[Reoshi]'s diary

117898  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-09-03
Written: (5875 days ago)

haha so yeah...
tell me why I'm standing in the hallway with my boyfriend Kyle, talking how it's funny that about over half the people in the school know who we are or something about us and most of them we never even saw in our lives. Then out of no where these two girls walk up to us and say "OMG you guys are my hero's" and stuff like this. I'm not saying it was bad lol but quite funny how alot of our school adores us. (except the dumb ass homofobes. and stupid people who like to talk shit for no reason)

117536  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-08-16
Written: (5893 days ago)

[Reoshi]:Where you at?

[MadHatress]:I'm at my grandparent's house in Mount Gilead.

[Reoshi]:Haha, how is it there?

[MadHatress]:Peaceful...no gang b.s...plenty of friends...nothing for miles...
my kind of place, lol

[Reoshi]:hahaha, what no sex?

[MadHatress]:I'm still a virgin!
where the hell am I going to find sex? lol

[Reoshi]: Hey I got an idea you can go have sex with trees, and had little tree babys so the world will be a better place... with more trees! =D

[MadHatress]:w/e works for you, works for me, lol
XD XD XD just imagine the splinters...and the sap we'd have to clean up

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