though...
I just can't stop thinking that I could have been dead. It seems so sureal now.
     I can't believe I used to give Will such a hard time when he'd be realy upset. Then again, he was very open about it, which made me suspicious. If I realy wanted to die, infact, if anyone did - they wouldn't say "I'm gonna kill myself."  That's a plea for help. Maybe they work better than being saved at the last minute though? Shit I'm lucky.

I found an old diary today actualy, that dates back to not long after I lost my virginity - the bloke just ignored me afterwards - and I wrote (let me find it)

"I loved the guy, I gave him my virginity, and yet I mean almost nothing to him. Do you know how much that hurts? Especialy when it was breaking my vow of celebacy. Not that it's entirely his fault, don't think I mean that at all. It's just... I was expecting more.

  I've bottled it up for a while now, to be honest, I don't think I realy realised just how hurt I was by that; but it's all I can do right now to hold back these tears. I think I'm past tears really. I realy don't think I could cry anymore. It hurts so far deep inside it's like I've swallowed a bit of ice thats so cold it burns, and is resting in the pit of my stomach, crying it's own melting tears.

Part of me thinks it was a lesson well learnt - keep your nickers on, or they treat you like the whore you're pretending to be."

I love that description of the ice, cause every time I read it, I remember that feeling in the pit of my stomach, making me feel sick. I guess I never learnt the lesson though, since I went with the guy twice more - I'm an idiot.

   Then again, I think most guys only like you if they think they can get in your pants. Maybe I'm wrong, but from my experience... that's all a guy realy wants. Or should I say, thats all a teenage boy realy wants.

Sorry to any teenage boys reading this and thinking I'm a feminist weirdo - but, come on - how often do you honestly think about sex? It's a hell of a lot.

well, Im being kicked off the computer (Guess I wont be doing that homework then) I'll ... try not to have more than 3 entries the next time I post. Sorry about that today - just kept needing somewhere to write.

Love you all
Blessed Be
87470  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-16
Written: (6632 days ago)

I need to do my Coursework!!
So why the hell can't I do it?? bah - I give up. I don't care if it's in for tommorow morning. I've not had time. I'm more concerned about my closing speaches.
SHIT!! thats only in 2 days aswell. ***SOOO NERVOUS***

I will not Die
I will survive

Okay, I'll stop singing Three Days Grace (oneday haha). Those lyrics remind me of one of my own songs. It went something like:

I wont cry out for help
I'll do it by myself
I'll do it just let me try
I wont die
I wont sigh
I wont cry
I'll be alright
I'll be alright

Made that up on my way home one day - never really got fully developed. Maybe I'll write some verses for that actually.

My newest one is called 'Understand' - though it sounds like it should be called 'Alone' (because every verse starts with the refrain 'alone'), but yeh, I wanna get that recorded soon so that I can start sending my music out. So watch this space people! hehehehe.

I've noticed, most of my songs are severly depressing. 'Morning Song' is the only one that was ever... up beat. Its about how everything seems better in the morning, and that if you just wait until morning, everything will be fine. Still not exactly 'happy' but oh well.

I was singing Bette Midlar's 'Rose' today in the music room (The accoustics are great! Shame the piano's crap) and I was just... singing... and I could here people walking into Harroby House (where the music room IS) and asking each other "Who is that??" - well, unless they had any idea who I am... if they did they were like - "Is Lauren on that Fucking piano again!?!" hehehehe

Sooo much fun.

87469  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-16
Written: (6632 days ago)

Even if I say
It'll be alright
Still I hear you say
You want to end your life
Now and again we try
To just stay alive
Maybe we'll turn it around
'Cause it's not too late
It's never too late

I love three days grace. Not only is their music amazing, their lyrics mean so much to me.

87369  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-15
Written: (6633 days ago)

Why is it always one fight after another with them?? I'm so angry and upset at the moment. All my parents seem to do is argue about something or another - and if I happen to say anything my head gets bitten off. Sometimes I swear they yell at me just because they're bored of having a go at each other. Sometimes I wish they'd just get divorced or something. I can't take their crap. It's driving me insane.
I have so much work to do, and yet when I get home, I can't do it, because I'm guilted into doing something else - or I get distracted by something I love doing. I need to move out. Soon

87290  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-14
Written: (6634 days ago)

Jeeze, I need to learn how to concentrate. I just can't do it at the moment! It's driving me nuts - I sit down to do something and all I can do is either stare blankly at the page, or write lyrics.
 Might be a good thing that I'm going into music - well, in my own little way. It's the only thing I realy want to do, apparently I'm pretty good - though I can always pick the holes in it. I don't personaly think I'm anything special, but, then, thinking about my self esteem issues, I might be wrong. Fingers crossed. Oh well, off to stare at more pages of lines that I can't fill. Joy.

87282  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-14
Written: (6634 days ago)

well - i guess i manged to take more crap than i thought i ever could, because i'm still here.
Thats down to Will. Thanks to him i'm still here, not on my bedroom floor letting myself stop breathing.

 Now if some one said that to me before - I would have been like - you can't stop breathing - it's not possible. I wouldn't say that anymore. I swear, it was like the will to live had just... gone. I was already dead inside, so there was no reason to keep breathing. Everything had stopped hurting, I'd stopped making sense, and I didn't care. I was so mad at Will when he made me explain, because it made me have to think, have to feel again. I cried for so long and so hard it gave me such a bad headache, but now i'm okay. I think. He got me through it... I'm still not sure how, but he did. It's so weird, I was trying to phase him out of my life, and he's the one who ends up keeping me alive. I'm not sure how I feel anmore - but I've stopped lieing to myself. I'd pushed all that pain away, pretended it wasn't mine, and it just got so much.
There's a memorial to George, and I used to always smile when I saw it, because it was like seeing a person, and seeing how loved they were - but today I had to wipe away my tears as I walked past, because it still hurts. I hadn't let myself feel that for so long, it surprised me.

I'm not saying that I'm back in the game yet. I'm not fully okay - not by far - but I'm ready now to get through it. I'm ready to try again.

It's strange, the other day I was thinking 'I'm ready - I don't know what for, but I'm ready for what ever it is'. I think last night was it. Now is my time to start again - try again. I'll let you know if I make it.

x Lauren Sophia x

87220  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-11-13
Written: (6635 days ago)

I've had the worst day. I just wanna lie down and cry. I don't want to be doing any of the stuff I am doing - how rubbish is that?
I don't like school - I can't be bothered to do my work - and... I just don't think I can handle the work load on top of this virus and everybody being annoyed at me cause I don't wanna do the stuff I'm 'meant to'. I'm so sore inside and out. I dunno how much of this I can take.

87139  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-11-12
Written: (6636 days ago)

I keep thinking alot about death. I don't know why. I was thinking today how rediculous it would be for a religious person to speak at my funeral - what would they say??
"Lauren was a very good christian at heart... the fact she didn't believe in God, or Christ, or any of the bible didn't stop her being a good christian, and I know she is in heaven somewhere..." Bollocks! It's just so annoying - you don't go anywhere when you die (well - you're body goes into the ground I guess, or through an incinerator) you don't go to heaven, or hell, you just stop. It's not something to be scared of. When I die, I'm donating my organs then letting my family / loved ones decide what to do with whats left of me - it wont exactly effect me, will it? I'm not going to feel it or anything. Funeral's and that stuff isn't for the person who's died, it's for the people left behind. Maybe that sounds pesimistic to you - but it's realy how I feel.
I hope no one is upset when I die - I'll have had my time, I'll have had my time with them. Memories are all we are in the end anyway, so why cry about what we can't have anymore when we can smile about the stuff we had, the stuff we did, and the people we did them with. I know it hurts to loose some one - I've lost enough of them to understand that - but it's like .. I duno .. at their funerals, you look at that coffin, and - they're just not in there... it's not them, it's just an empty shell.
I remember when we were stood outside the church at Georgie's funeral, and I was thinking 'I can't believe they're going to put that amazing person in the ground, where it's dark and cold...' and then this breeze just pulled at my hair (Just like when she'd pull my hair as she walked past) and I realised, they aren't putting her in the ground, they're putting a shell there. A beautifull empty shell; and I looked up at the sky and just... felt at peace - Like saying goodbye.
I realy like the Gia theory. The earth energy calling you and you're experiences back to it and growing. Makes sense - but I don't mind if it's not real. I don't mind if that wind was just wind, because it's how it made me feel that counts - and it made me feel whole again.
I just... don't want people to hurt when I'm gone (and I don't intend that to be too soon in the future, don't worry). I want people to think 'that's a shame' but not hurt. Any way, I'm gonna go help mum with the vegetables, catchya in a bit.
Blessed be

87070  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-11
Written: (6637 days ago)

My friend TJ has just told me that he's going to come to my all girls school to become a male prostitute in the girls shower room. I'm scared! He also told me he wants to have sex with 3 lesbians (all at once) and is telling me right now to ask if anyone wants to help?


87064  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-11-11
Written: (6637 days ago)

Grrr  Im so sick of not having a mouse. Well, I have a mouse - it just doesn't fuckin WORK! which makes clicking on things rather difficult... sorry about any spelling mistakes, I'm tired so I'm typing with my eyes closed... laid down... on a pillow, with a quilt over me.... SOOO nice! Yeh - so, I'm kinda sleepy as I'm sure you can tell. I found out last night that I can type without thinking about it, which is kinda funky! so, yeh, not bothering to stay awake while I write my diary :P

I'm listening to Three Days Grace at the mo - they rock so hard!! Love it! aaanway - I'm also kinda knackered because I was handing out car stickers from about 10 ocklock this morning. Dunno why my energy is still so low - I've ginished the antibiotics... hmm, not sure. I'm deffinatly not up to 100% yet... but I will be soon - I hope.

I feel really... ready. Dunno why, or what for - it's just this feeling I'm getting. Odd or what? hehe.
"I could be mean - I could be angry, you know I could be just like you!" (love this song - sorry)
Well I suppose I'll go to sleep now, love ya!


86842  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-09
Written: (6639 days ago)

I'll draw you a picture

I'll draw it with a twist

I'll draw it with a razor and

I'll draw it on my wrist

86833  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-11-09
Written: (6639 days ago)

(3rd times a charm - I keep being logged out *sigh*)
I went back to school today. I felt so wanted. The first people I saw today were like 'OMIGOSH it's you!'. I've had so many hugs today, and so many people gratefull that I'm back. I don't think anyone realised just how much that meant to me.
I was almost sick in the loo's just before ethics. Helen and Claire found me (they're just some people I know realy), and they helped me out no end. Thank's girls. Even though I felt ill, I managed to get through it all.

  And now I've got back home, I'm invisible again. Mum and dad started fighting when we got in. Not the shouting type of fighting, that quiet, angry type that means more than just 'I'm pissed off'. I hate it when they fight, I wanna leave this place. The atmosphere is... opresive.

 Well - I have a big thank you to say.
Thank you Kiran. Last night I was a bit quite and say 'I know' alot, and made up lots of excuses - but it realy means a lot to me that you would try - Thank you for being there for me. I hope you know that I'm always here for you if you need me (and when you don't aswell).

 Thought for the day:
When you care for someone - let them know... if only once in a while. You don't realise how big a difference it can make to someone.

I'm off to go for a walk in half an hour with Sasha (she's like ... my walking companion (just like in 'Emma') hehe) so I'm gonna sign out.

Thank you, I love you all, my friends

86780  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-08
Written: (6640 days ago)

Meh - none of my friends are online. I have nothing to do. I'm sick of being Ill!!

Okay, rant over!

Thought for the day:
You can't choose you're family - but you can choose to be their friend.

I'm so psyched about next thursday now. Mrs (Cindy) Davis called back finaly, she wants me to come to her house for choir practice next thrusday - and she wants me to take my guitar and sing a few songs. ((Eeepy fied)) If there's anyone I'd be nervous singing in front of, it would be Mrs Davis - she was always my fav teacher at primary school, and I really want to impress her. I'm thinking of singing 'empty' by the Cranberries (Coz I love it!) and maybe something like 'the rose' by bette middler ... not sure though. I'd love to have one of my songs finished that I could -  oh wait - there's that one I wrote for Georgina... though that is kinda.. upsetting. I dunno. Maybe.

Again - I haven't spoken to my boyfriend in longer than I'd like to believe, and I'm starting to really REALY miss him. Suppose I'll have to deal though.
Still haven't done much on my coursework - hopefully I'll get an extension since I've been so ill.
I'm in school tomorow, hopefully, so that I can stay in Bar Mock. I'm enjoying it so much - but I haven't written the closing speaches yet, again because I've been so ill.
You can tell I'm getting better though, my diary gets positive when I'm well, and negative when I'm ill...

It's about time though. I've got my retakes coming up soon, the bar mock competition is next saturday, I think tomorow is the maths challenge as well. Jesus. I'm not sure if I'm realy ready for any of this!
Butterflies... eepage.

Message for the day:
When the world starts to fall apart, think of it as an opertunity to shine. Remember that you make a difference, you matter, and life wouldn't be the same without you.

Well - I'm off, probably time to take more antibiotics. Have a nice day/night.

Blessed be.

86712  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-11-07
Written: (6641 days ago)

Found this on *sparkle 101*'s profile and thought it was exactly what I'd try to explain on Sunday (2006-10-29):

His name was Kyle.
It looked like he was carrying all of his books.
I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd."
I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on.
As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him.
They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt.
His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him.
He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes.
My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye.
As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives."
He looked at me and said, "Hey thanks!"
There was a big smile on his face.
It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude.
I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived.
As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before now.
I would have never hung out with a private school kid before.
We talked all the way home, and I carried some of his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid.
I asked him if he wanted to play a little football with my friends. He said yes.
We hung out all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him, and my friends thought the same of him.
Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again.
I stopped him and said, "Boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday!
He just laughed and handed me half the books.

Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends.

When we were seniors, we began to think about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown, and I was going to Duke.
I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem.
He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a football scholarship.
Kyle was valedictorian of our class.
(I teased him all the time about being a nerd)
He had to prepare a speech for graduation. I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak

Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school.

He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than I did and all the girls loved him. Boy, sometimes I was jealous!
Today was one of those days.
I could see that he was nervous about his speech; so, I smacked him on the back and said
"Hey, big guy, you'll be great!"

He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled.
"Thanks" he said.

As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began
"Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years.
Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach...but mostly
your friends...

I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I am going to tell you a story."

I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met.

He had planned to kill himself over the weekend.
He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home.

He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile.
"Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable."
I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy
told us all about his weakest moment.
I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile.
Not until that moment did I realize it's depth.

Never underestimate the power of your actions. With one small gesture you can change a person's life. For better or for worse.

 The logged in version 

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