[_Gone_far from here]'s diary

90506  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-12-22
Written: (6497 days ago)

okay i have a bf!!! gez ifeel like i have to keep him a secret so you guys will say in touch with me. I HATE IT WHEN MY GUY FRIENDS STOP TALKING TO ME B/C I HAVE A BF!!!! friends are freidns no matter civil status gawd!!!!! I care for alot of my guy friends, alot!!! but hes my bf for now and if you gusy say you truely ccare for me like you say you do, then you'll stay my friends and not jsut leave me b/c i have a bf. i don't even understand why guys do that. IT HURTS ME WHEN YOU DO!!!!!!!!!! and if you say you care about me then you would not hurt me on pupose!!!!
i have a bf, i have guy friends i want to keep both and its possible, so don't stop tlaking to me jsut b/c i have a bf!!!!!!!! i care for all of my friends!!!!!

89816  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-14
Written: (6505 days ago)
Next in thread: 89822

*lowers head covering my face with my hands* I don't know what to do anymore, alls i know is love, deep true love. And everbody is telling me its wrong...that i'm wrong. i can't keep anybody happy anymore, like i can't be what ppl want me to be. and i want to be me. I've had four friends stop talking to me alltogether b/c i got a bf, how stupid is that? is a grudge worth a good friendship? *shaeks head* i dont understand, i wish i could be everthing to everyone, but i can't make every body happy, and i matter a little. I love him....and i want to stay with him....but i don't want to lose all my good friends. and if they leave me for having a bf are they truely my friends?
*silently sobs* i don't know waht to do, i only know Love and i must follow.

89661  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-12
Written: (6506 days ago)

its offical i'm in love, like real love. and its for him. and for once i really think he loves me back. i have a hope, a beliefe and strenght in this love that i hve never had befor. its unexplainable, all i know is its there. I'm loveing every moment of this hes always on my mind ^_^ and i love. It gives me chils every time i think there is someone out there that feels the same way about me as i do them. that there is someont out there that loves me

89512  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-09
Written: (6509 days ago)

I FINALY FOUND MY BETTER HALF!!!! I REALLY REALLY like him maybe even love him. the first guy i have EVER felt this strong about. and i can't wait to get even closer to him ^_^ i'm going to give it my all. i have some one that cares for me, i have a boy friend ^_^ a luv

89385  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-07
Written: (6511 days ago)

*shakes head* i want to believe so bad, i do hes in my head all the time i cant get his picture out of my mind. but its always happend! i fall head over heals for a guy and then they turn around rip myheart out and leave me alone for dead. *sighs* it always seems "diffrent" and i want to believe and try and i am i will NeVeR give up b/c i CANT but i jstu don't want to get hurt Again. i dunno if i should let out my love i might scare him off, or he might just drif like all the others. Do i let out my love and take the risk again? i know i should but it always seems to end in pain. always has with me, no guy that i have seen has deeply cared for me from the bottem of their heart...not even my own fucking father!....*sigh* you jsut learn to numb yourself after a while, i want to get out of that numb but is so hard to and such a risk.
Like this is the first guy in a LoNg time that ive really REALLY liked and acctuly thought was a good shot and i think he cares i hope he does b/c i think i'm realy gunna try.

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