[.:JT:.]'s diary

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Written about Monday 2009-05-04
Written: (5632 days ago)

So I am worried about being able to stay in my new school, It is my last chance to graduate and to become a US Marine. I need to talk to the dean tomorrow. Tell him something like, "Is there a way I can get a waver from the marines to take books home to be able to complete them faster so I can leave before a set date." I need him to know I want to change and make a better life for myself. But with that, I also need to know no more fooling around in class, I need to buckle down and get it done! I love chilling with the new friends, but all we talk about is our drugs trips and anything on the guid lines of drugs. And as of midnight tonight I will no longer think obut , or do any drugs. I have a little less than a year to complete high school, and get gone for the US Marine. If this is my goal let me grab it, If its not let me know before departure-something a friend said. Well This is my dream, so I know its my goal. I have to archive it!

 The logged in version 

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