[kristof]'s diary

102100  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-07-08
Written: (6298 days ago)

lol after all the years of saying I AM A GOD!! i am one now i joined a group called gods of elfpack and have become the god of the night.

102095  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-07-08
Written: (6298 days ago)

is it me or are all the girls that arn't sluts ether men haters or have BFs?? soo unfair... :_(

102094  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-07-08
Written: (6298 days ago)

well to day wasn't a very good start. when i disided to start looking for a artist to work with i thought i'd at lest find people so far i've found two, one, im not sure i should/can trust and the other will most likely say no and think im just trying to hit on her, ok true i love females, but i sware i only want to work with her.. not that she dosnt seem cool a bit odd but hell when have i called that a bad thing? ha maybe tomarrow will prove better ... or maybe a pack of catgirls will come to my house... nether seem likely...

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