[sam says rawr]'s diary

103997  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-08-16
Written: (6260 days ago)

This week is just not my week.

Monday, we didn't get to Projekt Revolution until after Madina Lake, Saosin, AND Mindless Self Indulgence had already finished playing.....

Tuesday I find out that I can't go to the American Diary show in Raleigh which is really cheap and is awesome and that band is one of my favorites EVER and I am in live with them.

Wednesday I go to the eye doctor only to find out I'm having surgery in October-ish, AND my dad tells me that I CAN'T get red tip sin my hair....

Can this week get any better?!?! *severe sarcasm*
haha i think not.

I pretty much have no hope for anything anymore.
except my boyfriend. He's still amazing.
But he's also retarded and his cell phone got cut off for some random unknown reason so I haven't been able to talk to him all day.

And my best guy friend isn't much help in the way of talking-to-ness....and my best girl friend....I doubt she'd care. But thats okay because I still love my freinds anyway.

so yeah that's all...

102973  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-07-25
Written: (6281 days ago)

well i must say.

I got a hug from Max Green aka Max "the Ripper" from Escape the Fate. and we met scary kids scaring kids, mayday parade, the red jumpsuit apparatus, and some new band called american diary. all were very nice.
Escape the Fate guys are about stupid though..but it's okay I still love them to death anyways.
The mosh pits were INSANE. At blessthefall me and Barbie just kinda ran over seats to get away from the "hardcore dancers" so we didn't die. and scary kids..wow...i've never sweated in so many places before... haha but it was great.
Escape the fate mosh pit though...let's just say a few little 12 year olds went home with some unexpected bruises..haha stupid little posers... but yeah it was great.

OH and I must say one last thing, I seem to be so so so much happier since I haven't been hanging out with Brea. I don't know exactly why, but I do know that I've been feeling better about myself and I've been really happy. so yeah thats always good

I <3 max greeeeeeeen =]

102089  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-07-08
Written: (6298 days ago)

why the fuck do i have to get caught in things that i don't even start?
why the fuck do people have to start shit in the first place?
why the fuck does the world have revolve around cheerleaders and preps?
why the fuck do i just want to give up.....

101629  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-06-28
Written: (6308 days ago)

i'm bored.
today is my dogs birthday =] lol
he's 3. =P
Liz is over here right now...listening to techno. so i put my headphones in and i'm listening to hollywood undead.

[this love this hate is burning me away
its hard at times like these that never chance

 The logged in version 

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