[Midori]'s diary

122599  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2009-05-21
Written: (5768 days ago)

Till. Till. Till. Till. Till. Till. Till. Sexy, sexy, sexy, sexy, german, german, german, I love Rammstein, I love Rammstein, Ich liebe Rammstein.

<img:http://www.gepek.faith.pl/galeria/till%20lindemann/till_lindemann_100.jpg><img:http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/3000000/RAMMSTEIN-TILL-LINDEMANN-rammstein-3076558-548-313.jpg> I can put your face in a safe place, if you'd like me to, Till! <img:http://www.sztarlexikon.hu/celebs/till_lindemann.jpg><img:http://lusi.altervista.org/TillLindemann.jpg><img:http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/F/Frosch/1000485652_illtill310.jpg><img:http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_KXoSs34vrKs/SOhQEuDDX5I/AAAAAAAABd0/HPVrGxyAoWU/s400/a8707till5g.jpg> So dreamy, I don't care if he's 46. <img:http://es.geocities.com/rampage_1982/rammstein/Till1.jpg>

121476  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2009-03-02
Written: (5848 days ago)

Know what?

I may not have all the happiness in the world, but I have my hope!

I'm going to take one and say you do!


 The logged in version 

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