[JoviForLife]'s diary

89105  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-10-22
Written: (6514 days ago)

OCT 22, 2006

Now that I've finally woken up (10:45am).

Diane's wedding yesterday was freaking amazing, the rehearsal was pretty funny too. At the rehearsal, there were 3 other American groomsmen from Wisconsin and one named (Ja)Red (who was drinking) said

"In the states, we have sex, drugs and rock and roll, what is there in Canada?"

I replied "sex, drugs, rock and roll and hockey"

Then he said "In Wisconsin, we have football and a bunch of other sh**, what do you guys do here, man"

"Play hockey, make maple syrup, feed our sled dogs and build igloos"

"I'm hungry, dude, what's there to eat here that we don't have"

(Wasnt thinking when I said this) "We eat beavers"

(Red falls off chair laughing while other people knew i was talking about the animal)

Alright the wedding. We gathered at Diane's at about 9 in the morning, only to be asked to go back home and go to Walmart to get tin foil and tons of water bottles. Back to Di's we go (after stopping at a gas station). We get our nails done, Lorryne pounces on a sleeping, kind of hungover Red, Nick calls and spends 10mins giving me directions to where he's staying only to find out he already had a ride, and then the funny part. All of a sudden, people are yellin my name (I was upstairs), they find me and say "Casey, theres a handsome young man in a KILT (huge emphasis on the kilt) looking for ya.
Some people giggled, others were confused but I sure as heck ran excitedly downstairs to find my companion of the night, Brad, standing at the front door, and YES, he was in a kilt (He is kind of Scottish/Irish, I think...). Haha. Him and me go back a bit. I've known the guy for almost 2 years. He was a grill cook at the highway McDonalds and I was a cashier for the downtown McDonalds.

Anyways..After nearly dying of heat, Me, Megan, Lorryne and Brad drive to the banquet hall, get changed, prep Diane who looked freakin' amazing in her wedding dress. Then finally, wedding hour came (2pm) Being maid of honour, other than the flower girl and ring bearer (who was so adorable!!), I had to walk down the aisle first with the best man (we won't go there). I was really nervous up there and I think it showed because apparently I was pretty red faced, my question is, why were people looking at me as Diane got married?? Then I got to sign a witness form saying I was MOH and was witness to this marriage. Best thing I ever signed.

Post Wedding
Shook at least 200 hands, 100 of em told me my hands are cold. Had wedding party photos taken in the freezing cold on the steps in front of the building, in front of a tree where it was muddy and my heels were literally sinking thru the grass and dirt, in front of water (Luckily between photos, I had Brad's warm jacket ^^) I had to give a speech too, along with Best Man, parents, then Diane and Wayne. I had the longest one because everyone except the newlyweds cried during their speech and ended fast. I had the tendency to ramble a bit but everytime I did, I managed to say something that made people laugh which was good.

Lots of food, good music and all my old buds from high school to dance with. Me and Brad's dance was to "Far Away" by Nickelback, I love that tune. And now I can honestly say I managed to slow dance (With Brad, not alone, haha) to the freakin Killers (they rock socks) "All These Things That I've Done" Hahahaha, that was fun. Nothing beats slow dancing and singing "Ive got soul but I'm not a soldier"
The bar didn't ask for ID so Becka and Lorryne managed to get annoyingly drunk. There were many attempts by Lorryne to look up Brad's kilt, among other things. Diane and Wayne were so happy. Nick showed off but it was hilarious b/c he had no idea what he was doing. Sarah and Kelly were there, that was awesome. It was all good fun. I'll certainly never forget about it. Now I just need some of the photos.

89104  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-10-05
Written: (6514 days ago)

Tonight was a special night, the 211th birthday of Sir Alexandir Keith, the creator of Alexander Keith Premium Draft. The pub held a celebration in this man's honour and everyone saw a bit of green, then saw blurriness.

Matt and Eric pretending to be drunk, I'm not lying, haha.

Happy Birthday, Mr Keith!

89103  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-09-22
Written: (6514 days ago)

Wow, just wow. College orientation has been awesome so far but Hedley/Motion Picture Ending's performance at the pub just topped it off completely.

At the beginning of the night, I drove the long way to the college thinking I didn't want to be too early, my mistake. I walked to the end of the line of people and could no longer see the college. I was afraid that I would not get in due to it selling out. What I believed to be Hedley's bus was near me. One of the rooms at the had a big screen television, an groupie watching the tv and a bra hanging near the tv.

Once I actually got inside, I managed to get a spot less than eight feet from the stage. That's when Motion Picture Ending came out. Motion Picture Ending was great for a local band. I think they won the crowd over with their awesome rock ballad about Paris Hilton being a dumb blonde. Sounds juvenile but it was awesome. The song contained the line "..a blonde that ain't that hot", hehe THAT'S HOT!..Eww. My feet were falling asleep by the end of their set, during which time I made a friend, Mike. We waited for Hedley, talked for like 20 minutes and went to my car to get my gum, I had a horrible taste in my mouth from the pasta I'd eaten earlier.

Motion Picture Ending's singer

So the show had started, and we were still eight feet away from the stage. They played my favourite songs off their album including On My Own, Trip and 321. They also played Wheatus' Teenage Dirtbag. I sang along to every song I could.


Jacob was so funny with his vulgarity. They wanted us to scream; sing along; clap; throw our hands up; shake our fists and middle fingers; sing Oh Canada (since they were homesick from touring the United States for so long); protest that we f*** our enemies, friends, and themselves hard, which everyone participated in and laughed at, including them; and even sing "Hedley sucks big balls" for awhile He also had us sing "Chris is a *ag but there's nothing wrong with that", with Chris being his guitarist.

Awesome show, can't wait for the next pub night. Bedouin Soundclash is coming next. I might go to that.

Meanwhile, here's a video I took of Hedley, enjoy.


 The logged in version 

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