[Lexxi Scuzz]'s diary

106229  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-09-26
Written: (6218 days ago)

hello people! I am going to spazz and die now coz Heroes is amazing! I just watched the latest ep on Three and i was like ZOMG!! *dies* I still fangirl Peter and Hiro so much and i love the new trampy guy that has appeared.. okay non of that is spoilers and i'm going to stop rambling before i do spoil the plot for anyone as Three is about 2 eps ahead of BBC 2 now.. or 1 w/e other channel they show it on! X3 and I'm also going to spazz because i've been the happiest these last couple of days that i've been in ages! =D which is fan-fabulous! I've made a decision that is selfish to hell and i am loving it! XD Plus Josh is out of my life for good. As far as i'm concerned he's dead to me and good riddence i say! Now this is making me seem a horrible person i know but i'm one of those easy going people that is always thinking about making others happy and how they feel and bottling up my own feelings so i go through really depressed stages and talk to no one about them.. and blah blah blah really. Right now i have no close friends but i don't mind! It's so much better now i can just be myself and i've hung out with so many cool people these last couple of days i think that maybe i'm perfectly happy with my life and whats happening it.. which i haven't been for so long. I spent too much of my time worrying about other people that it actually built up on me so much i spent more time wanting to kill myself than i did having fun! But this is a new year (school year) and a new leaf and i'm grabbing it by the horns. I'm not going to worry about having close friends. I have people i can chat to and in 2 to 3 years i'll be off to uni anyways! I need to knuckle down thoough coz i have my eyes set on cambridge doing architecture and there is a 1 in 12 acceptance rate. So i've taken 5 AS levels and i really need to get As in all of them. I'm starting to feel the pressure but i'm taking it in my stride and i'm going to get organised this weekend! (For real! :o) lol
Anyways i have no idea what i am rambling about and th future's boring i need to copy out some notes for Matt and hit the hay.. actually no i'm going to do something for my brother.. coz he asked me too.. and i love him really. Thats the other thing i'm majorly close to my family at the moment! My dad's away alot and my mum get's really upset by it.. i mean i cna cope but i am stupidly independant it has been said! For example in the next month i think i'm seeing him for an hour this sunday and thats it.. o__O so yeah.. i'm having to do more work at home.. alot more responsibility but i feel i've grown up alot and i can cope! =D I'm actually enjoying being relied upon by my mum! It gives me a feeling of worth! XD
Anyhoo.. i'm off to potter the net write those notes and do that thing (it's art based so you never know i mmight upload it to here or DA depending on how it turns out!)

106060  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-09-24
Written: (6220 days ago)


when life gives you lemons... throw them at next doors cat.. it won't solve any of your problems but it'll make you feel a hell of a lot better! XD

Now for some poetry fitting my mood

Love’s an abstract notion,
A notion that escapes me,
If I knew what Love was,
Maybe it’d set me free,
If I could discover its meaning,
I could open my eyes and see,
But Love’s an abstract notion,
A notion that escapes me. 

Sometimes you have to let things go,
Sometimes you have to give up on pain,
Sometimes you have to turn your back,
Just so you’ll be all right again.

Sometimes you have to say goodbye,
Sometimes you have to walk away,
Sometimes you have to be alone,
Just to stop those tears you cry.

Sometimes you make mistakes,
Sometimes your heart breaks,
Sometimes everything is wrong,
And you wonder where that perfect life has gone.

Sometimes the surprises are good,
Sometimes the sun might shine,
Sometimes everything is fine,
Sometimes you achieved everything you could.

There are so many maybes,
So many might be’s,
So many chances and choices,
And mistakes to be made.

That sometimes I wonder,
I sit and I ponder,
If there’s any point,
Or if it’s all make-believe.

Both are written by and Copyright me. ^_^ ask for permission if you wish to use them.
105839  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-09-19
Written: (6225 days ago)

Arrr! I be commendeering this from [Beki in Wonderland]!!

I'm a Fabulous Pornstar who will do anything for sex!! hehe ROFL!!

Now you try!

1st letter of 1st name

A- Fabulous
T- Very Sexy

Now the Third letter in your middle name (if you dont have one use your last name):

B- skank
M-Sex machine
R- Beauty queen
S-Prince (ess)
U-Cry Baby
X-Scardy Cat

Now What Color Is the Shirt You Are Wearing:

Red- Who's Good With My Hands
purple- Who Looks At Porn 24/7
Orange- Who Likes It In The Butt
Yellow- Who Wants To Have Sex With You
Green- Who will do anything for Sex
Pink- Who Will Rock Your World
blue- Who wants to fuck everyday
White- Who everyone wants to screw
Brown- Who Wears Big Sunglasses
Black- Who Will Do Anything For Crack
Gray- who gives great head
None-who is a beast in bed


105791  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-09-18
Written: (6226 days ago)

I'm freeezing! lol may be because i'm sitting around in my pirate costume but the cold air coming out of the chimney doesn't help! So i'm going to snuggle into my nice new bed! X3

lol just 2 things to mention about today: The bus-pass incident! I thought i'd lost my discount card for the bus and me and neil were looking everywhere for it. Then the bus came so i decided i'd just have to hope i had enough money! Guess what? As i got on the bus i found it! where you ask? not somewhere normal.. noo that'd be too easy.. it was up my sleeve -__- i meant wtf?? why do i keep putting stuff up my sleeve? I always find stuff i've lost there and i don't even notice i've done it!

2) my mum said they have jobs going in Tesco on a tuesday and friday so i'm going to get an application form tomorrow! =D yay! More money! and BOA ticket soon too! X3

So yeah loving life! Pictures and/or vid of pirate day to come tomorrow! Tarrah!
Love ya! xxx 

105607  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-09-15
Written: (6229 days ago)

short ramble as i am exhausted and lacking in rum... bah. i need more before wednesday.

Jack made me laugh he said to me tonight (he's 7 i was babysitting)"I hope i still know you when i'm a famous footballer. I should do. I want you to babysit my kids if i have any." I was like o___O aww... but i'm going to be in my 30s by the time he has kids.. 9 years age difference... o__O i shall have kids of my own. hehe! bless

Now to get off the pc and go to bed.. i blame matt... he talks to me waaay too much and is a night dweller as well >.<

105554  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-09-14
Written: (6230 days ago)

Why hello there!! I'm doing crap all!! XD i have homework and i have to clean my bedroom floor but i'm arsed with any of it.. i might go do it after this ramble.. the after that i need to finish my VERY late BOA ramble for ET and ramble about school. It doesn't particularly matter coz i'm doing an all nighter then going to chester to drink a bit.. and then babysitting and then more not sleeping and then waking up and going "ugggh" XD that is my plan for the weekend! Should be fun!

I stayed out after school today and bianca was there and we had a conversation.. Beki was off "sucking face" (I <3 that expression) with josh (ex) and she was asking me how i felt about the whole thing coz she felt really uncomfortable! Which made me laugh and want to give her a hug.. it was really weird though.. she thought i'd be all.. i dunno uncomfortable being around but i didn't.. infact if anything i'm relieved. He's been annoying the hell out of me.. i dunno what it is but i really don't like him anymore and i regret going out with him but now i don't have to worry about it! ^__^ which is good! So yeah.. i'm not bothered... i've been ALOT happier than i have in ages since i split with Josh and started 6th form all i need now is the right guy and i'd say life is pretty perfect for me! X3  

And Amy bit my wrist to prove it made your fingers tingle and now it's all swollen! XD I bit her back though XD which is cool.. XD And LOTS of new 6th form friends! =D wahhooooo! I am LOVING life! Fo sho!!! XD

105385  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-09-09
Written: (6235 days ago)
Next in thread: 105386, 105387

Okay something else that i found VERY amusing:


roflcakes! XD XD *dies* yeah and does anyone else think the green one looks kinda penis shaped??

105295  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-09-07
Written: (6237 days ago)
Next in thread: 105297

ROFLMAO!!!! FOCROFADLIAC!!!! *dies* okay this made me laugh alot!! so i'm posting it here.. i will put the link to the quiz after it.. but the questions and replies.. *dies again*

1] find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll...
have a stupid penny.
have good luck!
have dirt on your fingers.
be an idiot.
ooh... shiny...

2] an apple a day...
isn't a bad idea.
is all you need to launch an ongoing air missile war.
keeps the doctor away...
must be polished until shiny.
is redundant.

3] life is like...
a box of chocolates.
flying fish. :D
a big, unsatisfying waste of time.
death. only backwards.
a winter sunrise.

4] do unto others...
lots and lots.
as you would have them do unto you.
or pie.
quickly, before they have a chance to do it to you first.
what you can't do for yourself.

5] time flies...
like an arrow. fruit flies like a banana.
when you're having fun.
in the face of danger.
when you want it to stop.
and life moves on for everyone still living.

6] when in doubt...
lob a second grenade.
run away!
poke it.
think about it. The answer will come to you.
listen to your instincts.

7] the early bird...
catches the worm.
sings the most beautiful song.
is paranoid enough to avoid the other birds.
has pretty feathers?

8] you laugh because I'm different, I laugh because...
ahahaha.. hahahahehehah-... wait, what?
you're all the same.
you're not laughing anymore, now, are you.
I had too much to drink.
I don't want to be left out. ...[stop laughing!]

9] you can attract...
more honey paper with flies. :D
more flies with sugar.
those missing dryer socks with static electricity...
more bullets with friendly fire.
me if you make up poetry about me. >>

10] good things...
come to those who wait.
seem to avoid me like the plague.
I'm good things!
are out there. But don't worry, I'm stalking them.
can happen to good people.

11] what doesn't kill you...
is just toying with you.
makes you stronger.
should be petted until fluffy.
hurts you anyway.
is usually responsible for what does.

link: http://onnachance.com/quiz/fae.htm

I was a pixie X3

104993  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-08-31
Written: (6244 days ago)

Here's sometyhing no one wants to know... I have the worst stomach cramps EVER any guy that thinks being a girl is easy has alot to learn.. or not learn as the case may be.. but on the upside i'm not pregnant and i can be happy knowing i didn't break my 101 festival rule.. although right now i'd take the baby.. ugh *dies* and an early morning tomorrow *cries* i want to bury myself somewhere.. thats a nice happy thought isn't it? I couldn't even have a lazy day today.. it went something like: get up, drink coffee, start feeling like crap, want to go back to bed, mother decides we have to go into town, buy paint (-____-), eat lunch, start decorating, finally get to go on pc.
blergh! thats all i can say and i can't be bothered getting off the laptop now.. so peh. I can't wait till we get the wireless installed and i can sit in my new bed (once my room is done) and go on the net *daydreams* anyways yeah.. yesterday isn't really worth mentioning except that if you're in manchester and get a chance to see the Dr Who exhibit it is really worth it!! I LOVED it!!!! XD that is all.

104913  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-08-29
Written: (6246 days ago)

Today was a good day! ^_^ *nods* i'm no longer broke becuase my gran sent me £100 because of my GCSE results and i got my allowence! Which is great i should be working more too now which means i won't be spending as much and i'll have more money coming in! Plus my mum owes me £90. We went to chester (my family) with my uncle, aunt and cousins and did some shopping so i've got everything for school and i bought myself a new belt. I got a pair of jeans too, my only other two pairs got wrecked at BOA but they're not quite right so i have to back and swap them.. which may mean a shopping trip with my friends next week! *dances*
What else? well my laptop arrived today! So i'm testing it out at the moment, i'm on cable internet not wireless becuase my dad needs to get the wireless installed.. but meh! X3 i love this laptop! It's shiny! XD Oh and i'm going to Danny's housewarming on Saturday hopefully Beki will be coming too and then her and Danny will stay over saturday night! My mum's said it's okay so i just need to tell Beki and confirm with Danny! But it's all good i'm even excited about getting back to school and 6th form on wednesday! It should be alot of fun and after 3 months off i'm kinda ready to stop lazing around gaining weight! lol so yeah and i'll be able to start a proper diet too if i'm at school!
Anyways thats all for now i have to answer messages and install software and stuff *sigh* lol! XD

104786  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-08-26
Written: (6249 days ago)

Bloodstock! *dies* bloodstock 2007 GO SEE! XD

104785  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-08-26
Written: (6249 days ago)
Next in thread: 104793

I banged a homeless guy because I have AMAZING boobs


You try now.

pick the month you were born in
1 - I banged
2 - I killed
3 - I ran shirtless with
4 - I raped
5 - I killed
6 - I cuddled with
7 - I needed
8 - I ate out
9 - I ran naked with
10 - I stabbed
11 - I slept with
12- I smoked with
Pick the day (number) you were born on
01 - the kool-aid man
02 - you
03 - a pornstar
04 - a toothbrush
05 - a horse
06 - a bag of weed
07 - a prostitute
08 - your mom
09 - a jew
10 - a homo
11 - the trojan man
12 - Paris Hilton
13 - a whore
14 - a cat
15 - a pickle
16 - paris hilton
17 - a bisexual
18 - a dog
19 - an orange
20 - a crackhead
21 - a bowl of cereal
22 - a easter egg
23 - my ex
24 - a condom
25 - a jar of honey
26 - a lesbian
27 - a homeless guy
28 - a french fry
29 - your dealer
30 - a stripper
31 - Ur grandma
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing
White - Because thats how i roll
Black - because im sexy
Pink - Because the lil people told me to
Red - because I have AMAZING boobs
Blue - because I'm a pimp and your jealous
Polka Dots - because I hate my life
Purple - because I'm gay
Gray - because I love marijuana
Other - because I have double D's
Green - because I'm beautiful
Orange - because I smoke crack
Turqoise - because I have a noodle in my nose
Brown - because i had to
Shirtless - because I've got abs

102434  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-07-14
Written: (6292 days ago)

I didn't go to chester i slept in by accident! >.< lol but on the plus side i'll have been payed by the time i go next week! =D more money! yay!

I did go for a long walk.. it was ALOT of fun! I'll put pictures up soon *nods*

Oh and i split up with my boyfriend (i dumped him) and i feel so relieved not to have to worry all the time about whether i'm going out with him for the wrong reasons. I didn't realise until now how much it was weighing over my head. I'm sorry if any of you think i'm a bitch.. i probbably am but that aside i always think that if you're not a bit selfish in relationships you get stuck doing everything for the other person and being miserable yourself. I talked to him about it a couple of weeks back but nothing changed it didn't get better so i got out. Thats just me. 

102401  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-07-13
Written: (6293 days ago)


on the spurr of the moment i'm going to go have my nose pierced and meet up with some friends and.. cheh.. just have a good time with a different crowd of people.. i need to do something without plannig it and arranging. I have chantelle's number so i'm going to text her when my nose is done and go meet up with her and hopefully cal and gemma and people! ^_^

101423  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-06-25
Written: (6311 days ago)

I have nothing of relevance to say except i love my EP house.. it's very uncluttered and to the pointg! =D yay.. although i need to write a bit about me.. at the moment i just sound like some myvi obsessed ninja loon.. which is mostly true!

ZOMG!! The Anti-Prom It rawked so much! well what i can remember of it did! X3

101208  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-21
Written: (6315 days ago)

wow i actually have quite a few diray entries here.. o___O i don't rant much on EP.. but seeming as the libary pc is being nice nad letting me online i might as well have a ramble. That and [Beki in Wonderland] missed her bus and won't be meeting me till about 12:30.. so peh! ^__^

EXAMS ARE OVER! *parties*

Yeah I did my final exam today it was STATs which i found alright i mean i probably could have done alot worse.. from what i've heard from other people though they found it quite hard o__O which makes me think i completely mis-interpreted the whole paper.. but heh *shrugs* we'll have to wait until August till i have any idea.. stupid results day being 2 months after exams! >.< But anyways now it's done it means i can spend my time doing whatever i want, sleeping in the day on the pc all night, rambling across the countryside, drinking.. that sorta thing! XD which is awesome!! Tonight i'm not doing much coz i said i'd babysit till 12 but i might come on the pc for a bit when i get home.. i need to go on gaia and fish! X3 i'm so sad! lol but tomorrow should be awesome! *nods* i'm getting all dressed up and going to Mike's party! *squee* Me and Beki are going to get drunk and steal people's shoes (normal for us really! XD)

After that work on Sunday (i haven't worked for a month and i've been in town alot so as a result i've spent pretty much all my money =/ so getting cash is useful!) then some camping, a 2 week FSC holiday, BLOODSTOCK <333333, more camping (or staying at home on my own! =P) and who knows what else i'm going to decide to do probably shopping.. shopping is fun! *yush* so meh.. here's to the start of my summer (which by coincidence begins on the longest day of the year!)


100112  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-29
Written: (6338 days ago)

OMG!! i had issues last night.. hyper and mellowed out on rum. So yeah.. you know how i can tell? I said i'm going to bed coz it's s:so instead of 3:30 (am) -_- i'm amazed i managed to type anything of worth.. anyways back to revision i guess! 

100099  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-29
Written: (6339 days ago)

Copy and pasted from ET (coz i'm lazy! XD)

*is trying not to yell and scream and bounce off walls as parents are asleep and are likely to kill if woken*

<.< yeah.. explination? right? well whether you want one or not you're getting one.. so woop de doo! *dances* okay.. in the spirit of things..


...and now on with explaining.. zah! XD i can't explain too hyped up and.. *manically bangs head on desk* i need to breath or calm down.. or something! Meh i shall try and explain now why i'm hyper.. ohh *notices she hasn't written in her diary for a while* I need to start updating this more often and not when i'm going crazy at some time in the morning! XD

Explination: (yeah.. REALLY!! not a bizzaare (spelt badly) hyper moment)
We shall go from the beginning shall we? yes.. that seems like a good idea me thinks..
Well i'm on *stops and reads last diray entry* god that was ages ago.. well my speaking exam went fine and trivium was awesome! *nods* now where was i?
okay.. I'm on exam leave and the past couple of days i've been doing revision and working. Yesterday me and beki went up to the farm and had a really good time.. it was hilarious.. i drove the wheelbarrow off this wall by accident coz i was day dreaming apparently i just walked along looking at the sky with a grin on my face then the wheelbarrow tipped sideways off the wall and i reacted like it was the most impossible thing ever. me: "AHH BEKI!!! It's tipping! HELPPP! *contents of wheelbarrow go everywhere and i stand there looking very confused* XD it took us ages to clean up too!
Today i had to look after some kids for the day while their mum worked. It was hard work but quite fun and i got payed £30 for it! XD (chester friday me thinks) I got home had a can of cider and then we went straight to the cinema to se pirates 3 9no spoilers coz it's not fair on people who haven't seen it yet). My mum gave me a coffee (with caffine) at about 8 and i drank it all just before the movie. It was AMAZING!!! just.. no words describe how great i thought it was! It was so good i'm going to see it again on friday in chester! So yeah.. Then we got in the car to go home and i was hyper (caffine and alcohol and general "woo" ness! XD) so i had all these ideas in my head.. (no i'm not telling you about them yet!) all i'm going to say is new art and a new story on the way!! Based on pirates 3 and a comment my brother made.
I came in and went straight to my room and started drawing the character that popped into my head and i'm pretty damn proud of the outcome! one of my best i think! *squee* I spent an hour sketching it and just started the watercolouring.. so i'm on here while i wait for some colour to dry so i can carry on. and meh.. i'm absolutely off my head hyper and might have to go for a walk later to calm myself down. I'm shaking i'm so hyper... o___O

so yeah... thats the explination.. =D hope you enjoyed the mad ramble! I'll link the wiki with the stoty and pics on (when i sort it out) in a later entry!! ohh new project!!!! (yeah i know i need to carry on with COL but i haven't been this inspired since i started COL and i'm going to run with it which means no sleep tonight!)

100044  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-05-27
Written: (6340 days ago)
Next in thread: 100083

fine thanks i enyojed your photo so iwant meet you .... i am in msn messanger now my email adress yalniz_ferdi@hotmail.com what s you email adress

... i have several problems with this message..

1)he enjoyed my photo? I DO NOT want to know how he was "enjoying" my photos... PERVERT.
2)meet me? yeah he wishes.. 1st i don't meet people i'm not friends with and 2nd i don't want to end up one of those lost rape victims.. so no thank you.
3)he is in messenger? I would be worried.. something is seriously wrong if he managed to fit in a computerised messaging programme.
4) NO under no circumstances do i give a person my msn after 2 messages.. especially not if it's after a message like that..

*shakes head* I need to find a "I do not want to be harassed be strange guys who care about nothing but sex." sign.

99688  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2007-05-21
Written: (6346 days ago)

1. Do you remember the person you first kissed?
no.. -_- *sarcasm* yeah i do.

2. Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating?

3. Ever kissed an ex after you broke up?
god no.. that just causes problems they take it too seriously

4. Have you kissed anyone in your friends list?
*looks at list *... uhh yeah XD I've kissed a couple of them.
5. Ever cheated on someone?
<.< yeah

6. Kissed someone with a gf/bf that wasn't you?
.. i don't get this question.. is it asking if i've kissed someone other than myself???? or a 3 way kiss... i've had a 3 way kiss.. i've had a 6 way kiss.. that was interesting.

7. Ever kissed someone younger than you?
*thinks* nah i'm not in to younger guys

8. Older than you?
try everyone! xD

9. Have you ever kissed someone you didn't like?
no i don't think so.

10. Ever madeout with someone who was a really bad kisser?
.. not really bad no..


I've kissed/been kissed by someone:

[x]on the cheek
[x]on the forehead
[x]on the nose
[x]on the lips
[x]with tongue
[x]in your room
[x]in the park
[x]in public
[]on a ride
[x]on a bench
[]upside down
[x]sitting on their lap
[x]laying down
[x]in broad daylight
[]at a fair
[x]at night


1. The last time you kissed someone?
this afternoon

2. Was it a game (truth or dare, spin the bottle, etc.)

3. Was the person your age?

4. Was it a friend?

5. Do you regret this kiss?

6. How many people know about the kiss?
oh gosh.. a couple.. more now lol!

1)Crushin', Interested, or in a Relationship?
... having fun! =P

2) Are you happy with where you are?
at the moment yeah i'm really happy! I have options and i don't have to commit right now.

3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
what off a building "oh my god i'm in loooo....." *falls off skyscraper* ..5 seconds later *splat* and well that was the end of that i guess... stupid question.

4) Have you ever had your heart broken?
honestly? no i haven't i'm the heart breaker usually.. or pretty much always.

5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable?
no it never is acceptable but there are people who can live with it and people that can't. If i find myself cheating i end the relationship.. coz i'm obviously not in love with my bf.

6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
never. They don't care about me if they've cheated.

7) Have you talked about marriage with another person?
... god no!! i'm 16 i want to have some fun before i sign my life away and become responsible.

8) Do you want children?
yeah 3 or 4.. a set of twins would be nice! XD

9) How many?
3 or 4

10) Would you consider adoption?
yeah if i couldn't have my own kids

11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be?
hmm.. A kiss would be nice!

12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get?
yeah it's fun being a bit flirty and coy. make them work i say! XD

13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating?
the "game" ??? to me that is code for gay sex... so no..

14) Do you believe in love at first sight?

15) Are you a romantic?
yeah but i don't think people would think i am.

16) Do you believe that you can change someone?
i believe i can try but it's not fair to change people and it often ends badly.

17) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object?
i would love to have a big traditional white wedding out in the sun in a garden, the grounds of a big rustic mansion with lots of people, flowers, children running around in pretty frocks..

18) Sex buddies - good or bad?
*shrugs* fine if you're not in a relationship and as long as you both know where you stand.

19) Do you easily give in when you are fighting?
depends if it's something i believe in strongly then no!

20) Do you have feelings for someone right now, whether they know or not?
yeh i do.

21) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you messed that up?
no not really

22.) Have you broken a heart?

23.)What would you do if you found ur bf/gf with another person in bed?
I'd tell them we were finished and hit them.

24.) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other?
no whats the point if they don't choose me anyway they obviously don't care that much.

25.)What would you say about your last ex?
meh.. too serious for me.

98896  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2007-05-01
Written: (6366 days ago)
Next in thread: 98906

hmm whats this? fifth entry? well i got some more friends now so i'm going to use this more often to ramble.. which i am good at! lol so recently:
*i got bitten by Viper (which hurt)
*I put a second piercing in my ear lobes (with a badge) [And i'm doing Beki's for her on saturday before the hemp fest! XD]
*Viper soaked me.. (grrrr!) which then resulted in Beki Viper and Andy slapping my arse -_- yeah i love you guys sooo much! =P
*I have a count of wives/husbands thats reached double figures
*Me and Beki are starting a webcomic
*I'm now writing 3 stories at once
*and oh yeah.. as an after thought i'm doing some revision!

lol there's a quick run down of things lately! =D woof! XD woof?? meh it seems to fit.. only don't pronounce it like a bark say it as if you've just been sat on!!


Thats for all my friends who are being awesome at the moment! love you all!
 The logged in version 

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