[burning_halo]'s diary

123347  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2009-06-24
Written: (5581 days ago)

life reflected
my soul flies
happiness exists
in crystal eyes
love unbound
my heart cries
lost inside
your crystal eyes
pain is gone
no broken sighs
i feel safe
seeing crystal eyes
i am unworthy
one thousand tries
im not enough
for crystal eyes
forever and more
till all else dies
i'll stay locked inside
your crystal eyes

122616  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2009-05-22
Written: (5614 days ago)

The stage was set
So simple there
Across the room
The chosen stare
It started out
So slow and steady
My "love" began
I was unready
You cared so much
You were always there
I noticed it first
A simple scare
I missed one date
I thought no big deal
But I didn’t know
How it would make you feel
You screamed so loud
I was against the wall
The sting of a hit
But you didn’t mean it at all
"I still love you baby"
You whispered with care
I simply believed you
As you stroked my hair
It happened again
This time a punch
Yet I believed you once more
"Baby, I love you a bunch"
My insides all hurt
You were twisted, I was crying
I began to realize the truth
The love for you was dying
I escaped to a friend’s
I let it all spill
The pain was exposed
I felt truly ill
She gave me the strength
I didn’t know how
Independence restored
I could leave you now
I haven’t talked to you since
My life is my own
My new boyfriend must deal
With all the pain I have known
I saw you today
It nearly opened the sore
I remembered the fact…..
I’m not yours anymore

122254  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-04-25
Written: (5641 days ago)

o the pain
holding tight
talking now
deep in night
love is pain
they were right
hold me close
hold me tight
holding me
never leave
started to
couldn't breathe
when ur away
i couldn't stand
you're my drug
ur in demand
hugging u
now we kiss
when ur here
its simple bliss
i hope u know
but heres a clue
the song was great
i love u too

122253  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-04-25
Written: (5641 days ago)

if u have secrets u need to tell
we can talk all day long
if ur dreams get broken somehow
i'll remind u that u belong
if u need someplace to hide
u can hold my hand for a while
if ur sky begins to fall
i'll stay with u until u smile
whenever u need some space
there's my room, u can take it
if someone goes and breaks ur heart
together we'll unbreak it
when u feel sad or empty inside
i'll show u ur not alone
if u get lost out there
i'll come and take u home
i'll go with u somewhere else
when u need to get away
and when nothing seems to be going right
and u need a friend...i'll stay

by savannah b.

122252  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-04-25
Written: (5641 days ago)

o the pain
you were my drug
you were in demand
without you there
i cldnt stand
but now ur gone
not coming back
i fell to the floor
my world was black
i slowly straighten
trying to stand tall
my pain was receeding
giving a final retreat call
i saw what you were
all the times you had to lie
my breath runs through my lips
in a single broken sigh
our love was fake
but the pain was real
i know that u cheated
and how that made me feel
my heart was broken
i was in need
too bad for me
i just o.d.ed

122251  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2009-04-25
Written: (5641 days ago)

love notes burn
while the emotion spurs the fire
like what you taste of desire
people die
with no afterglow of life
fake a smile
falsehood dripping off the knife
sincere lies
burn me through and through
pain within
lack of love bursts anew
broken hearts
painful pulling of the stitches
tears run dry
emotion gone like lost riches
sorrow grows
against it you have no chance
life replaced
by a simple razorblade romance

 The logged in version 

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